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The Vaccine

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Evil, quite honestly I don't understand why you are even posting on this thread? While you are certainly free to do so, you apparently don't find the thread worthwhile and honestly aren't contributing much to it. You ask a question(s) and folks give you answers to your questions and then you try to ridicule them. At least they are trying to contribute something to the conversation, while you apparently have nothing to add. ?‍♂️

This is so terrible.

@Bruce - I'm not expecting you to admit you'd reposted misinformation, but Stevie Wonder saw this coming. With all of the real impacts of COVID on individuals/families, there's really no need for sensationalizing suspect reports that fit our biases.

@Lurch, so your point is that she had CoVID, she died, but the autopsy results are not back yet?

It is terrible regardless of what the young lady died from.
@Lurch, so your point is that she had CoVID, she died, but the autopsy results are not back yet?

It is terrible regardless of what the young lady died from.

If you'd actually read the link, you'd see that the autopsy is complete - it's right there in the article title. My point was very clear - you posted this link in this thread, perpetuating the false declaration that she died from COVID.
My God, I just popped in on this and perused through. 187 pages is fucking sad. @Bruce you seriously need a hobby or some other shit to keep you busy. Looking back a couple pages I don't think anyone even bothers to read your links or charts or anything else because you have been such a firehose of Covid data it's pointless. How the hell you are still on this thread trying to convince, what....2 other people to get a vaccine is beyond insanity. You may as well post links and graphs to convert all the republicans to democrats. I'm absolutely amazed.
Thanks for the opportunity to provide accurate information.

Regardless please reference https://jetboaters.net/threads/our-code-of-conduct.30/ and consider whether you want the 30 ban that you now qualify for as you consider further trolling and any reply that you may make.

Perhaps a game to you but creating dissent for our moderators to deal with is not without consequence.

I am curious which rule he is breaking... I didn't see anything glaring in the CoC.
It was a legitimate question, not trolling. The CoC states nothing about trolling.

While the CoC does not contain the word trolling it does describe such actions. Trolling is neither civil or courteous.

We expect members to act as adults and not engage in such childish behavior.
My God, I just popped in on this and perused through. 187 pages is fucking sad. @Bruce you seriously need a hobby or some other shit to keep you busy. Looking back a couple pages I don't think anyone even bothers to read your links or charts or anything else because you have been such a firehose of Covid data it's pointless. How the hell you are still on this thread trying to convince, what....2 other people to get a vaccine is beyond insanity. You may as well post links and graphs to convert all the republicans to democrats. I'm absolutely amazed.

LOL, there probably would only be 100 pages if we didn't have all the posts on how worthless this thread is or members trolling other members! :)

My God, I just popped in on this and perused through. 187 pages is fucking sad. @Bruce you seriously need a hobby or some other shit to keep you busy. Looking back a couple pages I don't think anyone even bothers to read your links or charts or anything else because you have been such a firehose of Covid data it's pointless. How the hell you are still on this thread trying to convince, what....2 other people to get a vaccine is beyond insanity. You may as well post links and graphs to convert all the republicans to democrats. I'm absolutely amazed.
The moderators here have to read this thread due to the number of personal attacks, partisan political references and simple trolling. Once you read posts, you get pulled in to reply....its human nature. Most people forget that Bruce and I created this forum because we enjoy the community, and in particular, enjoy interacting with said community. Translate - we like to participate too.

@adrianp89 @Lurch - Bruce and I discussed the topic of "trolling" and we will adjust the Code of Conduct to add "Trolling" to it. Which in and of itself points out a major problem with this thread and our moderating of it. How do you define trolling? Our definition is:

"Trolling is off topic (often negative or valueless) replies to the topic of the Original Poster (OP). This is different than unintentional topic wandering - which is "discussing a similar topic but not the same topic". We try and split threads that "wander" off topic to their own thread. Repeated trolling-off topic valueless/negative replies will result in Warnings"​

Lastly, members asked for an "Ignore" option so they wouldn't have to look at thread for which they have no interest. PLEASE use this feature if you disagree with, don't like, or for whatever reason find a thread that you feel compelled to Troll. Multiple trolls of a thread will result in a reply ban - which prevents you from replying.

So we will close this thread since it has wandered off topic so much, and if someone opens a new thread, we will do our utmost to keep it on topic.
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