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    free hit counter

The Vaccine

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You spelled bitcoin wrong :)

Fun to trade ( right now ) but man made and not by we the people thats for sure .. dont fall for it .. what if I net goes down or you dont get access to account FOR SOME REASON . ... Gold and silver are Gods money and totally private and free with no strings attached at all never was never will . IF YOU DONT HOLD IT YOU DONT OWN IT .

Fun to trade ( right now ) but man made and not by we the people thats for sure .. dont fall for it .. what if I net goes down or you dont get access to account FOR SOME REASON . ... Gold and silver are Gods money and totally private and free with no strings attached at all never was never will . IF YOU DONT HOLD IT YOU DONT OWN IT .

View attachment 163045

We were once on a this money system .. but something happened in 1913.. on Christmas eve night of all times ... you can do you homework on all important dates and events all after that ! ..... must add JFK tried to restore this but 6 months after something happend to him it got tossed and reversed ....
To clarify, there is a testing mandate for private companies over 100 employees, not a vaccine mandate. You get to "opt out" of the testing mandate if you're vaccinated. I assume this is how they think they are on legal grounds to implement this.
Partially true - the mandate appears to extend to all Federal employees and contractors. Testing will not be free, and who will pay the costs? Since this mandate doesn't appear to apply to the roughly 600k USPS employees and the recipients of Federal benefits, I question the view that this is for the "public good".
Who just purchased and now owns a large part of the testing companies? Follow the money trail folks.

Sorry, but you are replying to my post and I have not idea what you are implying?
What money trail?
Can you get specific?

Right or wrong, fortune 500 companies have to be ecstatic. They get to trim their bottom line without the bad PR hit of mass layoffs.
Partially true - the mandate appears to extend to all Federal employees and contractors. Testing will not be free, and who will pay the costs? Since this mandate doesn't appear to apply to the roughly 600k USPS employees and the recipients of Federal benefits, I question the view that this is for the "public good".

Right, the testing mandate is for private companies, vaccine mandate for federal employees.
Wait, the USPS is left out of the mandate? Lol
Fun to trade ( right now ) but man made and not by we the people thats for sure .. dont fall for it .. what if I net goes down or you dont get access to account FOR SOME REASON . ... Gold and silver are Gods money and totally private and free with no strings attached at all never was never will . IF YOU DONT HOLD IT YOU DONT OWN IT .

View attachment 163045

I wish you well in your endeavor.
Fun to trade ( right now ) but man made and not by we the people thats for sure .. dont fall for it .. what if I net goes down or you dont get access to account FOR SOME REASON . ... Gold and silver are Gods money and totally private and free with no strings attached at all never was never will . IF YOU DONT HOLD IT YOU DONT OWN IT .

View attachment 163045
God has money? Oh ya George Carlin told us about that.

You’re going full Facebook on this thread today. Mods must be busy.
Right or wrong, fortune 500 companies have to be ecstatic. They get to trim their bottom line without the bad PR hit of mass layoffs.

LOL so basically they have no need for us anymore .... robots coming
God has money? Oh ya George Carlin told us about that.

You’re going full Facebook on this thread today. Mods must be busy.
Full facebook. that made me chuckle
Right or wrong, fortune 500 companies have to be ecstatic. They get to trim their bottom line without the bad PR hit of mass layoffs.
Working for and with a lot of fortune 500s I’d say they’re ecstatic because this solves a staffing/back to office problem for them without their CEOs having to be the ones to make the call and then feeling the wrath of social media and conservative news.
It’s pretty easy to lay people off and I think most companies have the exact opposite problem right now from what I’m seeing.
Working for and with a lot of fortune 500s I’d say they’re ecstatic because this solves a staffing/back to office problem for them without their CEOs having to be the ones to make the call and then feeling the wrath of social media and conservative news.
It’s pretty easy to lay people off and I think most companies have the exact opposite problem right now from what I’m seeing.

Time to short the markets . 401ks get out now . . Housing 2008 2.0 ....
Wait, the USPS is left out of the mandate? Lol

Wait.....Might wanna do some research the United States Postal Service is not a federal employer nor has ever been. LOL
They are hoping to cover the United States Postal Service with the OSHA rules.

The United States Postal Service (USPS; also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal governmentresponsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states.
LOL so basically they have no need for us anymore .... robots coming

As it was suggested in post #1962 that I might be a bot, perhaps we are already here! ;)

All I have to add is that --


Working for and with a lot of fortune 500s I’d say they’re ecstatic because this solves a staffing/back to office problem for them without their CEOs having to be the ones to make the call and then feeling the wrath of social media and conservative news.
It’s pretty easy to lay people off and I think most companies have the exact opposite problem right now from what I’m seeing.

Yeah for sure. This is going to be taken advantage of in a lot of different situations.
Wait.....Might wanna do some research the United States Postal Service is not a federal employer nor has ever been. LOL
They are hoping to cover the United States Postal Service with the OSHA rules.

The United States Postal Service (USPS; also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal governmentresponsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states.

I knew there had to be some technicality in there to leave out the USPS.
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