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The Vaccine

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My wife was out for 36 hours post 2nd dose :wtf:
3rd dose of Pfizer on Friday of last week. Fine for first 6 hours, then arm pain, then whole body aches x 10 hours, then GI upset x 2 hours, then complete resolution of all symptoms by hour 18. Had zero side effects from first 2 doses.
This is an interesting article, published by Gallup, discussing how the American public has a poor understanding of the true risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and that misperceptions vary by political party.

At the end of the article it notes:

"Appendix: The Actual Risk and Implied Efficacy

The correct answers to hospitalization risk can be calculated using data from the Department of Health and Human Services (via HealthData.gov) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One needs only the following figures: 1) the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated people 2) total hospitalizations resulting from COVID-19 3) hospitalizations of vaccinated people. We used data through August 9, 2021, one week before the survey was fielded. At that time, total hospitalizations from COVID-19 were estimated to be 2.6 million, with 7,608 vaccinations found among vaccinated people. The size of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations was nearly equal on August 9 (with 168 million vaccinated and 163 million unvaccinated).

A simplistic analysis of these numbers would yield hospitalization rates of 0.005% for the vaccinated population (1 case in 22,118) and 1.6% for the unvaccinated population (1 case in 62), but those numbers exaggerate the benefits of the vaccine because the unvaccinated population confronted many more days of risk, since vaccination was gradually rolled out starting in December of 2020. For that reason, we take the average population totals over the relevant periods for each population (March 1, 2020-Aug. 9, 2021 for the unvaccinated population and Dec. 15, 2020,-Aug. 9, 2021, for the vaccinated population). The adjusted population of vaccinated people comes to 83 million and 295 million for the vaccinated population, since the entire U.S. population was unvaccinated -- except a small number of participants in clinical trials --up until December of 2020.

Using these adjusted figures, we calculate that the hospitalization rate for the vaccinated population is 0.01% (or 1 in 10,914), and the rate for unvaccinated adults is 0.89% (or 1 case in 112 people). In both cases, therefore, the correct answer is less than one percent, but the implied efficacy rate of vaccination is 99% at preventing hospitalizations. This is calculated as the hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated minus the hospitalization rate for the vaccinated, divided by the unvaccinated rate. In other words, it is the percentage decrease in hospitalization risk. This high rate of protection -- even against Delta -- is consistent with a recent article published in the Lancet, which reviewed large-scale empirical data from the United States and around the world."

This is a hard buy for me. Not doubting his sickness, but that COVID caused heart failure and other organ failure. It also fails to mention vaccine status, which inflammation of the heart is a potential side effect.
Covid can cause heart issues for sure. The article said that other other organ failures were due to cardiac insufficiency (which makes sense - and is why they put him on bypass)
This is an interesting article, published by Gallup, discussing how the American public has a poor understanding of the true risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and that misperceptions vary by political party.

At the end of the article it notes:

"Appendix: The Actual Risk and Implied Efficacy

The correct answers to hospitalization risk can be calculated using data from the Department of Health and Human Services (via HealthData.gov) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One needs only the following figures: 1) the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated people 2) total hospitalizations resulting from COVID-19 3) hospitalizations of vaccinated people. We used data through August 9, 2021, one week before the survey was fielded. At that time, total hospitalizations from COVID-19 were estimated to be 2.6 million, with 7,608 vaccinations found among vaccinated people. The size of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations was nearly equal on August 9 (with 168 million vaccinated and 163 million unvaccinated).

A simplistic analysis of these numbers would yield hospitalization rates of 0.005% for the vaccinated population (1 case in 22,118) and 1.6% for the unvaccinated population (1 case in 62), but those numbers exaggerate the benefits of the vaccine because the unvaccinated population confronted many more days of risk, since vaccination was gradually rolled out starting in December of 2020. For that reason, we take the average population totals over the relevant periods for each population (March 1, 2020-Aug. 9, 2021 for the unvaccinated population and Dec. 15, 2020,-Aug. 9, 2021, for the vaccinated population). The adjusted population of vaccinated people comes to 83 million and 295 million for the vaccinated population, since the entire U.S. population was unvaccinated -- except a small number of participants in clinical trials --up until December of 2020.

Using these adjusted figures, we calculate that the hospitalization rate for the vaccinated population is 0.01% (or 1 in 10,914), and the rate for unvaccinated adults is 0.89% (or 1 case in 112 people). In both cases, therefore, the correct answer is less than one percent, but the implied efficacy rate of vaccination is 99% at preventing hospitalizations. This is calculated as the hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated minus the hospitalization rate for the vaccinated, divided by the unvaccinated rate. In other words, it is the percentage decrease in hospitalization risk. This high rate of protection -- even against Delta -- is consistent with a recent article published in the Lancet, which reviewed large-scale empirical data from the United States and around the world."

The American public has a poor understanding of the risks, because they're being fed a steady stream of unadulterated bullshit from the Federal govt as a whole. Amazing the people don't take COVID/vaccine info at face value...well, some of them.
The American public has a poor understanding of the risks, because they're being fed a steady stream of unadulterated bullshit from the Federal govt as a whole. Amazing the people don't take COVID/vaccine info at face value...well, some of them.
Huh....other than the "Mask lie" to protect N95 supplies, and the early testing fubar, I'm not aware of any "unadulterated bullshit" regarding Covid. At the start of this, nothing was known about the disease, and over time our knowledge has grown, and its grown through trial and error - perhaps that is what you refer to?
The American public has a poor understanding of the risks, because they're being fed a steady stream of unadulterated bullshit from the Federal govt as a whole. Amazing the people don't take COVID/vaccine info at face value...well, some of them.

Respectfully, I disagree. I think it has more to do with where we get our information from. Republicans tend to get their news and information from more right leaning sources like Fox and like minded on-line sources, while Democrats tend to get their news and information from a completely different set of TV and on-line sources.

Respectfully, I disagree. I think it has more to do with where we get our information from. Republicans tend to get their news and information from more right leaning sources like Fox and like minded on-line sources, while Democrats tend to get their news and information from a completely different set of TV and on-line sources.

To paraphrase, many on both sides get information from like-minded sources. I agree. You didn't refute part of my post, that the lies from the Feds breed mistrust. I don't need to go to Fox News nor CNN to explain to me what I just saw/heard from the horse's mouth.
Huh....other than the "Mask lie" to protect N95 supplies, and the early testing fubar, I'm not aware of any "unadulterated bullshit" regarding Covid. At the start of this, nothing was known about the disease, and over time our knowledge has grown, and its grown through trial and error - perhaps that is what you refer to?
I wasn't referring to "just COVID", Julian. I'm not sure where you got that.
To paraphrase, many on both sides get information from like-minded sources. I agree. You didn't refute part of my post, that the lies from the Feds breed mistrust. I don't need to go to Fox News nor CNN to explain to me what I just saw/heard from the horse's mouth.

I didn't address "unadulterated bullshit from the Federal govt" as I honestly don't know what you are specifically talking about. Is this the politicians (Presidents Trump/Biden, Congress) the federal agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH, others) or someone else?

Respectfully, I disagree. I think it has more to do with where we get our information from. Republicans tend to get their news and information from more right leaning sources like Fox and like minded on-line sources, while Democrats tend to get their news and information from a completely different set of TV and on-line sources.


So much for the no politics rule huh. Oh wait that depends on who is saying what.... I forgot carry on.
@Jim_in_Delaware You can do your own research on the border, Afghanistan, inflation and spending to pick at my assertion. Since I mentioned the FedGov - it's safe to infer I was pointing at those you listed. I'm not sliding the thread.
So much for the no politics rule huh. Oh wait that depends on who is saying what.... I forgot carry on.

Seriously, you think its a political statement so say that many Republicans get their news from right leaning news sources and many Democrats get their news from left leaning news sources?

@adrianp89 do you really have such little understanding of CoVID-19 that you were unaware that organ and heart failure occur in severe infections?
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