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The Vaccine

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Dr Swat can confirm if in wrong. But antibody testing is an inaccurate way to measure protection
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Thank you for a succent and to the point response.
I think something should be noted as well in the wording of "have" to get vaccinated and "should" get vaccinated. Much to follow up on the point that @Bruce made; reducing complexity in the reccomendation is likely the call being made here. People who have had, and recovered from, COVID-19 likely don't need the vaccine "as much" as someone without any exposure at all, however that adds a level of complexity to the message that serves only to muddy the water. Combine that with the relative safety of the vaccine, and the reccomendation for everyone to get it, regardless of past infection status emerges.
Haha…I don’t think saying he reposts 5 times an hour is much of an attack. @Lurch will be fine.
Thanks for your vote of confidence, @AZMark :). Some of us can handle being called out when we make controversial claims. Others, not so much.
My last post was page 85 and I hit "unwatch", just for morbid curiosity I clicked on this thread and it is already at page 104. I did not read through all the crap. I can honestly say unwatching this thread has been very positive. Now, if I could only find a way to hide the entire thing so that it doesn't show up under "new posts" or "what's new". that would be awesome!!!! GO COWBOYS!
It's hard to beat the GOAT. Pretty much came down to who had the ball last (with more than 2 seconds that is).
I can't believe Biden basically mandated the vaccine nationally and it's hardly on the front page anywhere. Media had to been told to downplay this. I have a feeling the mandate will not hold but if it does it is going to be interested moving forward.
Cant get through 1 night without swatski dropping a douche nugget.
I can't believe Biden basically mandated the vaccine nationally and it's hardly on the front page anywhere. Media had to been told to downplay this. I have a feeling the mandate will not hold but if it does it is going to be interested moving forward.
Well, I guess there are carve outs for the USPS and Federal benefits recipients, so this is only designed for our own good. Anyone who supports this, may your chains rest lightly...
I can't believe Biden basically mandated the vaccine nationally and it's hardly on the front page anywhere. Media had to been told to downplay this. I have a feeling the mandate will not hold but if it does it is going to be interested moving forward.
Yea, we just got a corporate note about it. We're a small company (120ish employees), and the leadership is largely uninvolved in things like this. Due to having a fabrication shop we do have a STRONG safety team here, and of course OSHA is the writer of their bible. The leadership here is right in line with what I think a lot of us in this thread are. We're not sure of the legality of the mandate, but are sure enough of the vaccine to have gotten it, and recommend it to friends/family. Company vax rate is under 50% we're told, so we're trailing national average at this point. We'll comply with OSHA regulations once the new rules are published just like a myriad of other things we comply with on a daily basis that come from them.

I think it's an interesting avenue to pursue a mandate, however from a logistical standpoint it makes perfect sense. Use a governing body that already has inspection, penalty, remediation, and all the other systems already in place and deployed, just tack this onto it. It's logistically genius, despite the arguably shaky ethical side of things. OSHA already handles so much of the process of workplace safety, that this fits in really well. With that said, it's remarkably easy to get around OSHA guidelines since they are all mostly self reported with random audits. My estimate is that the overall enforcement will be low, and it will be a somewhat easy hurdle to jump when the time comes for that audit report. Will be really interesting to see how the policies and recommendations are worded and what the penalties are.

And to be clear, I am pro-mandate. As much as I can think about it, it's so similar to a myriad of other protections we have forced upon us already (helmet laws for motorcycle riders as an example) that I think the loss of personal choice here is low, the benefits are high, and in general it's a worthwhile tradeoff. I get others don't agree, and that's OK too. Much like risk tolerance we all have different level of "restriction tolerance" (I can't think of a better term for that) that we will accept. Some are just fine to have all liberties scrubbed for the greater good, others want all liberties preserved and as little infringement as possible. I, personally, think this particular infringement is acceptable for the greater good, and I realize the fact that I already have the vaccine plays into that heavily. Personal impact to myself is non-existent, and I only see benefits of less risk from those around me on a daily basis.
I am sure my company will send a notice out today. I've been here only 7 months but it seems they take a wait and see approach, and that is probably what this will be.

I do not think there is any law nationwide that forces you to put something in your body or forces you to do something to keep your job.

Helmet laws are a poor example. They are mostly for 20 and under and are a state level.
air travel mandates ... eh,.. prob by holidays ...
Yea, we just got a corporate note about it. We're a small company (120ish employees), and the leadership is largely uninvolved in things like this. Due to having a fabrication shop we do have a STRONG safety team here, and of course OSHA is the writer of their bible. The leadership here is right in line with what I think a lot of us in this thread are. We're not sure of the legality of the mandate, but are sure enough of the vaccine to have gotten it, and recommend it to friends/family. Company vax rate is under 50% we're told, so we're trailing national average at this point. We'll comply with OSHA regulations once the new rules are published just like a myriad of other things we comply with on a daily basis that come from them.

I think it's an interesting avenue to pursue a mandate, however from a logistical standpoint it makes perfect sense. Use a governing body that already has inspection, penalty, remediation, and all the other systems already in place and deployed, just tack this onto it. It's logistically genius, despite the arguably shaky ethical side of things. OSHA already handles so much of the process of workplace safety, that this fits in really well. With that said, it's remarkably easy to get around OSHA guidelines since they are all mostly self reported with random audits. My estimate is that the overall enforcement will be low, and it will be a somewhat easy hurdle to jump when the time comes for that audit report. Will be really interesting to see how the policies and recommendations are worded and what the penalties are.

And to be clear, I am pro-mandate. As much as I can think about it, it's so similar to a myriad of other protections we have forced upon us already (helmet laws for motorcycle riders as an example) that I think the loss of personal choice here is low, the benefits are high, and in general it's a worthwhile tradeoff. I get others don't agree, and that's OK too. Much like risk tolerance we all have different level of "restriction tolerance" (I can't think of a better term for that) that we will accept. Some are just fine to have all liberties scrubbed for the greater good, others want all liberties preserved and as little infringement as possible. I, personally, think this particular infringement is acceptable for the greater good, and I realize the fact that I already have the vaccine plays into that heavily. Personal impact to myself is non-existent, and I only see benefits of less risk from those around me on a daily basis.

There are no helmet laws for motorcycles in Pennsylvania that law was repealed years ago so much so doctors refer to motorcycles has donor cycles. There are no federal laws requiring helmets on motorcycle riders or passengers. States rights are going to be a major discussion in this battle between the states and the federal government and it’s going to be very interesting what the supreme court decides.
the simple answer to all this is STOP using the money system .. time to work for gold and silver as intended by our founding fathers and in the constitution ! .. wonder why they stopped teaching script in schools years ago .. well you guessed it so kids could not read constitution in future .. local small businesses should go on a gold and silver system . true and pure freedom
What scares me the most is where does it stop?

It's a reach but seems plausible..... The government could consider non-vaccinated people to be a "rebellion" and use that as reasoning to suspend the constitution. At this point they can do whatever they want. I am sure some people in this thread would be perfectly fine with that.
Andrew Jackson saw this coming ... and lets not forget the famous quote from Roth boys ... " give me control of a nations money system , and i care not who makes its laws " quote ...ALL politicians are owned ! period
Helmet laws are a poor example. They are mostly for 20 and under and are a state level.
Don't think it matters what age you are when your head hits the pavement; the results are the same.
Really? How sad...

Edit: This shows in every post you have ever created. This BS should only pertain to this thread (if at all).
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I am sure my company will send a notice out today. I've been here only 7 months but it seems they take a wait and see approach, and that is probably what this will be.

I do not think there is any law nationwide that forces you to put something in your body or forces you to do something to keep your job.

Helmet laws are a poor example. They are mostly for 20 and under and are a state level.

I don't think having the vaccine is a law.
the Gov is suppose to work for us .. not other way around .. we the people are suppose to as our duty to restrain any form of tyranny ... the young bucks are in a trance wth their tablets and shackled with college debt .. coming out with a mortgage and nothing to show or it ... all by design of course .. sad really sad whats happening
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