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Towing with Tesla Model X

Not sensitive but I love the underhand slyness of your remark lol. Nobody talks and says my internal combustion engine in real life. Maybe on the internet but not in real life. Actually this thread is the first time seeing it but again I don't go on EV forums so maybe this is common lingo for us mere petrol, methanol and nitro loving Neanderthals. You look on this forum and nobody says they have a 1.8L ICE lol. EV's don't have engines unless it's a hybrid so I can only think people say ICE to cast some sort of strange stigma to an old tech engine lol. Of course you can see how it's taken that way since that's the only logical reason someone would talk like that in 2019 lol.

At any rate I find it funny is all and I can't fathom people literally saying ICE when you're talking to other gear heads. You come up to me at a car meet saying "what kind of ICE you got in that thing" and I'm either going to pump some ICE Cube, Vanilla ICE ICE baby or say my sweet tea needs more ice because I just spewed it out of my drink.

The 2 stroke video was just to add to the entertainment this thread has become. Wasn't meant to offend anyone. Just a funny video of awesome BRAP BRAP sounds!!

As for my phone charging it every day it sucks. Eventually the battery gets to a state that it can't hold a charge like it once used to and needs to be replaced or live its life by the nearest outlet. Not sure the lifespan of a EV battery but I absolutely loathe my phone. Probably because it's a company phone that may as well be sewn into my freaking skin. I'd love for nothing more than to torch the damn thing but they would just give me another. Hate we have to use crApple with a passion.
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Nobody talks and says my internal combustion engine. Actually this thread is the first time seeing it but again I don't go on EV forums so maybe this is common lingo for us Neanderthals. You look on this forum and nobody says they have a 1.8L ICE lol. EV's don't have engines unless it's a hybrid so I can only think people say ICE to cast some sort of strange stigma to an old tech engine lol.

At any rate I find it funny is all and I can't fathom people literally saying ICE when you're talking to other gear heads. You come up to me at a car meet saying "what kind of ICE you got in that thing" and I'm either going to pump some ICE Cube, Vanilla ICE ICE baby or say my sweet tea needs more ice because I just spewed it out of my drink.

The 2 stroke video was just to add to the entertainment this thread has become. Wasn't meant to offend anyone. Just a funny video of BRAP BRAP1
Yep, it's a way to distinguish between engines and motors when typing, but too many people use the term engines about EVs (incorrectly - you are right, they have motors) so I guess we have started to use the term ICE as a shortcut. I don't think I've ever said 'ICE.'

Still not sure why you think it is derogatory.

If you like cars with engines (that verbage still seems clunky), cool.

I have a friend who sold his business and has a couple lambos and a Ford GT (among others). He's happy with what he drives, I'm happy with what I drive. Do I enjoy driving his and he mine? Yep. Each has their strengths and weaknesses.
To add, I agree about phones. Wish we could go back to actually having human interaction and not being available 24/7.

Since you brought up battery degradation (figured someone would ask at some point), my wife's S has 135k miles on it and we are down about 10% range from new. My brother has close to 250k miles on his and I believe he is down around 25%. He does drive harder and has supercharged almost ALL of his charges.
I honestly don't have an issue with them. One of my old car audio installer buddies has had a 2nd gen Insight since new and he loves the thing to death. It's a cool car for what it is just not my thing. I just think it's strange the whole EV thing tends to get shoved into people's minds or made out like these are going to replace gasoline vehicles in our lifetime and to me it all just seems silly ....IMO of course.

Now one thing I do love about a Tesla is Elon and his love for SpaceX. 100% gusher over that kind of stuff and first time in a long time we got to see real history being made and giant leaps in space exploration.

And totally yes to the phones. Human interaction is gone. Everyone buries their faces in tech, myself included unfortunately due to my job. I don't allow people to get sucked into them for long periods on my boat either unless it's for pics. We are out on the water to escape or "reset" life. My daughter has been saving forever so she could buy a damn Apple Watch. It's her money she earned but I hate seeing another device in my house if I'm honest. Tried to hold out as long as I could and she is turning 10 this month. Ugh I need a beer now lol
It’s 148 miles between my house and my parents.


Guess I’ll keep burning dead dinosaurs.
It’s 148 miles between my house and my parents.


Guess I’ll keep burning dead dinosaurs.
2 questions...
1) Where are your parents?
2) Do you tow to there? Cuz you wouldn't need to charge to just drive there and back.

We haven't even talked about the thousands of public chargers (slower than Tesla superchargers, but available), or the ability to charge at ANY outlet. Normal 120v charges pretty slowly, but still gives you about 50 miles overnight.
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2 questions...
1) Where are your parents?
2) Do you tow to there? Cuz you wouldn't need to charge to just drive there and back.

We haven't even talked about the thousands of public chargers (slower than Tesla superchargers, but available), or the ability to charge at ANY outlet. Normal 120v charges pretty slowly, but still gives you about 50 miles overnight.

1. From Eastern Kentucky to really Eastern Kentucky!

2. No, I don’t (normally) tow there. But I usually have some errands to run for them, and another 40 miles out of the way to see the In-Laws.

The trip simply can’t be done in one day with existing technology.
Not sensitive but I love the underhand slyness of your remark lol. Nobody talks and says my internal combustion engine in real life. Maybe on the internet but not in real life. Actually this thread is the first time seeing it but again I don't go on EV forums so maybe this is common lingo for us mere petrol, methanol and nitro loving Neanderthals. You look on this forum and nobody says they have a 1.8L ICE lol. EV's don't have engines unless it's a hybrid so I can only think people say ICE to cast some sort of strange stigma to an old tech engine lol. Of course you can see how it's taken that way since that's the only logical reason someone would talk like that in 2019 lol.

At any rate I find it funny is all and I can't fathom people literally saying ICE when you're talking to other gear heads. You come up to me at a car meet saying "what kind of ICE you got in that thing" and I'm either going to pump some ICE Cube, Vanilla ICE ICE baby or say my sweet tea needs more ice because I just spewed it out of my drink.

The 2 stroke video was just to add to the entertainment this thread has become. Wasn't meant to offend anyone. Just a funny video of awesome BRAP BRAP sounds!!

As for my phone charging it every day it sucks. Eventually the battery gets to a state that it can't hold a charge like it once used to and needs to be replaced or live its life by the nearest outlet. Not sure the lifespan of a EV battery but I absolutely loathe my phone. Probably because it's a company phone that may as well be sewn into my freaking skin. I'd love for nothing more than to torch the damn thing but they would just give me another. Hate we have to use crApple with a passion.

Pretty sure he was just using ICE/EV to distinguish the two vehicle types in the same conversation. It's entirely relevant, and nothing underhanded about it...

1. From Eastern Kentucky to really Eastern Kentucky!

2. No, I don’t (normally) tow there. But I usually have some errands to run for them, and another 40 miles out of the way to see the In-Laws.

The trip simply can’t be done in one day with existing technology.

Cool, so it doesn't work for you, yet. No one has said that it works for everyone, but it works for many, especially if not living in a rural area traveling to other rural areas frequently.
1. From Eastern Kentucky to really Eastern Kentucky!

2. No, I don’t (normally) tow there. But I usually have some errands to run for them, and another 40 miles out of the way to see the In-Laws.

The trip simply can’t be done in one day with existing technology.
I think you might be surprised. Tesla S has 370 miles of range, and if you plugged in while grabbing lunch or dinner (or even visiting) you can pick up 30-60 additional miles.

What towns?
Waiting for the pickup 400+ miles. How about a spare battery when the pickup comes out just slides in the bed and plugs in.
any info on all the salt used in the northeast causing problems With the Tesla’s?
Waiting for the pickup 400+ miles. How about a spare battery when the pickup comes out just slides in the bed and plugs in.
any info on all the salt used in the northeast causing problems With the Tesla’s?
We use a ton of salt here in Wisconsin also. No issues as the S and X are aluminum. 3 has steel panels (like most cars).
What is so clear to me in this thread is opinions from people who have not drove a Tesla and those who have. And I hate to pull that card as if you have never driven one than you can’t have an opinion, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is you’ll be shocked at how fast your opinion will change after driving one.

I hate to say it but if you don’t have a Tesla (and I do not) but have rented one for a few days (which I have) you just won’t get it. Like someone else said in this thread, to run out of juice in a Tesla, you’d have to be pretty dumb.

Im holding out for the truck. All my fingers and toes are crossed it’s badass!!
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What is so clear to me in this thread is opinions from people who have not drove a Tesla and those who have. And I hate to pull that card as if you have never driven one than you can’t have an opinion, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is you’ll be shocked at how fast your opinion will change after driving On my way!

I hate to say it but if you don’t have a Tesla (and I do not) but have rented one for a few days (which I have) you just won’t get it. Like someone else said in this thread, to run out of juice in a Tesla, you’d have to be pretty dumb.

Im holding out for the truck. All my fingers and toes are crossed it’s badass!!

You have to pretty dumb to run out of gas - but again it happens... literally no difference there. The difference is your day gets a whole lot worse when you run out of juice.

I hate the look of the Model 3 inside and out - but it might make some financial sense to consider it for my wife. She just took a new job where she will be driving quite a bit and is paid per mile (not gas used). As we were considering an extended warranty and new tires soon we could put that money towards a down payment and potentially have her mileage checks cover a good portion of the car note.

If we go to the store in the mall, do they have a car you can test drive?
You have to pretty dumb to run out of gas - but again it happens... literally no difference there. The difference is your day gets a whole lot worse when you run out of juice.

I hate the look of the Model 3 inside and out - but it might make some financial sense to consider it for my wife. She just took a new job where she will be driving quite a bit and is paid per mile (not gas used). As we were considering an extended warranty and new tires soon we could put that money towards a down payment and potentially have her mileage checks cover a good portion of the car note.

If we go to the store in the mall, do they have a car you can test drive?
I'm not a fan of the exterior styling of the 3 either - although I do like the "minimalist" interior. I wish it was a little closer to the S design, just smaller, as I think the S is pretty sexy.

Your wife's situation is much like my brother's. He had a LONG (I believe 120 miles each way) commute for a project for about 3 years for which he could either get paid a per diem to stay or get paid mileage. He bought a Model S and was reimbursed $130 a day for his mileage. He supercharged, so had NO cost for electricity. The mileage reimbursement, in effect, paid for the Model S.

Typically, the store will have a car you can drive - you may want to call ahead to make sure.
You have to pretty dumb to run out of gas - but again it happens... literally no difference there. The difference is your day gets a whole lot worse when you run out of juice.

I hate the look of the Model 3 inside and out - but it might make some financial sense to consider it for my wife. She just took a new job where she will be driving quite a bit and is paid per mile (not gas used). As we were considering an extended warranty and new tires soon we could put that money towards a down payment and potentially have her mileage checks cover a good portion of the car note.

If we go to the store in the mall, do they have a car you can test drive?
Locations vary. My local mall spot doesn't do test drives. Call ahead!
You have to pretty dumb to run out of gas - but again it happens... literally no difference there. The difference is your day gets a whole lot worse when you run out of juice.

But the difference is, you'd have to be extra special to run out of gas if you start your day with a full tank, every day. Either way, its a shitty day. Someone is either bringing a gas can or a (free) tow truck.
But the difference is, you'd have to be extra special to run out of gas if you start your day with a full tank, every day. Either way, its a shitty day. Someone is either bringing a gas can or a (free) tow truck.
Lol, love this.

By the way, if you are using navigation the car warns you if you are heading somewhere outside your range (or even if you are heading somewhere that you won't be able to get back to where you started) and adds a recommended stop for supercharging.
Great question.

My Roadster gets the equivalent of 150mpg at $3/gal gas. The S is closer to 100mpg.

Not bad for high performance, fun, cars.

By the way, supercharging is free on the S, so you can (and I did) drive from California to Wisconsin (or wherever) for free.
What's the math on these mpg numbers?

Are you using the cost of a watt-hour to back calculate the amount of diatance you can buy in gasoline?

Not sure I have a better solution, just curious how you arrived at those numbers.
Running out of gas isn't a random chance like engine trouble. It takes conscientious effort to do so. You decide to push that envelope. If you like to push that envelope and have found yourself walking to a gas station then an EV probably isn't for you because that would be a costly mistake.
1. From Eastern Kentucky to really Eastern Kentucky!

2. No, I don’t (normally) tow there. But I usually have some errands to run for them, and another 40 miles out of the way to see the In-Laws.

The trip simply can’t be done in one day with existing technology.
Not sure if you saw my reply last night, but thought I'd add a little more color. I'm really curious where you are looking because I see this around Richmond:
The Orange markers are Tesla superchargers, the green are level 2 chargers (think 30-60 miles of range added while you grab lunch).