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Wakesurf Boards - How to Build Your Own

Finally got around to getting some more work done. Received the errant fin box order. Finished the graphics and cut the fin boxes. Did the bottom epoxy glassing today on both boards. Came out pretty good. Headed to the lake in the morning so will finish boards on the weekend. Cam.
Board fin boxes in.jpg
You definitely have skills @KXCam22 . BTW, I saw a review of four of these boards in a boating mag recently, the first was $400 the remaning three were $800 each. If I tried to make my own it would probably cost me $1,600 in labor.
Very nicely done. Can't wait to see the finished product. I might get around to mine this winter though I am debating on doing a surf board or a stand-up paddle board first.
The SUP would be cool. Very popular to build. I am considering building a windsurfer hull since I have a good sail and hardware but the board part is a huge barge. Bottoms of our wakesurfers are glassed and will probably do the tops tomorrow. A few minor flaws but in general have turned out excellent for first editions. The graphics worked out well. You print them on rice paper and the resin makes the rice paper invisible so only the graphic shows. Cam.
Wow! Just wow!!!

Mad skills you've got there Cam. Love it!
Just did the top glass tonight and will sand coat them tomorrow. Almost done. Plan for the maiden voyage next weekend, unless it rains like it has every other weekend. When done I will post a summary of do's and lessons learned. It's nice that they are glassed. Makes them tough and easy to handle without making accidental dents. Cam.

CKC board base glassed_sm.jpg MGC board top glass3-SM.jpg
Awesome, just awesome seeing this stuff. Love the project!

So in that last pic, the board looks really thick. What are the dimensions?
The board is a surf-style 54"x 21.5" x 2.25" quad-fin with 2.5" rocker with a planing hull aspect ratio and hard rails. 5 and 9 degree fin rake. This style is intended to be thick for flotation with a concave deck to reduce flex and move your feet back towards the waterline and a concave base to channel the waterflow. Not sure what the weight will be until done but it is very light so far. Cam.
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@KXCam22 I'l love, love, love to ride that board! Oregon is just a little south of ya!
Maybe this weekend for mine. Just finished the top glass - have to wait and hour and then cut off the lap on the bottom. My son has finished his sanding coat and man is it smooth and shiny. Right now I am designing an easy waketower roof rack to carry them. Cam.
Sanding coats are done and just finished the gloss coat on the bottom. Will do the top gloss coat 6am ish before work. Then I can polish the whole thing after work. Almost done. Cam.
Here is the board with the gloss coat on. This is before I screwed it up by power sanding to aggressively. I will do a 2nd gloss coat tonight. Doubt I will get to try it this weekend due to continual bad weather and wind. Someone just sank their wakeboat in my local lake last night due to wind/waves. Cam.

CKC Shiny board_s.jpg
DONE!! Finally got it finished. It's not a beautiful as I had hoped but not too bad for a 1st board. Cam

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Outstanding! Where did you get the black foot rest?
Great job @KXCam22. What a cool project. Can't wait to see some action shots.

@buckbuck that stand looks kinda like its from an ironing board. :confused:
ummm...yeah, I guess I said that wrong. I've got a surfboard that needs the foot rest in the back.WP_20160723_10_34_39_Pro.jpg
Allied express (china) is where we got all our parts, fins finboxes and pads. Front foot pad is still on the way. Dakine and Agenda sites also have US supply of nice pads. Cam.

ps stand is from a collapsible camping coffee table
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Success!! Finally got some boating weather, 32C no wind with a super calm lake. Had both boards out today. My sons board is a ferrari. Handles amazing and is soo easy to ride. Dual fin setup was best as the quad seemed to slow it down My board is christine (ala steven king). Mind of its own, turns so fast it is hard to ride - for me anyway. The quad fin setup made the board so fast it was hard not to ram the boat. I had trouble but the kids could ride it no problem. I think it will take some practice. Both are super easy to start on. One interesting difference with the wake style is that they are so buoyant that when you crash the board get pushed under the water then leaps out of the water like a dolphin. Easy for it to get 10' airtime. An excellent day!! The overhead board rack worked excellent as well. Cam.white board in action.jpg