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The Vaccine

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The Great Global Reset is happening in right front of you
Let me ask AGAIN:

"The gov mandate, what's the big deal? I said this before, how is it different than mandatory kids vaccinations to attend school??? - which we have had for decades, along with every other country in the so called developed world."


I admit, I picked your post and hit respond almost at random, lol, I did not read all the new pages. I'm giving up.

with trolls like lurch spewing shit faster than anyone with a day job track it, lol, this forum is turning in a content-free post-o-mania, a facebook-like nightmare.

Fuck it.

Looks like companies with remote workers could possibly avoid this mandate -

"The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work. OSHA will issue an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to implement this requirement. This requirement will impact over 80 million workers in private sector businesses with 100+ employees."

Remote workers are indeed an interesting wrinkle in the work environment. Post Covid some work environments will return to 'normal' and some will be forever changed. I wonder how OSHA will address this new paradigm? Will they require vaccination of employees when the employer has 100 or more employees or only when 100 or more employees return to the worksite?

My guess is that for federal employees working remotely, they will need to vaccinate, whether or not they return to the worksite, although I have yet to see the actual requirement.

with trolls like lurch spewing shit faster than anyone with a day job track it, lol, this forum is turning in a content-free post-o-mania, a facebook-like nightmare.

Not quite even-handed moderation here, @Bruce Please post the approved JBF COVID vaccine position in the COC.
Not quite even-handed moderation here, @Bruce

Since you decided to make this public your last post was 100% personal attack.

Your posts in this thread often are intended to antagonize others.

Please take this as a request to only post on topic.
Since you decided to make this public your last post was 100% personal attack.

Your posts in this thread often are intended to antagonize others.

Please take this as a request to only post on topic.
Absolutely it was, as is the post from swatski I quoted. I've noticed only one is removed. My posts are intended to be informative, I'd appreciate if you don't assume my intentions.
@Lurch, I have been lenient in moderation. Please keep your posts in this thread entirely on topic and avoid antagonizing others.
@Lurch, I have been lenient in moderation. Please keep your posts in this thread entirely on topic and avoid antagonizing others.
You have been lenient, @Bruce...with swatski. This is still up on a post above: with trolls like lurch spewing shit
for those of you all so blinded by the lies..

Fact #1..
vac·cine| vakˈsēn | noun
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease:

Fact #2.. there is no covid vaccine.. there is only an inhibitor.. you can still get,, be impacted and transmit the virus with an inhibitor.. that's why the "sheep" are being told to get 2 & 3 shots.. it's only an inhibitor.. wake up America!!
This vaccine is to prevent getting worse symptoms.
*I mean it’s to prevent hospitalization
** but only for those under 65 (unless you get a booster every 8 months)
*** getting vaccinated saves lives across all age groups.

Until you're one of the 150 who has your livelihood taken away. Martin Niemoller had some pretty good insight into this mentality.
On another note, wasn't Houston Methodist already suffering a staffing shortage prior to this mandate/firings?
some states are right to work states regarding labor laws. We all choose to work at healthcare facilities based on personal factors, compensation, work place practices and culture. It’s never a win win. Always a compromise for the individual.
Since covid, employees have either resigned, or decreased work obligations. And that’s is ?% their right. Some have even ghosted positions and fell off the face of the earth. Still their right to do so. I support their right to do so 100%.
The institution establishes the rules, they are not obligated to conform to the employee. They are not obligated to pay employees’ mortgages, rent, etc.
The focus for the healthcare institutions is policy and procedures based on safety and liability. All those employees were given a choice with an ample deadline and stated consequences of deadline. Their work rights being respected. They are free to express legal right in protest.
It’s no different than any other requirement for frontline / essential employees. If I fail to get flu shot, fail to complete yearly education, maintain state / federal license requirements, I face initial suspension. If a certain time goes by I face dismissal. All these do not change due to my personal convictions. Only exception would be a religious/ medical exemptions. Nobody questions those established practices.
It’s my right to either conform or to pursue other interests outside the facility, or profession.
Healthcare institutions want to limit potential vulnerabilities and lawsuits. It’s their right to do so. Patients potentially may sue for malpractice, insurers will with hold money for hospital acquired illnesses. Vaccines will limit liability for the employer and employee.
Hospitals are open to pay travel / agency at much higher rate of pay. Hospital have increased salaries, sign on bonuses, tuition reimbursement. this will be a regional issue for hospital systems and not every locality. But will be interesting how it develops.
Wonder how many of you would suddenly be spouting off about individual freedom, limited government and ranting about over reach if a new federal mandate comes down to limit boats to 2 people per boat and those two have to where masks full time. Nobody cares about government over reach unless it affects their values, principles and life style. Been the problem throughout history. If you really care about individual freedom you champion it when it affects someone else’s values, principles and life style besides your own - in most cases even if you don’t agree with them.
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