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Wakesurf Boards - How to Build Your Own

Already planning out my next board, SN #002. I may even make it before summer is over. Cam.
play with your speed a bit on the quad fin board, different boats etc. but i had to bump my speed up with my new doomswell quad fin to keep from staying on the brakes all the time otherwise i would end up on the swim platform but bumped it from 10.8 to 11.4 now its perfect
We bumped up from 15 KMH to about 16-16.5 kmh, but still testing. PP crapped out last outing so our speeds were all over the map. My son and his friends are stoked with the boards. Everyone who rides it cant believe how good it works and how easy it is to ride. Works best with 2 large fins. Super maneuverable - He almost has the 360 mastered. We now call our old hyperlite broadcast the "barge". Cam.
Hey Cam

Board looks awesome! Nice work. Try a little less tow in on your next board to keep it more stable and not as loose. Also stick with 5 degree fin cant angle.

If you get tired of hotwiring your blanks we manufacture a complete line of Wakesurf blanks and can machine them from your Shape3D or AKU Shaper files.

I looked at your blanks but you are 2800 miles away and the shipping is too expensive. Besides, designing and shaping the foam is the fun part and not that hard. Do you do 5 degree on the rear as well? We did 5 front and 3 back but that is mostly based on ocean board info. We are in the planning stages of the next round of boards, 1 wake and 1 ocean. I am hoping that my friend with the 5' shaper will have it back together. We really hope to 3D model then cut on the shaper - but the wire cutters works great. My next board will have a different profile. As you noticed the tow-in makes it turn too fast. My son and his friends love it but a bit twitchy for me. I doubt that we will change the rocker much - seems good. Might make it a bit thinner and just do quad fins although once you are cutting fin pockets its so easy to add other for testing/variety. Plan to do a bit better job on the paint and graphics and add a vent or two. Cam.
Just got 3 gal of nice resin research epoxy delivered today. Almost time to build some boards. Need to finish the solar panels on the tt first. Cam.
Its time to begin again!! We are building 3 boards this session. Two lake boards and a Tofino ocean surf shortboard. So far my specs are:
60" by 20.5" and about 2" think. This one will be thinner with less tail rocker and more surface out front. Mild concave on the bottom with a moderate concave on the top to get your feet closer to the water. 5 fins just cause 5 is more better than 4. I want to go wilder on the graphics so the plan is to glass epoxy the board, style it and then put a one final layer of glass on top. Never heard of it being done this way before. Cam.gluing foam.jpg
@KXCam22 i so want to learn how to do this!! If there was a clinic in surfboard making...I'd sign up in a second!
@KXCam22 Hey....wait....BC to oregon isn't too far!!
Hey Cam

5 fins will create more drag and make the board slower. Maybe it holds the board in the pocket better... good to experiment.

Best to do the artwork directly on the foam and clear glass over it. Make sure to use acrylic paint only on that foam...

The 5th is only to have a tri-fin option. We never use all 5 at once. More just to have the quad and tri_fin as options. Plus the fin boxes are so easy to cut. Graphics are different from surfboard building. Wakesurf have an extra layer of glass top and bottom more than a surfboard, 3 top and 2 bottom total. Super strong but light. Amazing how strong after epoxy cures for a couple weeks. With one layer the colors look fantastic. Add 2 more top layers plus the rail overlap and the colors are muted and ugly. White is the only color that is ok. These boards will get vents as i got some heat delamination on one when temp went over 40c and it was propped up in the sun. I drilled a number of 1/16 holes and got it hot to degass the foam then epoxied the holes. Cam.
We are departing from the rocker we used last year and going with a different philosophy. The new ones look more like they belong on a toboggan. Cam.