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Why aren't you boating? (A place to brag or vent)

Going on 2+ months in the shop. Filed our lawsuit this week, hopefully can just get a replacement boat soon!
Had a 2 campsites reserved last weekend... then we looked away the forecast and both days were predicted to have winds gusting at 40mph. We stayed home and watched crap TV all weekend while I checked the current wind speeds from my phone. Just as predicted.
My latest flying video. Hey, there’s a lot of water and a couple of boats in this one. ?

Amazing video. Had to get a bowl of ice cream and watch that one again. What size engine do you strap to your back? What kind of drone chased you?
Amazing video. Had to get a bowl of ice cream and watch that one again. What size engine do you strap to your back? What kind of drone chased you?
My Paramotor is only 80cc’s. It’s hard to believe that it does what it does Being that small (insert your own guy joke here ?). As far as the drone.......the guy filming has so many different ones, all custom built. He does this professionally. we just happened to meet each other online and discuss what might be possible. Then we actually met in the air before in person. Things went well, so we tried several more times to get some shots that he needed for a project he’s working on.
Yup, a new season arrived this morning!CE1405F7-28BB-46FC-A148-1F11BF0D7605.jpeg
Get the sleds out!!

Going to be getting the F6 ready soon for hopefully a few miles of riding this year.
It's that time for sure! I will get flamed for doing my oil changes on my sleds this weekend, as I got into boat season early and skipped that service on the two four-strokes. So, priority one.

Unless I get dragged out into the woods for a trail ride. As a bit of snow, just means no dust on the trails! We have a potential blizzard with a foot of snow possible coming next Wednesday.

No need for fall, fall is for losers. Lets just go from swim to snow. wow.
Here’s a video recap of some of the best flights I’ve had this past year. Hope you enjoy it. If you want to see more, There are links in the description for the original videos that I made in 2020 and took clips from for this video. Anyway, for me, flying was the best way for me to “social distance”. ?

Did that drone pilot actually fly between the cables on your chute?
Yea that’s a bit risky. Not sure if that’s even legal from an FAA perspective.
Sorry for being that guy and shooting portrait mode. These guys want tik toks more than youtube. So I played along. The antique ice saw is getting a lot of attention.