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The Vaccine

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It's opinion that he's a con man? OK, since I guess con man can be subjective, will criminal work? He's essentially Borat for the far right from what it looks like. haha

O’Keefe gained national attention for his selectively edited video recordings of workers at Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) offices in 2009, his arrest and guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) under false pretenses, and the release of misleading videos of conversations with two high-ranking, now former, NPR executives in 2011.
Cut/Paste Wikipedia as an unattributed source? OK, you do you.
Cut/Paste Wikipedia as an unattributed source? OK, you do you.


Object to his methods all you want, but if objective reporting was at all common in mainstream media, there would be no market for a James O'Keefe

Business insider and CBS. Part of the MSM crew. C’mon man....

See how easy that was?

Rather than focus on James let’s discuss what the scientists and docs were saying. Are they lying? Are they crockpots too? I think this is good info for anyone to know.
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In this sample size, over 50 has a higher death rate and hospitalization rate fully vaxed vs non vaxed? During the dosing though, it appears those rates plummet. This would be justification for booster shots? I'm not sure I'm comprehending that chart though.

I see this in the summary. "2 doses of the vaccine remain highly effective, with 60 to 85% effectiveness against infection, 90 to 99% effectiveness against hospitalisation, 90 to 95% against mortality and 65 to 99% against symptomatic disease "
Business insider and CBS. Part of the MSM crew. C’mon man....

See how easy that was?

One source employs graduates from journalism programs, and the other employs criminals and con men? And you guys trust the later? I just won't ever understand.
let’s discuss what the scientists and docs were saying. Are they lying? Are they crockpots too? I think this is good info for anyone to know.

99.9% of them, no they are not.
One source employs graduates from journalism programs, and the other employs criminals and con men? And you guys trust the later? I just won't ever understand.
And neither disputes the unethical behavior he uncovers. I’m sure all those Journalism grads are bringing Truth to power.
Interesting data as well out of the UK, showing an almost 2x higher death rate among fully vaccinated with Delta than partial/non-vaxxed.

Not sure how you are coming to that conclusion. The data in table 5 at the bottom row is the death data-the rest is just ER data. So from death data we have the following:

And quoting the document itself:

2 doses of the vaccine remain highly effective, with 60 to 85% effectiveness against infection, 90 to 99% effectiveness against hospitalisation, 90 to 95% against mortality and 65 to 99% against symptomatic disease​
Clearly the data above on delta variant is concerning as the vaccines appear to be less effective for the delta variant, but I have no clue where you got the 2x higher death rate from. It is 1/3 that of non-fully vaccinated (from the Delta variant only in that chart).
Not everything is a conspiracy my man. Please, trust your doctor. If you have doubts, get a second opinion to confirm.
Never said it was. I’m asking for you to provide source to what you’re saying. You can’t just discredit other people because you don’t like their source of info and then stick you’re fingers in your ears when it’s your turn to backup what you’re saying.

Nothing in that video was conspiracy based. It was hidden interviews of individuals that work for big Pharma. If it were conspiracy it was from their own mouths. What about the video makes you think it’s conspiracy?
Still maintaining the vaccination mandate exemption for themselves.

"In April, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress couldn’t mandate the vaccine among members and that it was a "matter of privacy." In early August, she signaled she would be open to mandating the vaccine once it was granted full approval by the Food and Drug Administration, but she has not appeared to have revisited the issue since Pfizer’s vaccine was approved late last month." Congress exempt from Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

Not sure how you are coming to that conclusion. The data in table 5 at the bottom row is the death data-the rest is just ER data. So from death data we have the following:
View attachment 164751

And quoting the document itself:

2 doses of the vaccine remain highly effective, with 60 to 85% effectiveness against infection, 90 to 99% effectiveness against hospitalisation, 90 to 95% against mortality and 65 to 99% against symptomatic disease​
Clearly the data above on delta variant is concerning as the vaccines appear to be less effective for the delta variant, but I have no clue where you got the 2x higher death rate from. It is 1/3 that of non-fully vaccinated (from the Delta variant only in that chart).
You’re reading something wrong. Total deaths 2500, 1600 were fully vaccinated


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Not everything is a conspiracy my man. Please, trust your doctor. If you have doubts, get a second opinion to confirm.
Always trust your doctor!

But what if I don't want to use cigarettes to protect my throat against irritation from cough?

Thank goodness they didn't mandate smoking.

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Never said it was. I’m asking for you to provide source to what you’re saying. You can’t just discredit other people because you don’t like their source of info and then stick you’re fingers in your ears when it’s your turn to backup what you’re saying.

Nothing in that video was conspiracy based. It was hidden interviews of individuals that work for big Pharma. If it were conspiracy it was from their own mouths. What about the video makes you think it’s conspiracy?

I provided my 2 sources do discredit PV? But fine, lets assume PV didn't edit this video to fit what they push (conspiracies). What was the shocking part of that video? I don't even see a "gotcha."
I provided my 2 sources do discredit PV? But fine, lets assume PV didn't edit this video to fit what they push (conspiracies). What was the shocking part of that video? I don't even see a "gotcha."

There is no gotcha in the video. Clearly you’re missing the point. What was discussed in the video by actual Pfizer scientists and those well in the vaccine are the same things others have tried to discuss in here and other places only to be shunned as conspiracy theorists.
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