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The Vaccine

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As it was suggested in post #1962 that I might be a bot, perhaps we are already here! ;)

All I have to add is that --

View attachment 163046


No bot would ever use the amount of emoticons in one message as you. LOL
I think you have proven that you are a real person.?????
Right or wrong, fortune 500 companies have to be ecstatic. They get to trim their bottom line without the bad PR hit of mass layoffs.

This couldn’t be further from the reality of the fortune 500 company I work for. We are witnessing incredible labor shortages and getting applicants to just apply has been very difficult. When you consider many states near 50% unvaccinated, any mandate is only going to further impact the already fragile applicant pool.
The Great Global Reset is happening in right front of you
This couldn’t be further from the reality of the fortune 500 company I work for. We are witnessing incredible labor shortages and getting applicants to just apply has been very difficult. When you consider many states near 50% unvaccinated, any mandate is only going to further impact the already fragile applicant pool.
Agree about shortages but I do think it will have the intended effect of increasing vaccinations. I think the number of real anti vax people is way below the current rate of unvaxed. There’s a lot just dragging their feet as they don’t think it’s that important for them.
Agree about shortages but I do think it will have the intended effect of increasing vaccinations. I think the number of real anti vax people is way below the current rate of unvaxed. There’s a lot just dragging their feet as they don’t think it’s that important for them.
Agreed. Many hospital workers probably wouldn't get their flu shot if it wasn't mandatory. Not because of antivax but because of "meh"
Really dude, are you actually going to sit there and deny that by "developed" you are not referring to almost ALL the western European nations. Including :


They are ALL Socialist to differing degrees of stupidity.
***The Chinese communist party believes it has the best interest of its people and nation too you know.

Japan is a social democracy so is South Korea.
Australia is even going down the wrong road.

We are the lone beacon of the remnants of true democracy. A republic with States as the ultimate arbiters. Ironically the "Democrat" party is trying to usher in centralized authority contrary to what the founding fathers established this country and the constitution . If you remember your basic US history, they all were paranoid of centralized rule. Of course the snowflakes nowadays don't teach accurate US history. The whole revisionist history garbage which leaves out, omits the primary lessons on which we were founded don't suit their aspirations and policies. This VAX stuff is included in that.

I support the VAX, just not without choice.
You’re kidding yourself if you think one side has a monopoly on wanting to control people. You just happen to agree with one set of ideas.
I’d go so far as to say that the policies of both sides are, on average, detrimental to the kind of person that is on this forum (middle to upper middle class, mostly responsible, etc).
I don't know about Global reset, but I will share this:
Gig Economy options, such as Uber and Lyft, Food Delivery, etc. Allow a few I know to work the hours they choose in the comfort of their car. No way in heck these folks would switch that flexibility to work fixed ours dealing with customers and a hot assembly kitchen. Perhaps the extended unemployment benefits also allowed some to save a bit while figuring out how to make some side money and they are not eager or interested in going back to giving up a chunk of their time with no flexibility. This (I think, but may be also other factors) are leading to a "cheap" worker shortage, requiring higher wages. The employer is competing with many other options and forces.

As it relates to government system, it's all about how much that you make is unwillingly taken away, and does it come back based on equal benefit to all (say freeway or park with free access to all), or just individual need? (subsidy for low income only, or strategic industry for example) US Midle-High income, you are easily unwillingly separated with 50% of your income between federal income, ssn, etc + , state property/sales/income. That means more than half your income goes to "society" (spent by the government on their behalf) vs. you. How is that not socialist? I think we need new definitions, it's all pretty fluid.

And back to flat earth vs globe...the political spectrum is a sphere, when you go totally off the rockers, on either side, you go so far off center you end up on the other end of the spectrum.
absolute total left is not that different from Absolute total right. Loss of all freedom and someone else telling you what's good for you.

Holy cow, what an odd thread.

And beans on chilly...no, too controversial to speak of.
Not because of antivax but because of "meh"

Was talking to my brother (29) this morning about it. Having people at the house and he hasn't gotten his yet. His excuse wasn't anything about politics, or pride, or personal liberties. It was literally "I've just been too lazy to get it done, and never go anywhere anyway".

Never underestimate the power of "meh"
If only that was true in the last 20 years.......

It's all about which media you consume.
Was talking to my brother (29) this morning about it. Having people at the house and he hasn't gotten his yet. His excuse wasn't anything about politics, or pride, or personal liberties. It was literally "I've just been too lazy to get it done, and never go anywhere anyway".

Never underestimate the power of "meh"

This is exactly how my twin brother is too. It’s too much work to go get it because playing online video games after work and off days is fun and more important I guess. Sadly, he doesn’t have the most ambition in the world, obviously.
Was talking to my brother (29) this morning about it. Having people at the house and he hasn't gotten his yet. His excuse wasn't anything about politics, or pride, or personal liberties. It was literally "I've just been too lazy to get it done, and never go anywhere anyway".

Never underestimate the power of "meh"
Absolutely. That is why I think many in the "meh" camp will just go ahead and get the shot to get it over with.
This is exactly how my twin brother is too. It’s too much work to go get it because playing online video games after work and off days is fun and more important I guess. Sadly, he doesn’t have the most ambition in the world, obviously.
I think we share the same brother based on that description. Although you left out smoking lots of weed.
Houston Methodist was one of the first to implement a vaccine mandate....lots of stir, lots of protesters on the news. Ended up with 150 people let go out of 25,097 employees. This is .6 percent (less than 1%). In the grand scheme of things as a company leader....its doesn't even hit the radar.

But it sure makes good headline news - people holding banners and screaming.....that gets viewers and sells advertising.

So now we'll hear ALL KINDS of screaming.....vs "meh" get the shot and move on.

Similar side story...when I was visiting Jerusalem during a period when the Palestinians were launching rockets at Israel, I had an old sage of a Palestinian taxi driver. He was very chatty, and I asked him "do you think its safe to go to Jerusalem today?"

He laughed out loud and said - "Of course! Both the Jews and Arabs make far too much money from Jerusalem to bug the tourists! You watch the news? Next time take note of where the rioters are....its ALWAYS the same street in the same block. The cameras come and set up, the Police set up a barricade, the "rioters" perform for their bosses and throw some stones. They shoot a little tear gas. The cameras get their shot and pack up and everyone goes home"

So the stage show will continue.
Houston Methodist was one of the first to implement a vaccine mandate....lots of stir, lots of protesters on the news. Ended up with 150 people let go out of 25,097 employees. This is .6 percent (less than 1%). In the grand scheme of things as a company leader....its doesn't even hit the radar.

But it sure makes good headline news - people holding banners and screaming.....that gets viewers and sells advertising.

So now we'll hear ALL KINDS of screaming.....vs "meh" get the shot and move on.
Until you're one of the 150 who has your livelihood taken away. Martin Niemoller had some pretty good insight into this mentality.
On another note, wasn't Houston Methodist already suffering a staffing shortage prior to this mandate/firings?
I think we share the same brother based on that description. Although you left out smoking lots of weed.

Lmao, well they would get along fantastically then, he smokes a ton of weed as well!! Not sure when he will grow up ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
Until you're one of the 150 who has your livelihood taken away. Martin Niemoller had some pretty good insight into this mentality.
On another note, wasn't Houston Methodist already suffering a staffing shortage prior to this mandate/firings?

In a balance between patient health and employee rights (especially when a fully approved vaccine is available), in my opinion patient health trumps employee rights in a hospital environment.

Lets also remember Texas is an employment at will state, and employers may develop and change personnel policies, reassign employees, and change such things as work locations, schedules, job titles, job descriptions, pay, and other aspects of jobs at will.

Until you're one of the 150 who has your livelihood taken away. Martin Niemoller had some pretty good insight into this mentality.
That’s a major stretch. Imprisoning/killing people for who they are and requiring employees to get an approved vaccine for the safety of their patients and coworkers aren’t even close.
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