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Why aren't you boating? (A place to brag or vent)

73 miles with my wife and another couple on Saturday. And another 102 miles yesterday with two buds! The last bit of video is the groomer working the trails, in case you Southern folk have never seen one. That's what makes the trails flat and fast! Trails were MINT!
Heres another one of my flying videos. Everything in this one is from one flight, taken on an Insta360 One X camera.

Two deposits, no boat yet. One is going on 6 months, the other about 7 weeks.
No boating Yet... we both work 2 jobs and we have 3 kids and are flipping a 2600 sq ft house while we live in it.
It fired right up though!
Picked the boat up in January and still haven't completed my break-in. I work nights and weekends and barely have any time. I'm retiring May 30th so that's about to change.
No boating Yet... we both work 2 jobs and we have 3 kids and are flipping a 2600 sq ft house while we live in it.
It fired right up though!
My condolences.

I think that's the appropriate response...? ?‍♂️ I spent 3 years S L O W L Y remodeling our house while living in it... and I'm a licensed contractor. That's how life goes. Sounds like you've got your priorities where they should be.
Heres another one of my flying videos. Everything in this one is from one flight, taken on an Insta360 One X camera.

Thank you for sharing!
I went out yesterday and put 3hrs on the clock. Still have not reach the 10hr mark yet.
Spending time on the fishing boat. Water temp is still in the mid 50's here!


12.5" average is pretty decent. I just hate cleaning panfish. Someday I will get good with an electric knife. I hear that is the way to do crappies easily. One more week and it will be game on with the walleyes!

So technically we were boating. But when fishing, I consider the boat as the vehicle that gets me to the fishing. When boating, we are enjoying the ride as much as the destination activity.

This was not trail riding! HA!


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Wind. wind. WIND! I hate it.
As I was leaving work.
My sister took this shot down at the marina.
Wind. wind. WIND! I hate it.
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As I was leaving work.
The last big wind earlier in the year in Ogden pushed my trailered 190 (with the wheels chocked) 6 feet sideways into a chain link fence and scratched up the gel coat. I have never seen anything like it. I take it in this week to get it fixed.
The last big wind earlier in the year in Ogden pushed my trailered 190 (with the wheels chocked) 6 feet sideways into a chain link fence and scratched up the gel coat. I have never seen anything like it. I take it in this week to get it fixed.
Holy crap! That is intense. Good luck with the fix.
Wind. wind. WIND! I hate it.
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As I was leaving work.
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My sister took this shot down at the marina.
It wasn't looking quite as intense as your pics, but a week ago I got an emergency call in the middle of the day from my lake marina to urgently come and move the boat. I had to leave work (a man needs to have his priorities straight, right?) and ran up there. My boat was the only one at the front row, which are all plastic slips, it was blowing super hard at that point with gusts of wind up to 50mph; the boat was secured perfectly but the plastic docks (the whole front row) were moving so much it was hard to stand on. Couldn't take any pics not lose my phone, it was really ROUGH.

The marina owner was flabbergasted watching me take off, spin around the lake, circle back, tie up on the inside, wave - and run back to work.

I must admit, I'm a pretty good Yamaha jet boat driver at this point, lol; these boats can handle a lot like it's nothing, if pushed right.

Oh, thanks @Cobra Jet Steering LLC - your steering enhancements are pretty awesome, too.

It wasn't looking quite as intense as your pics, but a week ago I got an emergency call in the middle of the day from my lake marina to urgently come and move the boat. I had to leave work (a man needs to have his priorities straight, right?) and ran up there. My boat was the only one at the front row, which are all plastic slips, it was blowing super hard at that point with gusts of wind up to 50mph; the boat was secured perfectly but the plastic docks (the whole front row) were moving so much it was hard to stand on. Couldn't take any pics not lose my phone, it was really ROUGH.

The marina owner was flabbergasted watching me take off, spin around the lake, circle back, tie up on the inside, wave - and run back to work.

I must admit, I'm a pretty good Yamaha jet boat driver at this point, lol; these boats can handle a lot like it's nothing, if pushed right.

Oh, thanks @Cobra Jet Steering LLC - your steering enhancements are pretty awesome, too.
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Priorities is right! Glad it was safe thru it all. These were probably 40mph gusts, but some areas reportedly saw 70mph. The ugliest part of it all was all the dust that blew in with it. Just nasty!