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The Vaccine

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Seriously, you think its a political statement so say that many Republicans get their news from right leaning news sources and many Democrats get their news from left leaning news sources?


I got my post removed simply for stating that our government is shipping unvaccinated immigrants all over this country, not only did I get that post removed for that statement but I also got a warning so yes I do think it’s political bullshit that you were spewing. Never did I mention a political party like you just did so take that for what it’s worth.
Seriously, you think its a political statement so say that many Republicans get their news from right leaning news sources and many Democrats get their news from left leaning news sources?

Jim...you posted an article that, at it's core, was political.
@adrianp89 do you really have such little understanding of CoVID-19 that you were unaware that organ and heart failure occur in severe infections?
Bruce, surely you're aware that the vaccines have been linked to myocarditis and pericarditis? Ripler's article was as short on information, and as suspect as the one you posted on Kali Cook.
Jim...you posted an article that, at it's core, was political.

Lurch, I didn't read the article as political as it wasn't pushing for, or against, any side of the political spectrum. Rather, it discussed that the American public. as a whole, has a poor understanding of the true risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and that these misperceptions vary by political party, R, D, and I. I think it shows that we all could benefit from better information.

I did have some reservations about posting the link, and had it been a one-sided article (pushing one group over another) I would not have link it.

From a public health perspective, I find it interesting that Democrats are more likely to overstate hospitalization risks for unvaccinated people, while Republicans are more likely to overstate risks to vaccinated people, leading to very low vaccine efficacy estimates. I think this drives a lot of public discussion that we have on vaccinations, including ones on this thread. Myself, I find it helpful to learn why some folks might have a different perspective than I, and I think it helps me have better discussions with others.

I'm not sure the vaccination thing goes strictly down party lines. The Republicans within my social groups are overwhelmingly vaccinated. I dislike the over generalization.
This is a hard buy for me. Not doubting his sickness, but that COVID caused heart failure and other organ failure. It also fails to mention vaccine status, which inflammation of the heart is a potential side effect.

Mildy deductive reasoning: his symptoms started in January, well before widespread vaccine availability. Combine that with the well-known long term organ damage fairly commonly observed after infection, and the exceedingly low prevalence of myocarditis following vaccination (younger you are, worse it can be), and this adds up to a plausible story to me.
I'm not sure the vaccination thing goes strictly down party lines. The Republicans within my social groups are overwhelmingly vaccinated. I dislike the over generalization.
Agreed, but there are some pretty strong trends overall. Red states had/have a much lower vaccination rate, while at the same time, minorities (a significantly democrat group) also have a far lower vaccination uptake. Nothing here is black and white.
Agreed, but there are some pretty strong trends overall. Red states had/have a much lower vaccination rate, while at the same time, minorities (a significantly democrat group) also have a far lower vaccination uptake. Nothing here is black and white.
That is exactly my point. We only have two major parties and using that to wholly identify people is not sufficient regardless of overall tendencies.
Hmm. Might be time to buy stock in Merck....

My very large company just pushed out our return to work until at least next year. I think a big part of it is that they don’t know what to do with this vaccine mandate.
The reinfection rate in Oklahoma is twice as high as the breakthrough infection rate. This is similar to previous CDC reporting that found greater protection from vaccination versus previous infection.

The reinfection rate in Oklahoma is twice as high as the breakthrough infection rate. This is similar to previous CDC reporting that found greater protection from vaccination versus previous infection.

View attachment 164552
How many of those reinfections were also vaccinated? Without that data, it's a jump to say that vaccination provides better protection than natural immunity.
Reinfections occur in not fully vaccinated. Breakthrough occur in fully vaccinated. See **footnote.
Reinfections occur in not fully vaccinated. Breakthrough occur in fully vaccinated. See **footnote.
That's not at all what the *footnote states, only that reinfections need be > 90 days apart (the **footnote only denotes breakthroughs, not reinfections). Even in the report, it's noted that reinfections have surfaced in 4700 vaccinated AND unvaccinated.
Merck time to go back to life and work.

For a 50% reduction in mild cases becoming severe? This thread and the delta wave are fueled by people who scoff at >80% reduction and trolls.
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For a 50% reduction in mild cases becoming severe? This thread is fueled by people who scoff at >80% reduction and trolls.
How are the good folks over here on the Vax-Scene thread doing today?

That is exactly my point. We only have two major parties and using that to wholly identify people is not sufficient regardless of overall tendencies.
That's the funny thing, why do you have to be classified as one or the other. Nobody ever said you did, but you wouldn't know it looking at things.
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