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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

They are cool boats...awesome dash and old school gauges..Congrats!

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Finally back home from vacation. It sucked cleaning the boat today but it needed it after a week of heavy use. Here’s some surf footage I threw together...

that's awesome! You can't go to any local lake around here and have it be that empty. Even in the middle of the week. Went up to my buddies the other week and had a hard time finding clean water during the week as the lake was packed like it was the weekend.
Okay, I've been gradually looking at the MB boats closer and closer throughout the year. I've avoided visiting our chatting with a dealer, because I know I'll start a process I'm not sure I'm ready for yet...

Mind answering a few questions?
  • Can you give me a ballpark on the going price of the B52?
  • What is financing one of these like? Do people get 20 year terms?
  • Is production returning to normal?
Sick looking boat, congratulations!

Sure thing!

1. My sense is that you could get a bare-bones boat with dual axle trailer for $105-110K. Option it out with ballast/colors/etc and you are $125-135K. You can bump up from there if you want the 575 engine or something.
2. Not sure on the financing - wasn’t something we spent time looking in to.
3. Seems to be. Haven’t heard of any delays on the MB Boat Owners site.

Hope this helps!
Sure thing!

1. My sense is that you could get a bare-bones boat with dual axle trailer for $105-110K. Option it out with ballast/colors/etc and you are $125-135K. You can bump up from there if you want the 575 engine or something.
2. Not sure on the financing - wasn’t something we spent time looking in to.
3. Seems to be. Haven’t heard of any delays on the MB Boat Owners site.

Hope this helps!
I appreciate the info. I've probably designed 6 or 8 MB's in the past few months. They're growing on me.
I appreciate the info. I've probably designed 6 or 8 MB's in the past few months. They're growing on me.
Looks like you are in Utah. It’s worth going over to the Boat Shack to see the boats in person and ask about getting a demo. I loved the quality of the MB Boats and it hit the sweet spot for me of out-of-the-box surf performance without a lot of extra tech.

People on the MB Boat Owners rave about the Boat Shack. For what it’s worth, I’ve loved working with my MB shop here in Michigan. Totally cool people, responsive to my questions, no pressure sales, etc. I feel good that they’ll be there for the inevitable warranty and service issues and that they’ll know and take care of me and the boat.
Well it’s midsummer guys. Work has been kicking my ass SO HARD this year in the manufacturing industry that it has kept us off the water more than I care for :(. Make the most of it fellas when you’re on the water. Let’s see some 2021 summer wave action in this thread!

Not wave action, but we are enjoying our last day of the Caribbean blue waters of Torch Lake.


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That water looks nice!
I am feeling the pain myself. Worked 47 hours of overtime over the past 2 weeks... I was forced to cancel last weekends 4 day boating vacation to meet our installation deadlines. It's madness! Our last day on the water was July 14th.
It's been a frustrating few weeks!
Wake9 finally got their video up on lead ballast placement and distribution. Not sure if I’ll get another chance on the lake this season but hoping so and I’m going to give this a try versus where I have my lead now. I typically put mine at -3.5 roll and 9 to 9.5 pitch with full ballast.

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It was a sad and happy day for us yesterday as our 212X pulled out of the driveway with it’s new owners (who are very excited about it).

Now the long long wait for the Mommba Kaiyen to be built, shipped, stored, and finally launched next May. We plan on getting additional lead from the dealer and doing just what Wake9 says in the video. My kids are soooo excited about being and to switch sides while surfing, as well as both surfing at the same time on one side.
Do any of these boats have an extended bimini similar to the 242? Lack of shade is a non started for us!
Do any of these boats have an extended bimini similar to the 242? Lack of shade is a non started for us!
Sewlong makes an extended shade for Centurions and Supremes to cover the sun pad. One of the things I liked about the Supremes is that their factory biminis cover more than most other brands. Sewlong also makes biminis for Centurions and Supremes that are really popular options over the factory ones too; even more coverage.