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The Vaccine

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Thats totally false but what about this?
Project Veritas? Come on man, you're better than that.
When they open up with an ad to buy a book from the owner of the site, you know it's a real news story.
Why would we discuss a fake news video?
Because its what the public is seeing. Yes we should just ignore whats being told to the public from people we dont necessarily agree with
Not trusted news, like CNN

Just because you don't like how CNN and FOX report their news, doesn't mean the other sources are real. Project vertias is very fake. Literal definition of fake news. CNN and FOX's hard news is not fake.
Because its what the public is seeing. Yes we should just ignore whats being told to the public from people we dont necessarily agree with

Public? I never heard of that video until you posted it. It shouldn't be given the time of day. Project Vertias specializes in editing fake news videos. They are entertainment.
Just because you don't like how CNN and FOX report their news, doesn't mean the other sources are real. Project vertias is very fake. Literal definition of fake news. CNN and FOX's hard news is not fake.
Show me ONE media source that, at best, doesn't choose what and how to cover, arguably due to their bias. PV does selectively edit, just like the rest of the media.
Show me ONE media source that, at best, doesn't choose what and how to cover, arguably due to their bias.

That doesn't mean the story is fake though. PV is the literal definition of fake news. They make up stories. 3 minutes of research on the owner, James O'Keefe, shows he's just a con man. It you believe PV I'm not sure what to tell ya.
Interesting data, I hope they will continue this study.

That doesn't mean the story is fake though. PV is the literal definition of fake news. They make up stories. 3 minutes of research on the owner, James O'Keefe, shows he's just a con man. It you believe PV I'm not sure what to tell ya.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man

It's opinion that he's a con man? OK, since I guess con man can be subjective, will criminal work? He's essentially Borat for the far right from what it looks like. haha

O’Keefe gained national attention for his selectively edited video recordings of workers at Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) offices in 2009, his arrest and guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) under false pretenses, and the release of misleading videos of conversations with two high-ranking, now former, NPR executives in 2011.
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