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The Vaccine

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Hilarious....anti Florida campaign ROTFLMAO!!!!

I'll be in Tampa Thursday. Looking forward to it.

Do I care that their reporting is hit and miss....nope. But I wouldn't base any surveillance of covid off their data. The CDC really should flag when they have data reporting issues and make the map a different color.

Welcome to the wild Wild West lol. Should be relatively warm this weekend.
Welcome to the wild Wild West lol. Should be relatively warm this weekend.
Unfortunately it won't be a fun trip....Dad isn't doing well, is in rehab, and we need to find a skilled nursing facility for him.....which he won't like or understand. :-(
Unfortunately due to the foolishness here I have to quantify my position as Covid positive and Vaxd.
Heres a simple unbiased question, How many shots are you willing to get? Is another shot every 6 months acceptable to you?
At what point do you begin to question how much foreign matter you are putting in your body?
Unfortunately due to the foolishness here I have to quantify my position as Covid positive and Vaxd.
Heres a simple unbiased question, How many shots are you willing to get? Is another shot every 6 months acceptable to you?
At what point do you begin to question how much foreign matter you are putting in your body?
Do you drink alcohol? Do you eat processed food? Do you smoke or have a cigar every now and then? Do you go to a restaurant? Will you go to a concert? Will you take medicine for chronic conditions you may have? Will you eat food with added sugar? No need to answer private info, just a thought process.

All this to say, I don't get the "foreign matter" argument. Yes, for me, my patients, and my family, a shot every 6m is not an unreasonable ask. At least in the current state of things. I hope it is not always like this and this stupid virus will mutate itself into a nerf ball.
Do you drink alcohol? Do you eat processed food? Do you smoke or have a cigar every now and then? Do you go to a restaurant? Will you go to a concert? Will you take medicine for chronic conditions you may have? Will you eat food with added sugar? No need to answer private info, just a thought process.

All this to say, I don't get the "foreign matter" argument. Yes, for me, my patients, and my family, a shot every 6m is not an unreasonable ask. At least in the current state of things. I hope it is not always like this and this stupid virus will mutate itself into a nerf ball.

None of those are encoded with directions that tell your body to do something.
None of those are encoded with directions that tell your body to do something.

Actually they do. Many of those habits can lead to epigenetic changes that will actually be longer lasting than a mRNA signal, and truly alter the way certain genes may be expressed. And many medicines we take also tell the body to do things.

Do you also disagree with routine flu vaccination? Routine pneumonia vaccination? If not, is it because they are not mRNA? If so, I would propose that mRNA is actually cleaner than our older vaccines. If yes, why?

Also, in case it is not clear, I'm picking your brain and trying to understand your position. My tone may not carry on text, but I'm not being antagonistic or judgmental.
My position is irrelevant as I dont care what anyone on an internet message board does when it comes to vaccines, its the 3 or 4 people forcing their position on this entire thread.
Actually they do. Many of those habits can lead to epigenetic changes that will actually be longer lasting than a mRNA signal, and truly alter the way certain genes may be expressed. And many medicines we take also tell the body to do things.

Do you also disagree with routine flu vaccination? Routine pneumonia vaccination? If not, is it because they are not mRNA? If so, I would propose that mRNA is actually cleaner than our older vaccines. If yes, why?

Also, in case it is not clear, I'm picking your brain and trying to understand your position. My tone may not carry on text, but I'm not being antagonistic or judgmental.

Those items can cause habits, but that at the end of the day that is a choice.

I have never had a flu shot. Never had the flu either. All other vaccines I have had were forced upon me for school. I am not anti-vax. I avoid taking pills as much as possible, I will ride out a migraine or a serious hangover.

I put enough alcohol and raw sushi in my body that I don't need any more foreign substances lol. I will get a shot if its something I am seriously concerned about.
My position is irrelevant as I dont care what anyone on an internet message board does when it comes to vaccines, its the 3 or 4 people forcing their position on this entire thread.
Dude, you literally asked a question about what we would do. Fine.
Those items can cause habits, but that at the end of the day that is a choice.

I have never had a flu shot. Never had the flu either. All other vaccines I have had were forced upon me for school. I am not anti-vax. I avoid taking pills as much as possible, I will ride out a migraine or a serious hangover.

I put enough alcohol and raw sushi in my body that I don't need any more foreign substances lol. I will get a shot if its something I am seriously concerned about.
Fair enough. And just to be clear, I wasn't talking about creating habits. Some of these things cause changes in your gene expression, far more concerning than what the mRNA vaccine may do.
If they had a vaccine for brain/flesh eating bacteria in warm water lakes I would sign up in a heart beat. We avoid tubing/water sports certain parts of the year because of this concern.
Unfortunately due to the foolishness here I have to quantify my position as Covid positive and Vaxd.
Heres a simple unbiased question, How many shots are you willing to get? Is another shot every 6 months acceptable to you?
At what point do you begin to question how much foreign matter you are putting in your body?

I'm actually willing to take whatever preventative measures that keep me, and more importantly, my wife healthy.

Got the regular flu vaccine yesterday. Got if more for my wife, as it is more severe when she catches the flu. While at the local CVS yesterday, the nurse told me that CVS alternates the brand of Covid vaccine at their different pharmacies. So, when we get our Covid boosters in two week, we will visit two different, local, CVS's as one has the Moderna vaccine and the other the Pfizer vaccine.

Pre-covid, I traveled, for work, all over the world. Each time, I have checked the CDC Travelers Health website and vaccinated and medicated as appropriate. Happy to state, that I never became ill as a result of these travels.

My position is irrelevant as I dont care what anyone on an internet message board does when it comes to vaccines, its the 3 or 4 people forcing their position on this entire thread.
The press the freakin' IGNORE BUTTON FFS!

I hate watching this channel!!!! Ummm...why don't you change it then? Because I love complaining about it more????
Unfortunately due to the foolishness here I have to quantify my position as Covid positive and Vaxd.
Heres a simple unbiased question, How many shots are you willing to get? Is another shot every 6 months acceptable to you?
At what point do you begin to question how much foreign matter you are putting in your body?
To me it is all about risk/benefit. A shot every six months to pretty much guarantee I have light symptoms for a disease that could kill me, or leave me debilitated is a no brainer. Same for the flu shot. I had a VERY healthy friend die from the flu in 5 days....she swam 4 times a week and ate healthy as can be. I now get the flu shot every year....no brainer.
My other bad habits are likely far worse for me than a vaccine.

Hope your symptoms are very light and your recovery is quick and simple.
How many shots are you willing to get? Is another shot every 6 months acceptable to you?
At what point do you begin to question how much foreign matter you are putting in your body?

I expect that an mRNA combination influenza and pan-coronavirus vaccine will be developed to cover all or most known strains of both viruses. I look forward to the opportunity to take such a vaccine annually and expect they will improve health and increase average lifespans.

As for “foreign matter” Thanh is argument based on bias and ignorance. The mRNA vaccines do not alter you DNA. Single stranded RNA is transcribed (created) from double stranded DNA. Your body does not posses a method to create DNA from RNA and in fact RNA lacks many of the instructions that would be needed in the DNA. The mRNA vaccines lack the preservatives that many were concerned with in older vaccines and completely wash out within days leaving only the knowledge to and how to dig the targeted virus behind.

As others have pointed out dietary choices are a source of DNA changes. Every time you eat you are consuming foreign DNA, RNA and proteins.

Perhaps most importantly viruses do change your DNA as they damage cells. Viral damage is a large cause of cancer. Those that survive CoVID-19 do not do so unscathed. They have a much higher risk of death over the next twelve months. Many who were not hospitalized are likely discover kidney or brain injury later in life. Vaccines reduce the real risk of damage to your DNA and organs from viruses.
And the 4 all checked in when the bait was thrown.

Thanks for the opportunity to provide accurate information.

Regardless please reference https://jetboaters.net/threads/our-code-of-conduct.30/ and consider whether you want the 30 ban that you now qualify for as you consider further trolling and any reply that you may make.

Perhaps a game to you but creating dissent for our moderators to deal with is not without consequence.
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