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Well, looks like it's finally going to happen!

Getting ready to he'd to the lake. It's about 45 minutes away half interstate and half back roads. Should I tow with my cover? Since my cushions are new they are hard to get out so I don't think any would fly out, or maybe they would. Thoughts?

Enjoy your time out today. I can feel your passion and excitement all the way from Chicago. "Garage boating" huh? Now that is a new term to add to my thesaurus-I know...old school.

I think you are safe regarding you cushions. I tow 70 + with no cover sometimes and never have an issue.
For short day trips I usually leave the cover home.
Getting ready to he'd to the lake. It's about 45 minutes away half interstate and half back roads. Should I tow with my cover? Since my cushions are new they are hard to get out so I don't think any would fly out, or maybe they would. Thoughts?
When I took my SX190 home from the dealer my cushions almost flew out twice in the highway. If you leave the walkthrough window closed its better. also after using them a bit they seem more secure.
When I took my SX190 home from the dealer my cushions almost flew out twice in the highway. If you leave the walkthrough window closed its better. also after using them a bit they seem more secure.

Good comment. You should always tow with the windshield closed.
Yup otherwise you end up with a huge parachute effect stretching your cover and probably affecting the Mpg a hair.
Yup otherwise you end up with a huge parachute effect stretching your cover and probably affecting the Mpg a hair.
More importantly...with the window open, seats can blow out of the boat and never be seen again.....
More importantly...with the window open, seats can blow out of the boat and never be seen again.....

Yamaha should just give everyone hinged seats from the get-go years ago and not just the 24 footers. They address a lot of little details in the design of their boats that otherwise go unnoticed unless you own one of these boats, but they really missed a huge bonus by not having hinged seats. Hinges are not expensive! When they added it in 2015 on the 24' boats should have been added across the board IMHO. Then we wouldn't have to worry about blowing out expensive seat cushions in 2016.
Yamaha should just give everyone hinged seats from the get-go years ago and not just the 24 footers. They address a lot of little details in the design of their boats that otherwise go unnoticed unless you own one of these boats, but they really missed a huge bonus by not having hinged seats. Hinges are not expensive! When they added it in 2015 on the 24' boats should have been added across the board IMHO. Then we wouldn't have to worry about blowing out expensive seat cushions in 2016.
Even the 24' boats have a free floating center cushion that could blow out....

Yes...hinged seats across the line up would be nice! One thing I've thought about doing is measuring the seat depth and height of the 24' boats. I think they made some significant changes to the seats and clearances to make the hinges work.
@Julian I remember reading that as well in regards to the changes they had to make in order to use hinges. Can't remember if it was on here or somewhere else. Heck it could have been a Yamaha video I saw but yea I didn't mean it like they could just bolt some hinges on and call it a day. Just wished they would have done this years ago so I could have them on my 192. Space is at such a premium on a boat like that and asking people to move around as you need to find a place to place the cushion is annoying and inconvenient for everyone. I've only had my boat out 3 times since buying it and yesterday there was lots of getting things in and out of the storage and it just irks me I have to ask someone to move to the either side of the boat not because I need to get into the storage but because I also need somewhere to place the cushion (reality being I need twice the space for any given task entering the storage). It's such a small mod that has such a big improvement to quality of life on the boat. Hopefully they will surprise us all with the 2017's having hinged cushions across the board!
@haknslash Hinged seats do rock!!!! Now I just need to teach my family not to slam them! :banghead:

I know the feeling. That funky spring that Yamaha uses on my glove box has everyone baffled on how to close it the first time they use it. Of course once I tell them how to collapse the spring they think that means judo chop to the spring thus slamming my dang glove box lid! I guess I need to add another Yamaha warning sticker that occupants may be tossed overboard if they slam my glove box!:troll:
That stupid glove box spring is my least favorite thing about my boat. I WILL FIGURE OUT A MOD FOR IT ONCE THE SEASON IS OVER! (yes, I'm shouting)
That stupid glove box spring is my least favorite thing about my boat. I WILL FIGURE OUT A MOD FOR IT ONCE THE SEASON IS OVER! (yes, I'm shouting)

I was looking at it and I think if we could find a really small gas strut you could secure it to the fiberglass using screws and then make a "foot" on the end that would attach to the glove box side. Maybe use some good 3M adhesive tape or something like quality hook and loop 3M Velcro to secure the foot so there wouldn't be any exposed screw heads or fasteners on the glove box lid. If it's not the slamming the gets me its my fingers end up taking the blow sometimes :env:. I have a SLA 3D printer in my office and I could design and print something I'm sure if we can source a short gas strut.
I need to do a bit of research regarding how you size the struts. Shouldn't be too hard, just not much time now.