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Why aren't you boating? (A place to brag or vent)

Nice! How are you getting the shots? Drone following you?
i used several different ways to gather footage. The shots from behind were taken with a GoPro mounted to a “chase cam” Which is towed behind and attached to the wing. Here’s what that looks like.

The other footage was taken with a 360 One X camera. Some helmet mounted shots and other shots taken with the selfie stick that disappears.

This video took me months to edit. I’m a slow learner. ?
We came to the lake here in central OK on monday and went out Monday evening(second time out this year, first time water temps were still in low 70s). Water temps are finally perfect but the wind has blown 20-30 the last two days until right at sunset this evening?. Going to try and go out tomorrow before we leave??‍♂️
Dropping hay today and tedding, raking, baling and stacking by Friday. Making hay while the sun shines. Nice mid June cut with a good mix of grasses with red clover and purple vetch in full bloom mixed in. I can see I have a broken knife down on the cutter bar.

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Latest video of me flying. This flight was months ago. I’m slow at editing. ??

Deployed onboard USS TRIPOLI (LHA 7). I have a brand new 242 SE waiting back at home and hoping to get one trip out on it this season.
I still have my testicles but strapping an engine and propeller to my back would be a stretch for me.
Keep the videos coming @itsdgm .
Safety first. Thats why I wear a helmet. Takes all the risk right out of the sport. ?
Sad day for me...

Last summer we sold our cabin (and the boat). Today we sold our jetskis.

I have no way to get on the water ?
Sad day for me...

Last summer we sold our cabin (and the boat). Today we sold our jetskis.

I have no way to get on the water ?
That sounds like a living nightmare...
Corona project kept me from boating. First attempt at building lamp. Now I’ll be drinking in order to make more!
Neat idea! Hey we have the same counter tops. :thumbsup:
It’s 116 degrees and wife’s pregnant
Early congrats. You're supposed to plan those things in the off season... my last one was in July. Totally cut short or boating that year. He just turned 3 Wednesday. But ?116°? is when you show up to the lake at 5am and leave at 9am. ?
After forfeiting a month of boating to end this this season I thought of creating this thread as a place to vent about why you weren't out jetting thru the water. Perhaps it's for a good reason or perhaps the world is conspiring against you? Were you to busy driving a Bugatti Chiron? Volunteering at a animal shelter? Was mother nature mocking you? Your spouse being a... "uncool person"? Let's hear it/see it.
@J-RAD .....right now it's 11:24 at night and I'm not boating as I am doing my third favorite thing (LOL) which is reading this AWESOME forum! # 2 is boating. #1 I leave up to your imagination (Ha Ha).....Keep the great comments and ideas coming!!!!! :cool:
Early congrats. You're supposed to plan those things in the off season... my last one was in July. Totally cut short or boating that year. He just turned 3 Wednesday. But ?116°? is when you show up to the lake at 5am and leave at 9am. ?
Thank you!

My wife gets a little cranky when I drink my usual lake day allotment of beer by 9 ?
My latest flying video. The majority of the footage is from a flight just a few days ago. Usually it takes me months to edit. I’m getting faster. ?
