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The Vaccine

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Sorry guys but tell me your not looking for validation in your message board post count or reaction score?? So If I were to spend far to much of my personal time on a message board that makes me better than newer members? This is so fukd
No validation seeking for me, like i stated earlier, I don’t even know how to get to those status/count screens. i post to share information and to respond to topics that interest me. i would rather have an exchange about my posts than than see how many members like or dislike what I posted. If the opposite were true I’d be better off starting a facebook account and posting there instead. However the emojis are a simpler way to respond and do give me an understanding of how my posts are being received.

I dont know where your question about more time on the board equating to being better than newer members came from so I’ll pass on Responding to it but I did just notice the text in your signature block (for lack of knowledge of the formal term) and am surprised but not shocked by it, shocked it is too strong. I’m glad I don’t spend so much time here that I would revise my signature block with a similar message. Actually I don’t remember the last time I changed my signature block information nor how to do it.

Its the 20th anniversary of 9/11, nothing to celebrate but commemorate And a perfect reminder that life is too short to spend arguing on-line for what amounts to nothing or bragging rights/nothing.
The government is filled with garbage people

As part of the 'garbage' I would offer that you are absolutely clueless on what you are talking about.

I am proud of all the other men and women at the FDA that I have had the privilege of working with over my 35+ year career with FDA. I know that my work has had a positive impact on the health of my fellow Americans.

My daughter also works the government. She is a civilian with the Coast Guard and I am very proud of the work she does.

@MidnightRider, vaccination requirements have been part of our country since the Revolutionary War. Vaccination and objection to vaccination are nothing new. My teenaged daughter happens to have a list of dozens of vaccinations on the fridge that she needed for school. My younger son needs three or four to get caught up. Vaccines are a normal part of life for those with reasonable levels of comprehension in developed countries.
Same tired argument. The government has reached this far so why not let them reach this much more… and then this much more… and the this much more. It’s this line of reasoning that is the problem. The nature of people in governing position is to take more and more control “FOR YOUR OWN GOOD”. If there isn’t any resistance, there will be no boundary and no end. “They mandate it for schools so what is the big problem now that they want to step in and force private companies to force injections on people or fire them.” This is a very short sighted view of liberty. Encourage people to get vaccines but when government starts to threat good honest people, take a pause and be very concerned.
@MidnightRider, today’s “reaches” are the same or smaller than those taken by General, later President, Washington that helped to make our country possible.

Your false narrative is quite political and is harmful to ending this pandemic.

Same tired argument. The government has reached this far so why not let them reach this much more… and then this much more… and the this much more. It’s this line of reasoning that is the problem. The nature of people in governing position is to take more and more control “FOR YOUR OWN GOOD”. If there isn’t any resistance, there will be no boundary and no end. “They mandate it for schools so what is the big problem now that they want to step in and force private companies to force injections on people or fire them.” This is a very short sighted view of liberty. Encourage people to get vaccines but when government starts to threat good honest people, take a pause and be very concerned.
allowing employees to test regularly in the absence of a vaccine respects their right not to get a vaccine and maintains gainful employment.
Last century, with NAFTA, the surface mount electronics division of company folded as it reappeared in Mexico. Incentives were probably doled out at the corporate level. But that is the nature of free market system and federal government. I took responsibility for my future and navigating life decisions. Employees will have to make similar choices.
@MidnightRider, today’s “reaches” are the same or smaller than those taken by General, later President, Washington that helped to make our country possible.

Your false narrative is quite political and is harmful to ending this pandemic.

By replying with this post and that article (yes I read it) it is clear that you don’t have a clue where I’m coming from or what I’m trying to say and so I guess we can agree to disagree.
Seems I’m starting to hit a nerve with you… so you label my post political and harmful, in that way you can start the process of shutting me up in this forum topic. Really?! Have you read the rest of this thread? I’ve always been in the admins court on how you censor on this forum, always thought you guys did an excellent job. But this thread is showing something different. Suggestion that you either be more consistent or shut this thread down cause it’s causing the admin to loose credibility.
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allowing employees to test regularly in the absence of a vaccine respects their right not to get a vaccine and maintains gainful employment.
Last century, with NAFTA, the surface mount electronics division of company folded as it reappeared in Mexico. Incentives were probably doled out at the corporate level. But that is the nature of free market system and federal government. I took responsibility for my future and navigating life decisions. Employees will have to make

again, not the point - I’m done, for real this time lol. This thread man… Train wreck…. Must look away!!
@Bruce referring to *elected officials is a partisan attack?
allowing employees to test regularly in the absence of a vaccine respects their right not to get a vaccine and maintains gainful employment.
Last century, with NAFTA, the surface mount electronics division of company folded as it reappeared in Mexico. Incentives were probably doled out at the corporate level. But that is the nature of free market system and federal government. I took responsibility for my future and navigating life decisions. Employees will have to make similar choices.

Whit is true that you can be tested or take the vaccine the govt. will allow the employer to pass the cost on to theemployee. So your employer can say it cost us 200 for each test and we will be docking your pay every week or we want you tested every day before coming to work and you will have to pay your employer to work there.
Whit is true that you can be tested or take the vaccine the govt. will allow the employer to pass the cost on to theemployee. So your employer can say it cost us 200 for each test and we will be docking your pay every week or we want you tested every day before coming to work and you will have to pay your employer to work there.
again, not the point - I’m done, for real this time lol. This thread man… Train wreck…. Must look away!!
No hard feelings. I wasn’t trying to wear you down or belabor. I’ll read your post again and see where I missed the point.
Just an observation, but I have read a lot of posts which are high on emotions and low on content. We can have a good discussion, even coming from different viewpoints, if we are willing to put sometime into the discussion. I have seen a lot of posts, on this thread, where the point seems to be to lob an opinion into the mix and there is zero attempt to explain the opinion.

No hard feelings. I wasn’t trying to wear you down or belabor. I’ll read your post again and see where I missed the point.
No worries, it’s not you - I’m just in the wrong group of people for this discussion- it’s all good.

Edit: my frustration now is my posts being labeled political and harmful - just time to be done.
Lol, seriously?
No worries, I’ll go back and like all your poasts so you can post here.
I have a plus 135 ratio so I’m good. Unless I get more warning points and am banished.
*134, D’oh
Just landed on an American Airlines flight. Seems like mask mandates on a plane are ridiculous. A recording prior to takeoff said… “It is required that you wear a mask at all times while aboard the plane, or in the airport, unless eating or drinking”. “Refusal to wear a mask can result in being banned from air travel”. About 10 minutes later they gave everybody food, and drinks at the same time, so everyone was sitting there for 40 minutes eating and drinking with no masks on. The flight attendants came by and picked up our garbage, we put our masks back on, and were on the ground 15 minutes later. I laugh at the ridiculousness of the mask mandate on the plane because every time I fly the same thing happens . All of us cramped up in a little tiny can with our masks off for 30 minutes to an hour while “eating ”.
yeah that's kind of dumb way to handle things. Personally I wouldn't take my mask off. The peanuts and sprite are not incentive enough for me to buy some covid.
@Bruce referring to *elected officials is a partisan attack?

That depends on the reference. Is it a statement of fact or a political statement? I try to avoid naming politicians.
yeah that's kind of dumb way to handle things. Personally I wouldn't take my mask off. The peanuts and sprite are not incentive enough for me to buy some covid.

I don't blame the airlines, but air travel at this point in time is a major disappointment to me. When my wife and I were vaccinated last March/April, we had hoped that things might return to some degree of 'normal' by this Fall and we could fly and see my wife's parents and my mother, none of whom we have seen in almost two years. Unfortunately, they all live in higher risk areas, with high Covid rates and high hospitalizations.

As it looks likes my mother-in-law will be having surgery in the next couple of weeks, we are planning to fly as soon as the surgery is scheduled. As it is a 3 1/2 to 4 hour flight we don't plan on eating on the plane and will limit our drinks to water/juice we get at the airport. N95 masks have been readily available so we will use these at the airport/on the plane and at the hospital. When I last flew in January 2020 and February 2020 I also started to bring a pack of wipes on the plane so that I could wipe the tray table and arm rests.

No worries, I’ll go back and like all your poasts so you can post here.
I have a plus 135 ratio so I’m good. Unless I get more warning points and am banished.
It has nothing to do with his reaction score and all to do with the fact that he just joined and only posts in this thread.
It has nothing to do with his reaction score and all to do with the fact that he just joined and only posts in this thread.
Since you’re discussing me, I assume I’m allowed to reply in this thread.

I bought my first jet boat a month ago, and know very little about them, thus I have no wisdom to impart in other threads. I’ve been soaking up information in all threads since I joined.

This topic dominates the national conversation, and is one I’m very familiar with, so it shouldn’t be a shock that most of my posts are in here. Which other thread is as active? Have we run any posting ratios on other members re this thread vs other threads?
I’ve had civil discussions well within the COC with all posters with the exception of 1 reply to swatski, who dropped in with personal attacks. Make of it what you will.
The Libs have always wanted to kill off small business, now they’ve found a way to literally do it.


If I posted this I woud've got banned again.

Hello all,...I'mback !!! Guess I will have to play the skirt with technicalities strategy, since open frank statements are poo-poo here.

First A Solemn, reverent moment for todays significance.

The thread has gone kind of how-e-hum,.....................this is fun and entertaining but it is not real life.

Germain to this thread in a BROAD sense:

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"....................meaning:

Having power corrupts a man, and lessens his morality,..................the more power a man has the more corrupt he becomes.

Also I've just constructed and purchased a Hydro-foil,....I'll be opening a new thread on this awesomeness soon.

PS this is a human condition, no one is immune. Then more just you think you are the opposite is true.
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