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SX 192 Mods

Anybody upgraded their impeller and if so, what make and model number? I just had a piece of wood jam in my impeller on a windy day. I got as much of it out as I could but was getting blown in to shore so I ended up firing it back up and motored over to the ramp as slowly as possible. Luckily I was only 25 yards from the ramp anyway. If I effed up my impeller I might use it as an excuse to upgrade to something better than the stock model. Hopefully I didn't wear some damage into the impeller housing as well...
Alright, so I got the boat back from the shop.

The rubber ribbon from the restrictor got sucked in and made some damage to cylinder 2. Broke one of the valves and damaged where it seats.

In the end, I had to get a new cylinder head. Luckily SBT took my cylinder head as an exchange.

Total damage, $2000 :/

Took it out last weekend and it was doing close to 50mph.

Here my souvenir...

IMG_20150805_152140.jpg 20150715_110139.jpg 20150715_110253.jpg
Where is the part that I need to remember NOT to leave installed when doing the ribbon delete on my boat?
It could have been worse for sure. I'm glad they got you going again.
After you remove the throttle body from the manifold you will see the honeycomb looking restrictor. Remove the restrictor plus the rubber basket that secures it in place.

Do not leave that rubber ribbon in there.
Yeah. Whew.

I'm just glad it wasn't an arm and a leg.
Gotcha. Think I finally got it after looking back on the pics.
I kind of wish I would have gone with the AR190 now and just added this :winkingthumbsup"

Somebody should take one of those perdy new 24'ers and pop two of these kits in there. Hehehe.
Great, already sent a msg to the guy.
Thanks Sam.
Somebody should take one of those perdy new 24'ers and pop two of these kits in there. Hehehe.

Wouldnt an 800HP twin just flip itself over in the water? LOL:woot:
But it would make for an amazing "hold my beer" video...
Here's an update. Finally had a chance to install all OEM Yamaha parts for the upgraded SVHO intercooler... Added cooler line, routed the same as existing factory one.Looks like a factory job. Test date will be labor day... Next update when I get back...


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Those triple pissers are cool!
New high speed yesterday 52mph. Air temp 82, water temp 90. GPS speed is in bottom left corner of chart plotter.

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Will there be any real benefit from using the riva sleeve to replace the ribbon? Or should I save my 40 bucks and just remove the ribbon?
I didn't put in the sleeve.
May give this a shot. What about leaving the stock air box? Am I taking any risks by not having a flame arrestor?