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Wakesurfing Ballast on Swim Deck - Air Intake issue?

You know you can just pull those boxes off of the bulkhead bolts - without unbolting anything, right? There are rubber flanges - just pull the filter boxes off, no unbolting.


New Yamaha owner here. I did the ribbon and snorkel delete today. On the 2018 I have the airbox has two bolts that allow the filter box to slide out and two bolts on the other side that must be removed. The backing bolts were in the gas tank compartment. When re installing I only put one of the two back in as it's incredibly hard to get your hands in there.
New Yamaha owner here. I did the ribbon and snorkel delete today. On the 2018 I have the airbox has two bolts that allow the filter box to slide out and two bolts on the other side that must be removed. The backing bolts were in the gas tank compartment. When re installing I only put one of the two back in as it's incredibly hard to get your hands in there.
I would think that will be okay, I would just check on those if they don;t vibrate off of the intakes. The filter boxes do slide/snap out - without wrenching the large holding bolts... It is a bit counter-intuitive though.

I'm bringing this thread back because I want to bounce an idea off the experts. Seeing that mesh net that JetBoatPilot has for their new ballast set up got me thinking. I HATE having ballast on the swim deck as I like to start with the nose of my surfboard on the boat so I can dry-start. What would the issues be of hanging a cargo net or mesh net over the side of the boat hooked to the base of the tower? You could easily fit 500-800 lbs ballast in the net before touching water? Should/would the tower support it? Seems like this would give us the list we want towards the surf side easier - Achimedes longer lever style.
I'm bringing this thread back because I want to bounce an idea off the experts. Seeing that mesh net that JetBoatPilot has for their new ballast set up got me thinking. I HATE having ballast on the swim deck as I like to start with the nose of my surfboard on the boat so I can dry-start. What would the issues be of hanging a cargo net or mesh net over the side of the boat hooked to the base of the tower? You could easily fit 500-800 lbs ballast in the net before touching water? Should/would the tower support it? Seems like this would give us the list we want towards the surf side easier - Achimedes longer lever style.
With the water coming by and the weight in the net wouldn't that scratch your boat?
I'm bringing this thread back because I want to bounce an idea off the experts. Seeing that mesh net that JetBoatPilot has for their new ballast set up got me thinking. I HATE having ballast on the swim deck as I like to start with the nose of my surfboard on the boat so I can dry-start. What would the issues be of hanging a cargo net or mesh net over the side of the boat hooked to the base of the tower? You could easily fit 500-800 lbs ballast in the net before touching water? Should/would the tower support it? Seems like this would give us the list we want towards the surf side easier - Achimedes longer lever style.
That’s been kind of considered as in using water anchor. Same concept as Malibu Power Wedge.
I don’t know what would you hang it off of though. If you hang it off the tower you will not place the weight where you want it which is the corner of the swim platform. I would be reluctant to use the U bolt tie downs for that as they are not meant to be weight-bearing, same with the cleats in the stern.

That’s been kind of considered as in using water anchor. Same concept as Malibu Power Wedge.
I don’t know what would you hang it off of though. If you hang it off the tower you will not place the weight where you want it which is the corner of the swim platform. I would be reluctant to use the U bolt tie downs for that as they are not meant to be weight-bearing, same with the cleats in the stern.

On the other hand pulling back on the tower on one side might give you the leverage to tip the boat and list it exactly how you want it. But how much weight? And how to route a rope/line?
Definitely a testable hypothesis.

On the other hand pulling back on the tower on one side might give you the leverage to tip the boat and list it exactly how you want it. But how much weight? And how to route a rope/line?
Definitely a testable hypothesis.

My thought was the ballast bag would be canvas wrapped with integrated nylon strap.
Then attach to the base of the tower and the rear cleat (would have to be reinforced). Hopefully wouldn't need much more than a couple hundred pounds since the fulcrum would be further out.
I have the equipment....but as JC mentioned earlier it might scratch the heck out of the side of the boat.
Just day-dreaming I suppose. Like I said just not a fan of stuff on the swim deck. Original plan of replacing the hard tank with a 1100 bag that takes up the storage space as well may be the best way.
My thought was the ballast bag would be canvas wrapped with integrated nylon strap.
Then attach to the base of the tower and the rear cleat (would have to be reinforced). Hopefully wouldn't need much more than a couple hundred pounds since the fulcrum would be further out.
I have the equipment....but as JC mentioned earlier it might scratch the heck out of the side of the boat.
Just day-dreaming I suppose. Like I said just not a fan of stuff on the swim deck. Original plan of replacing the hard tank with a 1100 bag that takes up the storage space as well may be the best way.
I definitely feel your pain. Ballast is just dumb. But hard to work around it as it is relatively easy.
A “scooper” funneling enough water to turn up the wake would be the way to go, but no one has come up with that, yet.
Scarab surfstream is not that great.
I think @Mainah’s device is the closest to the real deal so far. But it still wont work without ballast, for that you would want to really dig into the water at the corner of the platform and shove it towards the center to form a big smooth wake.
