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The Vaccine

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Layperson...CVS does them but that is only a yes or no test, no levels are shown
Layperson...CVS does them but that is only a yes or no test, no levels are shown

A semi-quantitative test will provide a number documenting the strength of response instead of just a yes or no. I believe one lab had those for around $45.
A semi-quantitative test will provide a number documenting the strength of response instead of just a yes or no. I believe one lab had those for around $45.
LabCorp's test claims to provide a more detailed number vs. a yes/no, and is <$45. Not sure how much of that my insurance will cover, but I've spent more for much less.
Did he mean VA hospitals or ALL hospitals?

@tabbibus, our President said "that the Department of Labor is preparing to mandate that all businesses with 100 or more workers require their employees to either get vaccinated against the coronavirus or face mandatory weekly testing."

I would think that would cover all hospitals however that order has not yet been published so it may come a little later.
Did he mean VA hospitals or ALL hospitals?

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CNN is reporting: "Biden said he will require the 17 million health care workers at facilities receiving funds from Medicare and Medicaid to be fully vaccinated, expanding the mandate to hospitals, home care facilities and dialysis centers around the country."

It’s basically a national mandate to vaccinate or test right?

Biden will have OSHA make a rule requiring employees of companies to be tested. Companies will have to pay for the testing, but they can pass the cost on to employees. So they can charge the employee 10 dollars a test or 100 dollars a test or 300 a test. Another way we can boost the profits.....nice

Roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated.
Biden is also signing an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government — with no option to test instead. That covers several million more workers.

This is what is being reported but until he has his address tomorrow I guess things could change.
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Imagine the blow back from that. I wonder how many will quit the healthcare field over it. It most likely wont be the Drs
I honestly did not see that coming. This will end up in Supreme Court asap right?
Can't wait to see them try that with the estimated 50% of cops that are not vaccinated. You think 50% of cops are getting fired. Not gonna happen and the cops know it. Police unions will not even have the cops report if they are vaxed or not.
I honestly did not see that coming. This will end up in Supreme Court asap right?
Guaranteed it'll get there, can't happen quickly enough.
Keep in mind we're in a pandemic; normal rules do not apply when peoples lives are at stake.
Funny, my copy of the Constitution doesn't read that way.
I hear what you're saying, but, when peoples lives including children are at stake with thousands dying everyday along with more infections everyday, something has to change. If you keep doing what you're doing, you keep getting what you're getting (just common sense).
I’m very afraid of healthcare’s future. I feel this will push people away from becoming nurses, paramedics, doctors, CNAs, etc. Not just the vaccine talk, but the overall emotional toll COVID took on all workers… My wife loathes her ER job now, she can’t get into an educational position soon enough (that she’s been pursuing). As much as I loved working in EMS the last 10 years I’ve constantly been looking for something else. I’ve been given a conditional offer for the state law enforcement job I pursued. I am sad about leaving the job I once had an extreme passion for but the last few years have been pretty bad and more time with my family is more important.

One thing I’ve always remembered from my old fire chief.. “Your legacy is with your family, your one generation away from being forgotten in the community.” He always pushed a family first mantra, because he regretted not doing the same years ago when he first started doing it.
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