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The Vaccine

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When receiving warnings in conversation,.................itself not a problem. What is a problem is it is not a conversation. You get a statement. The conversation is CLOSED.

That is what the English would call "BAD FORM"
I woud've got banned again.

You have not been banned. Please avoid politics disguised or not.

Also I've just constructed and purchased a Hydro-foil,....I'll be opening a new thread on this awesomeness soon.

Sounds great, would love to read about it and your day job must be filled with great stories to tell.
I guess its a bad thing to know how to use message board fourm software Ronnie. Sorry for that

Quite honestly, it's hard to tell if the temporary shutdown until new staff can be hired is detrimental to the health of the patients. If the patients can deliver their babies at other hospitals and their obstetricians have privileges at other hospitals then perhaps the closing does not have much effect. On the other hand, if services are not available to patients it will effect patient care. One just doesn't know with the info given.

Just another personal attack.
Baghdad Bob is the epitome of optimism! I’m sorry you feel being hopeful is in anyway a personal attack.
@Admin is there anyway to appeal these warning points?
As I watch my Daughter-In-Law go through many months of chemo for ALL Leukemia I really understand that every patients success is a trial that benefits from previous trials. She is in a formal trial for a drug that seem to be very beneficial. It is a very long journey.

It is a very long, lonesome journey with an unknown outcome. I wish her the best.
I got a warning for a personal attack but didn’t even tag or mention anyone. Pathetic.
This is why a thread like this should be closed on a boat forum. Members who have contributed valuable boating info are now being driven out over a politics (it isn’t about the vaccine anymore)

The admin need to decide whether they prefer having people who agree with their Covid opinions or want members on the forum who provide valuable boating info

I will say this thread is dividing people more than anything else. Unless I am mistaken, I haven’t seen one member change their opinion on vaccines from this thread.
I never understand why people want to close a thread. If someone isn't interested in a thread there is no obligation to read it or comment in it. How many of us read every thread on a forum?

The vaccine posts are science. Even for some of the discussion on public health policy, for example mandates, there is still no reason that we can't have a civil discussion on the pros and the cons. These discussion are not political until folks make them political. It also becomes problematic when folks feel the need to lob a grenade (and I am not directing this at MfM's now deleted post, as I still don't understand what it meant) into the discussion for shits and giggles. We are all adults and there is no reason that we can't have a civil discussion even when we don't agree on a point.

Agree. For the 4th fucking time as the original OP of this thread. Please close it. As I’ve said before it’s an echo chamber that’s not doing anyone any good. I’ve unwatched it, but I come back cause I see it in new posts. It saddens me to see such a thread causing such division amongst this membership.
The original intent of this thread early on was to share where and how to get the vaccine and how it affected you post jab. It was never intended to be; should you or should you not get the vaccine. I’m so disappointed it has turned in to this.
For the love of God and all that is peaceful, please, please, close this thread and move on.
I never understand why people want to close a thread. If someone isn't interested in a thread there is no obligation to read it or comment in it. How many of us read every thread on a forum?

The vaccine posts are science. Even for some of the discussion on public health policy, for example mandates, there is still no reason that we can't have a civil discussion on the pros and the cons. These discussion are not political until folks make them political. It also becomes problematic when folks feel the need to lob a grenade (and I am not directing this at MfM's now deleted post, as I still don't understand what it meant) into the discussion for shits and giggles. We are all adults and there is no reason that we can't have a civil discussion even when we don't agree on a point.


i don’t completely disagree. At this point though, I would only ask: what is the mission of jetboaters.net? is it to convince people to get vaccinated?

I am all for off topic forums don’t get me wrong (some of my favorites on this site) until they start to divide and detract contributing members. If the mission/ vision is the prior…by all means continue. If not. Maybe let’s all get back to boating.
For the 4th fucking time as the original OP of this thread. Please close it. As I’ve said before it’s an echo chamber that’s not doing anyone any good.
For the love of God and all that is peaceful, please, please, close this thread and move on.
Members who have contributed valuable boating info are now being driven out over a politics

Members who can not abide by our code of conduct should not post in this thread.
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