The problem with trying to change someone’s mind, is that if they know that’s what you are trying to do…..they won’t let you.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – Mark Twain
If you are unwilling to change your perspective and your understanding of the world based on new evidence, you are condemned to learning about stuff only once with whatever you heard the first time.
In order to have meaningful advancement we must be willing to re-evaluate what we believe when presented with evidence to the contrary.
Here's a though....
Knowing what we know... Using
@AZMark example, you may very well kill grandma by not vaccinating. I'm certain at least one person in the country has, based on law of large numbers/murphy's law. You are less likely to get sick if you are vaccinated. More Sick, more spread. Grandma got sick from someone that would not have gotten sick if they had vaccinated, poof, non-vaccination killed grandma.
Can you ascertain with 100% certainty you did not pass on COVID to a grandma that DIED after you gave it to her because you were UNVACCINATED ?? (If you did not vaccinate, you can't)
Is that reason enough to vaccinate? Some think Yes, other think No. The whole point is trying to understand each others perspective.
Pissing and Moaning to some is pleading for reason on the other side.
I know it's a trick, you can't disprove a negative, just saying...I don't think we are as far apart as everyone makes it out to be, but I will say whoever resorts to profanity and name calling of others, either directly or to their actions, is generally not in the right, and is having trouble backing up their argument with convincing words, so they resort to more offensive ones to try to make up for their lack of reasoning. (Only my humble observation)
-Flame suit on