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Well, looks like it's finally going to happen!


My dealer just called and said they are headed to pick up the boat from Mississippi. We talked out the door pricing and I agreed to 35,960 + fenders, lines and some other misc items. They said they can cut me some off a deluxe mooring cover as well. I also get 4 years of extended warranty since Yanaha is running the promo. Seems like a good deal for OTD? MSRP is $34,799 so when you factor in taxes plus the other items I think it's good.

I pick her up Friday and can't wait!


My dealer just called and said they are headed to pick up the boat from Mississippi. We talked out the door pricing and I agreed to 35,960 + fenders, lines and some other misc items. They said they can cut me some off a deluxe mooring cover as well. I also get 4 years of extended warranty since Yanaha is running the promo. Seems like a good deal for OTD? MSRP is $34,799 so when you factor in taxes and fess plus the other misc items I think it's good.

I pick her up Friday and can't wait!


Christmas in July!! Lots of family memories are on the way. Congrats.
I called he dealer to check on if the boat arrived and he said its there and getting PDI'd. I forgot to ask him what the trailer was and I was expecting just the painted trailer based on the OTD price but to my surprise they are giving me the galvanized trailer! I feel much better about going to the gulf now :). Right now, I can't say enough good things about Wedowee Marine in Alabama!

2 more days!
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I just started talking to them about a 242 Limited S E Series. Who did you work with @haknslash ?

I'm working with Chad (sorry I can't remember his last name right now and his business card is at my home). Randy, the owner, is very nice and he's willing to do what it takes.
Last night was hard to get some sleep. Tossed and turned all night lol. Leaving in about 2 hours to go get her!
Last night was hard to get some sleep. Tossed and turned all night lol. Leaving in about 2 hours to go get her!
Best of luck to you! Can't wait to see some pictures!! Chad is the one that I am working with too..
Oh I forgot to ask you guys but how often should I expect to need to charge the battery? I tested my old battery charger last night and it's dead and wasn't not a marine-use charger either. So I need to buy a new one but I was curious how often these boats need to sit on the charger? I will be boating nearly every weekend or doing my best to do so. I plan on using the single battery until I have a need for dual batteries with a stereo upgrade.

Leaving in about 15 minutes and I'm pumped!!
I top off my batteries before and after every outing. It helps to extend their life. If you keep your boat in your garage, it would be easy enough to just plug it up and leave them on the maintainer.

You can probably get a 2-bank charger from @ChargerGuy for less than $100.
@CFD3Captain is selling one of the classifieds for a single bank. You could run then resell when you do an extra battery. As stated keeping charged is piece of mind and extends life as well.
The alternator on these things is a beast. I've read posts on here of people going from a dead battery to fully charger after like a half and hour drive.
I plan on buying a battery maintainer for the winter. But during the summer season I take my boat out every weekend and haven't had a problem at all. I always turn the battery switch off after every use. My boat is only 3 months old too, so the battery is still strong and new
Just arrived at the dealer. Man it looks nice!



You should ask for that white shipping cover too. It is always nice to have an extra cover.
Great looking boat... going to be a fun weekend for you!
Headed home!

Headed home!

Fantastic! It didn't take them long to get that motor attached from your first picture. That should get you moving along nicely :jawdrop:
Well guys I'm home safe and sound with the boat. I have an issue though. It won't fit even with tires deflated and it on the jack. There is a cable that stops the tower from folding any further. There is a nut on the underside holding a big rubber washer that the cable is attached to. I think I'm going to try and remove the washer to see if the tower can fold in the boat and rest of the seat temporarily. Looks like I'm going to have to see about getting my header raised which sucks because it's brick. Either that or do without the tower or get an SX. Grrrr
Ok got the tower back up and it relieved tension on the cable with the nut and rubber washer on it. I think I'm just going to unbolt it and leave the washer off for good. The only times I see myself folding the tower is for storage in the garage so I'll just have to make sure to lay it gently on the seat. I'll update more when I get more progress...
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How close is it?

A few possible solutions:
1. Would it be possible to slide the bow stop forward on the trailer to bring the boat closer to the tongue and in turn lower the height an inch or two?
2. Have the bunks lowered on the trailer. Would probably require cutting/welding. Might get an inch or two.
3. Swap out the rims and tires. Even if it was a temporary fix. You could use smaller rims with shorter tires just to get in in the garage, then swap back for trailering.
4. Might be possible to flip the axle and raise the fenders. Probable not likely, but an out of the box idea.

Hope you figure it out soon. As for me, I'd get a set of rims and roll it in on rims and change it back to stock set up before towing.
Ok got the tower back up and it relieved tension on the cable with the nut and rubber washer on it. I think I'm just going to unbolt it and leave the washer off for good. The only times I see myself folding the tower is for stage in the garage so I'll just have to make sure to lay it gently on the seat. I'll update more when I get more progress...

Good luck, im most likely gonna have the same problem come winter time!