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Why aren't you boating? (A place to brag or vent)

Any of you snowmobilers that might be in the UP, if you run into anyone from the Fremont Invaders, tell 'em I said howdy! My neighbors will be in that group, it's sounding like the wife and I might wanna look into some sleds in the near future if my potential job change pans out!
Snowmobiles are a tough sport to justify some years. We are so dependent on mother nature. We have been blessed with two back to back stellar seasons. But the North Shore of MN, Northern WI, and Da UP are always laden with snow. So if you are within driving distance of those places, it's worth it for sure!
So the snow took a beating the last few days in this part of Minnesota, temps in the high 30's if not 40's in some places! We had no tracks on our new property till yesterday. All I can say is I am glad I was on a bigger lugged 144" track! That crap is deep and super heavy!

I came across the bay, avoided the dock, and climbed the hill in front of our home with the skis in the air the whole way! Left a nice 1-2' deep trench. That would have been a beast to get out if I had not kept my momentum up. So much for pristine snow!

I actually fell trying to climb that hill on foot this past fall. So the photo does not show how steep it is. 2-2-2- Lone track.jpg2-2-20 Lake Trench.jpg
So we spent Saturday through Wednesday riding with the kids in Michigan. We put on 690 miles in 3.5 days of riding! What a week!

Of course we had to make the destination stops at Lake of the Clouds and Copper Harbor! As we packed up to head home, the question to the 16 year olds, was it worth it, and would you do it again? It was a resounding YES!! Both had the biggest mile days, and safest top speed recorded of their careers. Good Times!

So we are so much closer to boating season! It was so warm this past weekend, we did some work on the sleds in shirt sleeves with the garage door up! (it's back to 9 degrees this morning)

But we actually rolled around the yard in shirt sleeves and did a couple runs on the bay in the sun. (please don't flame me for no helmet, it was dinking around in the yard) We climbed up the deer stand as well. Ruby got some deep snow running as well.

Yes, i stole Thats photos from his instagram!


Been flying more than boating lately.

I have the best excuse of all. I sold both our boats before starting construction on our new home. They were 20+ years old. The home completed in July. My wife and I will be picking up a new 195S on Saturday so we can both get back on the water. Have two college age kids that don't have much time for boating anymore.
Been on an ice fishing tour; Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois! Great time and great fish!

This is awesome. I feel like I want to try it......
if you’re serious, pm me and I’ll find somebody in your area that trains. Usually they have tandem equipment so you can get a feel for it First.

I wanna try that toy !

I used to skydive all the time. I have over 2000 jumps and a bunch of BASE jumps.
and BOY do I miss being up in the air !!
pm me If you’re serious about trying and I’ll try to find somebody your area who can demo it for you.
I found happythoughtsppg.com.. looks to be about 3hr dive tho...
My neighbor down the street flies and instructs. He'll travel from Utah to Texas and it to California. He's a bit nuts sometimes... he's been on the local news a couple years ago after gliding and skimming the thin ice along the shore and "crashing" when he punched thru. Bystanders saw him and helped him as he walked out. He has also launched from his Yamaha.
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16” on Schroon lake

Ice houses had to come off this past weekend by date, but everyone is still driving their trucks on the lakes up here.

My sister flew in from Tahoe, so we pushed our way through the snow in the Wildcat down onto our lake. The snow is so deep we almost got stuck a number of times in the middle of the lake in the snow (no slush yet) Video to come!

I actually took advantage of the warm weather and cut dead wood out that overhangs the water. Perfect time to clear it out while there is ice on the lake. But had to use the sled to pull my 'boggin out. I stuffed the sled once with too heavy of a load. It's deep out there!

PS: the DeWalt chainsaw gets two thumbs up for us closet lumberjacks. I hate dealing with gas for these infrequent uses!


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