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The Vaccine

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Only believe the data when it's convenient and towards your beliefs, huh?

How does that help my beliefs? I would love every state to be blue and everybody to be safe. And selfishly, I hate wearing masks, especially on planes. Florida has been juking their stats from the beginning to protect their tourism industry. I'm sure some of their polices have worked, some haven't, but their numbers don't have a lot of integrity. I'm sure every state plays that game as well to some extent. ie NY
Easy - we let it take it natural course. We stayed open, most of the state has either been exposed or has been vaccinated. (Same for most of the Southeast)
Adrian, I live in ARIZONA, there is no pandemic here and hasn’t been for a very long time.
How does that help my beliefs? I would love every state to be blue and everybody to be safe. And selfishly, I hate wearing masks, especially on planes. Florida has been juking their stats from the beginning to protect their tourism industry. I'm sure some of their polices have worked, some haven't, but their numbers don't have a lot of integrity. I'm sure every state plays that game as well to some extent. ie NY

Proof the data is corrupt?

This narrative came from a life-long criminal who tried to extort the government. (who should have never had the job in the first place).
Proof the data is corrupt?

This narrative came from a life-long criminal who tried to extort the government. (who should have never had the job in the first place).

There appears to be countless reporting on it. A lot of the miami herald stuff is behind a paywall. Examples below though. Some herd immunity from the huge surge in the summer likely helped their numbers as well. Undeniable they played with the reporting though.

As mentioned before:
“Because Florida only reports those positive cases among people who are full-time residents of Florida. So, if your full-time residence is in Ohio, and you have a condo in Miami Beach and you go down there and you get COVID, you’re not a case in Florida. You’re not even a case in Ohio. You’re nothing, and that’s why I don’t put a lot of impact on that Florida case rate.”
WOW!! Surely the data from Florida is rigged. (sarcasm)

I suspect that the 61,000 dead Floridians and many of their families would disagree with your sentiment.

Florida is third in the country for cases and deaths with the summer of 21 delta wave having been the most severe period, so far. I suspect the situation in Florida would have been much worse without the actions of local governments during the earlier waves.

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This is concerning data that interestingly is a review of patients in Florida.

"Patients with a COVID-19 hospitalization were at significantly increased risk for future mortality. In a time when nearly all COVID-19 hospitalizations are preventable this study points to an important and under-investigated sequela of COVID-19 and the corresponding need for prevention."

"In fact, the risk of 12-month mortality among adults under 65 who are hospitalized with COVID-19 is increased by 233% over those who are COVID-19 negative. Nearly 80% of the downstream deaths among patients with COVID-19 were for causes other than respiratory or cardiovascular. Since these deaths were not for a direct COVID-19 cause of death among these patients who have recovered from the initial episode of COVID-19, this data suggests that the biological insult from COVID-19 and physiological stress from COVID-19 is significant."

I’ve wondered how accurate any of the data sets are. Especially the vaccinated/unvaccinated hospitalization rates.
I know where I live there is a state database of vaccination status for the covid vaccine. But are they as a matter of routine cross checking the data?

All vaccinations, in the US, are reported to state and federal databases. Since the federal government is the source of all vaccines I suspect they have near 100% compliance from vaccination locations. The waiver signed when getting vaccinated details this.

A portion of the states are matching infections and hospitalizations to vaccinations then providing that data to the CDC. I believe that was reported as 21 states in the last relevant CDC publication that I read.

My state of Arkansas has been lax about taking action to prevent cases but does do a good job of matching vaccinated persons to infections and hospitalizations under intense legislative pressure to find issues with vaccination. We also were among the first to experience and most severely affected by the Delta wave.

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I suspect that the 61,000 dead Floridians and many of their families would disagree with your sentiment.

Florida is third in the country for cases and deaths with the summer of 21 delta wave having been the most severe period, so far. I suspect the situation in Florida would have been much worse without the actions of local governments during the earlier waves.

View attachment 167749

Haven’t researched but isn’t Florida also one of the most populated states which would make sense to have more cases and deaths? I would imagine maybe Texas and California are ahead of them in cases and deaths? When you account for age of population are Florida statistics significantly any different from the rest of the country? I genuinely didn’t think they were.

Side note - impressed this thread is still going strong. In my neck of the woods you wouldn’t be able to tell if it was 2021 or 2018 by people’s behavior. Everybody’s just living normal lives and that includes the local schools which haven’t shut down since the beginning and eliminated mask requirements late last school year.
Gotta say, this may be the oddest post that I have read on this thread. o_O


why is that
my point is what difference does it make if someone is vaccinated or not
Who is saying all of this? How about a quote from the post?

Saving lives is what this is about, correct
I should have the choice to save my own life

a 99.3% survival rate is not life or death decision for me to have to inject a foreign substance in my body that i do not know how I will react to it, either now or down the road

my point is if you being vaccinated can spread just as well as the unvaccinated, why do you care if those who do not want an injection take this shot or not ?

below is a quote
all about saving lives

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Who is saying all of this? How about a quote from the post?
You posted too soon, @Julian - just 6 posts after yours we get this gem...

"It's sad that we are still dealing with Covid for nearly 2 years, all because "the government ain't telling me what to do."
-along with 4 likes, sheesh.
Much like the folks who forget the 780,131 Americans who have died because of Covid.


how about you change that to say died "with" Covid... sure there are cases that are soly covid... not sure its a majority, but that will never be reported
You posted too soon, @Julian - just 6 posts after yours we get this gem...

"It's sad that we are still dealing with Covid for nearly 2 years, all because "the government ain't telling me what to do."
-along with 4 likes, sheesh.
Interesting....I took that completely the opposite....must by my sarcastic English humor....
Who is saying all of this? How about a quote from the post?

To increase the strength and breadth of immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and its variants decreasing the risk of symptomatic and severe illness.

And for some of us because we care about others as well as ourselves.

Yeah.....the metaverse gets the first word in and then it's practiced in the real world. Scary stuff going forward.
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