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The Vaccine

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This article provides interesting background on the dosing levels chosen by Pfizer (30mg) and Moderna (100mg) for their otherwise quite similar vaccines.

Maine, the third most vaccinated state, set records each of the last three days for the number of positive COVID tests reported.
*the hospitals are so over crowded that nurses are being fired to make more room for patients
Since the Cares Act has expired, I bet there's going to be a increase of Covid cases. There's a lot of people in the US living paycheck to paycheck and do you think they are going to report to their company that they were exposed to someone with Covid?
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The source of COVID 19 has been found

The source of COVID 19 has been found

I was just in Kennebunkport yesterday and ate a whole Lobster. Let’s see how these anti-bodies do ?
Silent sensorship?
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Silent sensorship?
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I thought you had a post last night with a link. Thought to my self I will read in the morning, now it is gone.
I thought you had a post last night with a link. Thought to my self I will read in the morning, now it is gone.
Interesting...I hope Admin isn't going full Facebook. Was it the video where Pfizer scientists claimed natural immunity was superior, and that profit from Covid was driving the company?
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Interesting...I hope Admin isn't going full Facebook. Was it the video where Pfizer scientists claimed natural immunity was superior, and that profit from Covid was driving the company?
Yes it was that exactly. Thought we were able to discuss all facets of this and also dispel myths and misconceptions, guess I was wrong
aggressive or repetative testing i think ! .

Ouch, I will say, my mom never had a nose bleed in her life… Until the second time she was covid tested. She now has had multiple bad nose bleeds and is seeing the ENT this month. Just my own anecdotal evidence though.
Very unlikely that is real. I mean, look how edited that is with zero source.
A screenshot from instagram, with a cut and paste from a facebook post on that instagram pic, posted to Imgur. haha come on guys.
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