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The Vaccine

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This is so terrible.

Has COVID ever killed this fast? A tragedy for sure, but this story looks like misinformation.

A day after confirming to local media outlets that Kali Cook's death was coronavirus-related, local health officials backtracked and told KPRC News they would "not count Kali's death as a COVID-19 death until the autopsy was completed." She did test positive for the virus, however.
Has COVID ever killed this fast? A tragedy for sure, but this story looks like misinformation.

Yes, before delta was in circulation I spent much of a day talking with and explaining to a Mother who had just lost her five year old son to CoVID less than two hours at the hospital and only slightly after the diagnosis. He had suddenly become violently ill that day.

Delta is much more aggressive.
ICU Report from day 1 for those interested.

20 COVIDs. One vaccinated. How about them odds?
My Dad was diagnosed in July with GBM. Underwent 6 weeks of radiation along with Chemo. Supposed to go to James Neuro tomorrow to get MRI and see what plan they can devise to extend his time with us. My Gma passed last week (his mother) and the funeral is wed/Thur this week… I tested positive this morning as I have had a head cold the past couple days and wanted to be sure before I went to the hospital. Shit sucks! Going to miss one of the most important times with my family while I’m isolated at home. ?
My Dad was diagnosed in July with GBM. Underwent 6 weeks of radiation along with Chemo. Supposed to go to James Neuro tomorrow to get MRI and see what plan they can devise to extend his time with us. My Gma passed last week (his mother) and the funeral is wed/Thur this week… I tested positive this morning as I have had a head cold the past couple days and wanted to be sure before I went to the hospital. Shit sucks! Going to miss one of the most important times with my family while I’m isolated at home. ?
So sorry to hear that.
@GiddYupJoe, So sorry about your Dad’s illness and Grandmothers passing.

Have you considered monoclonal antibodies? Hopefully the head cold is as bad as it gets but early treatment is best.
@GiddYupJoe, So sorry about your Dad’s illness and Grandmothers passing.

Have you considered monoclonal antibodies? Hopefully the head cold is as bad as it gets but early treatment is best.
I don't even know what that is! I have been vaxed since April. Haven't been fatigued nor loss of taste. Just feels like a normal sinus infection. I would assume I just ride it out and hope for the best. And stay away from the family.
I don't even know what that is! I have been vaxed since April. Haven't been fatigued nor loss of taste. Just feels like a normal sinus infection. I would assume I just ride it out and hope for the best. And stay away from the family.
Feel free to private message me and I can talk to you to see if you would benefit from those.
I don't even know what that is!

This is from Arkansas but explains the concept well. Monoclonal antibodies are SARS-CoV-2 responsive antibodies that are manufactured in a lab. If injected they attack the virus in addition to the antibodies produced by your body. Requirements for access have lessened as supply has increased. I know of otherwise healthy children receiving them recently.

If anyone in my family tests positive we will go for monoclonal antibodies as quickly as possible.

Of course a chat with Dr. @tabbibus would be best to answer your questions if you have any interest. The goal with monoclonal antibodies is to avoid seeing anyone like him.

Has COVID ever killed this fast? A tragedy for sure, but this story looks like misinformation.

A day after confirming to local media outlets that Kali Cook's death was coronavirus-related, local health officials backtracked and told KPRC News they would "not count Kali's death as a COVID-19 death until the autopsy was completed." She did test positive for the virus, however.

If she did die of Covid or something that Covid triggered, imagine how the parents feel.

Let this quote from her mother sink in, especially if you have a kid that can't get vaccinated.
She said: "I was one of the people that was anti, I was against it. Now, I wish I never was."

Now the parents have to live with their decision not to get vaccinated their entire lives, so sad.
Whether the autopsy shows that Covid didn't directly kill the girl, do you think that will make the parents feel any better?
As a parent, I really can't imagine how she feels, and I'm sure nothing but time will dull her pain. Having dealt with health issues with my kids, I also remember how reason flies out the window at the prospect of a loved one's health.

My issue is with spreading misinformation before the facts are known. That being said - despite allowing myself to be sucked into this thread, I'm here for discussion on Yamaha boats (and the occasional meme), so I'll back out of this thread.

Stay healthy, everyone!
^^ 25% perfect of deaths are still from vaccinated. I am a bit tired and maybe my numbers are off, but I thought it was supposed to be in the 1% range.
@adrianp89, might want to check your math.

458 / 50,823 = 0.9%.
^^ 25% perfect of deaths are still from vaccinated. I am a bit tired and maybe my numbers are off, but I thought it was supposed to be in the 1% range.
Yeah typically. variables with statistics always at play. From my direct experience with covid death regarding vaccinated patients. To date have been 70+ Years old. Perhaps the percentage is skewed with advanced age? and long term illnesses.
with unvaccinated, by far, I witness the most death of all age groups at a greater frequency.
I'm getting 1.2% on all the ones who received two doses. And like Bruce, 0.9% on the fully vaccinated people.

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