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The Vaccine

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Sorry not “thread” I meant I appreciate you guys for this forum/website
Swatski has been here for years and posted on thousands of topics. Lurch has been here one year and 92% of his posts are in vaccine threads 6-posts outside this thread, 4 of those 6 within the last 24 hours (when I did my tally this afternoon). (Something like 76 posts total...70 in this thread!!!l) And he's not the only one....but the worst example.

Did we consider closing his account as a spammer early on....yes. But we didn't.

So perhaps everyone posting in this thread should post in another thread before continuing here? Seriously....

Otherwise your membership here seems focused on something our forum isn't focused on. Try hitting 50% of your posts on topic (boating) before coming back here? Build a reputation....earn a following...

@Julian , he joined 8/18/21, about 3 weeks ago.
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Maybe this is too simple, if the vaccine actually worked. People who where concerned about getting it, wouldn't have anything to worry about. But apparently it's more about pushing your beliefs onto others.
It is only fair to show this as well. Those antagonizing Dr. Swat are not doing themselves any favors and fail to understand how little he cares about such insults.

Unfortunately it has become necessary to
intensively moderate this thread.

I would like to see all personal attacks stop and this thread continue in a friendly manner.

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Man I’m lagging, I don’t even know how to get to that screen. In my defense, I’m getting older and in an effort to keep my BP down am trying to limit my posts to boating related topics or interesting things I see. Life is stressful enough, no need for me add to the pile.
@Ronnie, you are holding your own quite well there.

Anyone whose reaction score is near or higher than their post count is being recognized for their contribution to the forum. Not only are you posting but members appreciate your posts.
Anyone can share their experiences with

Good point. Since I work in that very environment, I was sharing insights. having many years in healthcare, employee loyalty is not a given. Laws that are passed, our main recourse is to protest, and vote for candidates that offer changes to existing circumstances. Sorry if I sounded like I was spouting off. I guess you didn’t agree. But thats ok. I support your right to champion for those 150 and the many more across the nation.
I actually wasn’t posting this in regards to anything said by you or anyone specifically, it came from just a general frustration with the common attitude I sense on this thread and in-person discussions that seems to be complicit with this new mandate. More than the mandate itself I fear the precedent na further erosion of our ability to make our own choices when it comes to our body and any medical procedures in question. More than this mandate, what avenue does it grease for the next and next over reach. Nobody cares cause it doesn’t affect them - it affects someone else’s choice, at some point it might affect you but it will be too late to shut that door.
@MidnightRider, vaccination requirements have been part of our country since the Revolutionary War. Vaccination and objection to vaccination are nothing new. My teenaged daughter happens to have a list of dozens of vaccinations on the fridge that she needed for school. My younger son needs three or four to get caught up. Vaccines are a normal part of life for those with reasonable levels of comprehension in developed countries.
If you want a grim look into the future .. check out the old movie, -demolition man .
Ten years ago a gentleman exited an infusion room of an oncologists office, past through the waiting room and before he left the office, he turned to the patients quietly waiting to be called and said. “I would like to thank all of the cancer patients before me because they were the test subjects for my successful treatment and I hope that something was learned from my treatment that will help those behind me“. I will never forget that quote.
This is an interesting argument. I would wager that those particular places (healthcare) are relieved by this being put on el presidente vs them.
The opposite is happening here, FL and maybe elsewhere where the state is knocking down local mandates that were put in place by the elected officials in those districts.
At what level do YOU decide those below you don’t get a say anymore?
I am sure they are relieved but what Biden proposed will take some time. CMS won’t have a proposed rule for the mandate until October and then it will go through the comment period and revision process.

Locally one or two large hospital groups announced their own policy before the state mandate. When they realized they would lose staff they lobbied the governor. I suspect governors then lobbied for a national mandate.

The upside for nurses is they are now making $200/hour as travelers here. Staff CNAs are making more then 75 with bonus money. Which does not seem sustainable.
The .gov messaging on vaccines is awful

mandates are unethical and will just piss people off/make them entrenched

CDC/WHO/Fauci have lost credibility

natural immunity is being ignored

the vaccines work but it makes complete sense why people are nervous about them

The government is filled with garbage people

Get vaccinated or not. You'll make the right decision for you and your family.

The cost of draconian measures (business closures, suicides, addiction, etc) are being completely ignored

Anyways I’m going to enjoy one of the last nice boating weekends. As long as the Mu variant doesn’t get me first.
Ten years ago a gentleman exited an infusion room of an oncologists office, past through the waiting room and before he left the office, he turned to the patients quietly waiting to be called and said. “I would like to thank all of the cancer patients before me because they were the test subjects for my successful treatment and I hope that something was learned from my treatment that will help those behind me“. I will never forget that quote.
As I watch my Daughter-In-Law go through many months of chemo for ALL Leukemia I really understand that every patients success is a trial that benefits from previous trials. She is in a formal trial for a drug that seem to be very beneficial. It is a very long journey.
Sorry guys but tell me your not looking for validation in your message board post count or reaction score?? So If I were to spend far to much of my personal time on a message board that makes me better than newer members? This is so fukd
Turn your volume up a little and “Check this out”.

To be fair, alarm fatigue in the ICU is a thing even before covid. It is worse now for sure but still.

Those sounds...I just whistle them as I walk around the unit.
What's smoking weed have to do with growing up? Way better than drinking all the time, your brothers sound cool to me ???

lol there are definitely higher functioning and productive weed smokers. But… My brother is not one of them, he has no hobbies outside of playing video games, work, and smoking weed?
The upside for nurses is they are now making $200/hour as traveler.

Is this true and where is this. Got a couple travelers in the fam that will be there next week if true.
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