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The Vaccine

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I hear what you're saying, but, when peoples lives including children are at stake with thousands dying everyday along with more infections everyday, something has to change. If you keep doing what you're doing, you keep getting what you're getting (just common sense).
People, by definition, include children - a bit superfluous and often used to elicit emotion. I think we're already doing things much differently than we were pre-pandemic. Are you implying outcomes have remained unchanged over the past 18 months? I doubt you believe that. It's terrible that we have to deal with this, but it's reality now - we'll likely never drive COVID deaths to zero.
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CNN is reporting that that is President Biden's six-step plan includes:
  1. Requires all employers with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly.
  2. Providing easy access to booster shots for all eligible Americans.
  3. Getting students and school staff tested regularly.
  4. Make at-home tests more affordable.
  5. Streamlining the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness process.
  6. Increasing support for Covid-burdened hospitals.
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I honestly did not see that coming. This will end up in Supreme Court asap right?

I expect that federal cases will be filed and appealed to the US Supreme Court. The SC has previously ruled in favor of vaccine mandates. If new issues are not raised this is unlikely to change.

Would have been a great investment in 2019.

I avoid medical investments as I feel too close to medical study and do not want to be conflicted.

P.S. I see that you are quite the hero. Not appropriate for this thread but why not tell us about your career?
How do you do antibody tests? You have to pay for it?
The Abbott test is about 60 bucks, takes one prick of the finger, takes 10 minutes. It will tell you if you have it currently, if you have anti bodies or not..
I got mine via a buddy who's a Capt on out Fire Dept.
Guaranteed it'll get there, can't happen quickly enough.
Chicago just tried to mandate the vax for all their Cops. Immediately their FOP filed a lawsuit. Injunction on that. Even in that clown town.
I also heard from a CPD fella I know that their FOP was threatening lawsuits if the department even tried to "ask" about vax status. Good Ole HIPPA. If its fine to protect people from knowing if you take AIDS meds, or if your taking anti-psychotics, then how can you ask for the other,....huh,.huh,..yeah. Cant have it both ways can you. Dam that pesky word consistent.
My 22 year old son asked me tonight, with more than 60% of the USA having at least 1 shot why are the numbers higher than before we had a vax.
It will tell you if you have it currently, if you have anti bodies or not..

That is not much use when trying to evaluate your level of antibody protection. You want a semi-quantitative test for that.

Considering your experience with exposure and vaccination it would be interesting to know what your IgG level is.
My 22 year old son asked me tonight, with more than 60% of the USA having at least 1 shot why are the numbers higher than before we had a vax.

The delta variant is more contagious and is hitting, mostly the unvaccinated, really hard. That ~60% who are vaccinated make up less than 15% of current cases.

Several states have surpassed winter peaks. I am uncertain if we have nationally.
I would say extremely high. The old adage of "swimming in a sewer" comes to mind in my case. Constant exposure. My immune system probably looks like the Maginot line, with jets flying over it.

I did see on the news (National) that across the US and world wide the severe spike of Delta cases is now plunging like a rock. Florida has been the biggest example of this. This even post Labor day.
Of course they are trying to give the increased vax all the credit. Then again you cant try to give the vax credit at the same time you question its ability to affect newer strains can you. But they will, and they are.

The are many immunologists chiming in on the higher contagiousness of Delta, but that it is much less lethal than the original. These view points are not being covered by the CNN's and the MSNBC's. Omission of non narrative viewpoints is their norm.
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Did he mean VA hospitals or ALL hospitals?

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Ultimate tyrant jackass - funny how he doesn’t require his White House staff to be jabbed, or Pfizer doesn’t require that of their employees.. things that make you say hmmmm. If someone is concerned they should themselves be jabbed.
Biden will have OSHA make a rule requiring employees of companies to be tested. Companies will have to pay for the testing, but they can pass the cost on to employees. So they can charge the employee 10 dollars a test or 100 dollars a test or 300 a test. Another way we can boost the profits.....nice

Roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated.
Biden is also signing an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government — with no option to test instead. That covers several million more workers.

This is what is being reported but until he has his address tomorrow I guess things could change.
What ? His 10000th executive order?
Is T cell response what passes from mother to child?
Some antibodies cross, but not much.
Of course you can find things if you are a lurch, it's the internet after all, lol. Than you can spew it back out at 5 posts an hour, lolol.

But back to T cells, there are some g/d (gamma delta) T cells that can penetrate and reside in decidua, but it's all minor and of unclear significance.

The only reasonably informative test for covid exposure-induced immunity would be the T-Detect, as I posted before, in my view.

Antibody tests are rather meaningless. The way the tests are done. Just binding to viral antigens does not distinguish between antibodies that are protective, and some can actually be protective for the virus.

I expect that federal cases will be filed and appealed to the US Supreme Court. The SC has previously ruled in favor of vaccine mandates. If new issues are not raised this is unlikely to change.

That SC decision gave 1 state the power to enforce vaccines. It did not give the federal govt. that power.
If you actually read the decision there is one sentence that is very interesting.

“It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine”


Very interesting indeed. Can’t wait to hear the oral arguments in the very near future on this one.

By the way just because the SC made a decision in 1905 it is not binding on future decisions because of precedent. The SC can make any decisions that 5 Justices agree on.
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Do you guys remember when Obama was trying to shove the ACA down everyone's throats. He needed the UAWs support, and they agreed to it on the condition that they could keep their own private insurance, (non ACA ?). This is the kind of governing we now find ourselves mired in.

And all thanks to a majority of college educated suburban women............................................God help us !
Thank goodness for the Supreme Court, stop some of these reckless exec orders,....like the Border thing that just happened. (Ooops I di-gress, sorry).
Ultimate tyrant jackass - funny how he doesn’t require his White House staff to be jabbed, or Pfizer doesn’t require that of their employees.. things that make you say hmmmm. If someone is concerned they should themselves be jabbed.

Not sure where this comes from? There will be a requirement that all federal employees and contractors get vaccinated against COVID-19 within the next 75 days or apply for a religious or medical exemption.

Not sure where this comes from? There will be a requirement that all federal employees and contractors get vaccinated against COVID-19 within the next 75 days or apply for a religious or medical exemption.

Ha they all can claim to be Christian Scientists,...........................................:devilhorns:
a religious or medical exemption
I love it, how United is dealing with religious exceptions: unpaid leave.

The gov mandate, what's the big deal? I said this before, how is it different than mandatory kids vaccinations to attend school??? - which we have had for decades, along with every other country in the so called developed world.

Except with are becoming less developed - is it due to social media peddling misinfo being so easy?

I love it, how United is dealing with religious exceptions: unpaid leave.

The gov mandate, what's the big deal? I said this before, how is it different than mandatory kids vaccinations to attend school??? - which we have had for decades, along with every other country in the so called developed world.

Except with are becoming less developed - is it due to social media peddling misinfo being so easy?

By developed, do you means Socialist ??? LOL
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