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Wisconsin bans wake boats.

They're trying to pass a similar ordinance on our storm water retention pond which is about as big as this lake - I'm fighting it all the way!!!!

See if you can get Faux6 to report on it. Seems like this might be the lead story, maybe you can get some face time in front of the camera, and we can get a link of it posted up here! I was gonna call them about that puddle at the Mobil station just off the freeway near you, but I can see they have their top men on the situation in your area already. TOP MEN! 🤣
See if you can get Faux6 to report on it. Seems like this might be the lead story, maybe you can get some face time in front of the camera, and we can get a link of it posted up here! I was gonna call them about that puddle at the Mobil station just off the freeway near you, but I can see they have their top men on the situation in your area already. TOP MEN! 🤣

I can only back down the berm to the storm water pond when the ground is firm but it has rained a bit over the past couple of days so it's a bit dicey at the moment. I also get some weird looks from those walking/driving past but that hasn't stopped me before.........
A lake with an average depth of 7ft would not be something I would want to call home. Especially for an inboard boat of any type. I can see why they wakeboard, as a surf wave would never form properly with the best boats.

I'll concur with this, our 3000 acre lake has an average depth of 7' (max 8') and it's definitely hard to put up a nice surf wake even in perfect conditions. Yeah I know I'm only running a AR195 with a couple of Fatsacs but on deeper lakes I'm able to get the wave rolling pretty well. Depth makes a difference. Wakeboarding, slaloming and of course tubing works just fine and an added benefit to the shallower lake is there's hardly ever any other powersports traffic (over half the shoreline is state park/rec reserved so undevelopable) so I never have to dodge anyone or find a different area with smooth water.