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The Vaccine

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Also, please note that the abstract is flagged by with an EXPRESSION OF CONCERN. See below for what this means:

Expressions of Concern
Journal editors may consider issuing an Expression of Concern if they have well-founded concerns and feel that readers should be made aware of potentially misleading information contained in an article. However, Expressions of Concern should only be issued if an investigation into the problems relating to the article has proved inconclusive, and if there remain strong indicators that the concerns are valid. See COPE case 17-02 Data manipulation and institute's internal review.

On very rare occasions, an Expression of Concern may be issued while an investigation is underway but a judgement will not be available for a considerable time. However, in such cases there must be well-founded grounds to suggest that the concerns are valid.

In all cases, editors should be aware that an Expression of Concern carries the same risks to a researcher's reputation as a retraction, and it is often preferable to wait to publish a retraction until a definitive judgement has been achieved by an independent investigation. See COPE case 15-10 Handling self-admissions of fraud.
Did you do the red and green for Christmas? ?

LOL, not intentionally, but these are the two colors I typically use for contrast in an e-mail.

But, I do hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Holidays!

I‘m sorry. I don’t live in this thread 24/7.
You should, you like others have nothing better to do than dispute the validity of anything posted here.
Have Fun.........
UFC president Dana White announced he and his family tested positive for COVID-19 during an appearance Wednesday on "The Jim Rome Podcast."

White explained that his positive test came after a Thanksgiving gathering. He consulted with UFC commentator Joe Rogan after contracting the virus.

The 52-year-old said he's vaccinated and feels fine. He took a monoclonal antibody treatment as well as an NAD drip, vitamin drip, and ivermectin.
Have Fun.........
UFC president Dana White announced he and his family tested positive for COVID-19 during an appearance Wednesday on "The Jim Rome Podcast."

White explained that his positive test came after a Thanksgiving gathering. He consulted with UFC commentator Joe Rogan after contracting the virus.

The 52-year-old said he's vaccinated and feels fine. He took a monoclonal antibody treatment as well as an NAD drip, vitamin drip, and ivermectin.

:p ? :)

Funny, the countries where they don't have a choice, are still dealing with COVID.... by this logic they should be free and clear.

Check out this mind-blowing chart, the states with the least government restrictions are having are the best in the country at community transmission.

It's sad people really have no idea still.

I was wondering about that chart when I looked at it first (it was all blue)....apparently Florida wasn't reporting for a period there....now it looks more reasonable.
Got my booster on Thursday last week. Moderna all 3 shots. I felt a little off for like 12 hours, but then was back to 100%. Never had a fever. I have some people in my circle that had a fever and were knocked out for about 48 hours from mixing moderna / pfizer, for what thats worth. I wasn't going to mix haha.
I was wondering about that chart when I looked at it first (it was all blue)....apparently Florida wasn't reporting for a period there....now it looks more reasonable.

Southeast is still doing the best in the country. As to why... who knows. Maybe its the sunshine.
Southeast is still doing the best in the country. As to why... who knows. Maybe its the sunshine.
Much like software Development .....you can make it seem good by stopping (or reducing) testing!

But yes....most experts have said they expect an increase in cases as it gets colder as more people head indoors all the time with less external ventilation.
Southeast is still doing the best in the country. As to why... who knows. Maybe its the sunshine.

I would suspect a combination of warmer weather, vaccination and large number of previously infected.
Much like software Development .....you can make it seem good by stopping (or reducing) testing!

But yes....most experts have said they expect an increase in cases as it gets colder as more people head indoors all the time with less external ventilation.

So now the entire South is in cahoots to hide numbers? This is conspiracy theory nonsense. To that logic and to play devil's advocate, maybe some states are inflating numbers to make it seem worse for fear mongering and other agendas. See how easy that is? C'mon man.

On your other point, in my opinion the case numbers should not be the focus. The severity of infection and deaths should be the focus. On a lighter note early reports so far seem to indicate the Omicron variant to have much milder symptoms than Delta and previous variants. Perhaps this thing is finally weaning off and turning into a more typical coronavirus cold. That would be nice.
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So now the entire South is in cahoots to hide numbers? This is conspiracy theory nonsense.

To that logic and to play devil's advocate, maybe some states are inflating numbers to make it seem worse for fear mongering and other agendas. See how easy that is? C'mon man.

On your other point, in my opinion the case numbers should not be the focus. The severity of infection and deaths should be the focus. On a lighter note early reports so far seem to indicate the Omicron variant to be much milder than Delta and previous variants. Perhaps this thing is finally weaning off and turning into a more typical coronavirus cold. That would be nice.

Florida stopped daily reporting and went blue in the diagram. Known issue. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories. The fact that you jump to that...... sigh
Florida stopped daily reporting and went blue in the diagram. Known issue. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories. The fact that you jump to that...... sigh

Julian, you did the exact thing of what you're accusing Haknslash.

Much like software Development .....you can make it seem good by stopping (or reducing) testing!
This peer reviewed publication has excellent data on mask efficacy "We find, for a typical SARS-CoV-2 viral load and infectious dose, that social distancing alone, even at 3.0 m between two speaking individuals, leads to an upper bound of 90% for risk of infection after a few minutes. If only the susceptible wears a face mask with infectious speaking at a distance of 1.5 m, the upper bound drops very significantly; that is, with a surgical mask, the upper bound reaches 90% after 30 min, and, with an FFP2 mask, it remains at about 20% even after 1 h. When both wear a surgical mask, while the infectious is speaking, the very conservative upper bound remains below 30% after 1 h, but, when both wear a well-fitting FFP2 mask, it is 0.4%. We conclude that wearing appropriate masks in the community provides excellent protection for others and oneself, and makes social distancing less important."

This is the publication An upper bound on one-to-one exposure to infectious human respiratory particles

Which is explained well via tweets at
Florida stopped daily reporting and went blue in the diagram. Known issue. Nothing to do with conspiracy theories. The fact that you jump to that...... sigh
I’m not talking about Florida. You were literally replying to a comment about the Southeast.

While originally your issue was with Florida, Adrian then posted about the Southeast

Southeast is still doing the best in the country. As to why... who knows. Maybe its the sunshine.

From which you directly replied….

Much like software Development .....you can make it seem good by stopping (or reducing) testing!

But yes....most experts have said they expect an increase in cases as it gets colder as more people head indoors all the time with less external ventilation.

So since Adrian was talking about the Southeast and you directly replied to it, how am I NOT to take what you’re saying as a response to his Southeast comment? I was not jumping to anything that wasn’t posted.
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Julian, your Anti Florida crusade is tiring to say the least
Hilarious....anti Florida campaign ROTFLMAO!!!!

I'll be in Tampa Thursday. Looking forward to it.

Do I care that their reporting is hit and miss....nope. But I wouldn't base any surveillance of covid off their data. The CDC really should flag when they have data reporting issues and make the map a different color.
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