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Wisconsin bans wake boats.

Mean while somewhere in Minnesota ....

Cook County officials support ban of wake boats on Caribou Lake,


That's good humor right there. They still cannot define what boat they are banning. Wake surfing started with ski boats and wake boats. Which have been around for decades. And even in the article, they said they had a discussion about these "new boats"

It's idiots like that who will classify our boats as wake boats. I'm a tax payer on my lake, and our lake association doesn't like surfing near loon nesting either. But there is no way they will ban my boat from the lake I own 450' of shoreline on. Especially since I don't wake surf anymore.

Again, they can attempt to ban the activity, but not the boat, as they have yet to define it other than a "high hp boat, that has ballasts" Smells like an assault rifle ban when they can't define what an assault rifle is, but I degress. Those of us with temp ballast bags are giggling, as all I need to do is leave the bags at home and the boards in my toy shack on shore. game over.

Now if they take the time to define it as an inboard boat with permanent ballast tanks etc etc, then you are going to get every owner of a $300K+ MasterCraft and Nautique lawyering up and you know who will lose, the lake associations and counties.
That's good humor right there. They still cannot define what boat they are banning. Wake surfing started with ski boats and wake boats. Which have been around for decades. And even in the article, they said they had a discussion about these "new boats"

It's idiots like that who will classify our boats as wake boats. I'm a tax payer on my lake, and our lake association doesn't like surfing near loon nesting either. But there is no way they will ban my boat from the lake I own 450' of shoreline on. Especially since I don't wake surf anymore.

Again, they can attempt to ban the activity, but not the boat, as they have yet to define it other than a "high hp boat, that has ballasts" Smells like an assault rifle ban when they can't define what an assault rifle is, but I degress. Those of us with temp ballast bags are giggling, as all I need to do is leave the bags at home and the boards in my toy shack on shore. game over.

Now if they take the time to define it as an inboard boat with permanent ballast tanks etc etc, then you are going to get every owner of a $300K+ MasterCraft and Nautique lawyering up and you know who will lose, the lake associations and counties.
Hmmmm….. wake boat?? Last I checked every boat made a wake?
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They have been trying to do this in Vermont too recently.

They have been trying to do this in Vermont too recently.

Here is what is in the linked article: ”The rule, filed on Jan. 31, proposes allowing wake boats to create wakes in zones with 50 contiguous acres, 500 feet from the shoreline, and where the water is at least 20 feet deep”. Others may disagree, but it seems reasonable to me.

I don't have any issues with small bodies of water. The proposal would allow wakes on 31 of 73 Vermont inland lakes/ponds. I use 2 or 3 for pleasure and fishing, and of that, Lake Champlain, the one we use most is not included in the proposal.
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This is on lake pickerel near Eagle River.
Just an FYI:

Lake Solberg in Phillips, WI had cry babies try the same thing in June. Fortunately, the lake association president supports freedom of everyone on the lake, not just the little girls in their 80k fishing boats that can't stand it when other people are having fun.

Anyway, he went to the township meetings, talked to the sheriff, and spoke to the DNR. Basically what they said is that, while a single lake can put up an ordinance, the sheriff and the DNR aren't going to enforce it - because it's impossible to enforce.

That stopped their hissy fit... for now.
No offense, but that lake looks like a pond on google maps.
I don't think there is anything wrong with limiting some of these activities on small bodies of water. It may come down to minimum square acreage. We have had HP limits on small acre lakes for decades, nothing new. And for the same reason, you throw a couple large wake boats on a small body, erosion is assured.

That being said, it would be the activity, not the boat in this case.

Our lake is not huge by any means, but you get three surf boats running, it makes it interesting for sure.
Our lake is not huge by any means, but you get three surf boats running, it makes it interesting for sure.

Same with our home lake. Mozingo lake is only about a half mile wide, narrower on some parts, and about 4 miles long. Wake surfing is becoming more and more popular on it. Makes it very interesting when 3 or 4 are on the lake at the same time, along with the rest of the boat traffic.

Wisconsin wake boat bans, neighbors pitted against each other​

It's unclear if lawmakers will tackle the issue at the state level, but in one small town after another, residents say they can't afford to wait. And wake boat owners are feeling singled out.
A lake with an average depth of 7ft would not be something I would want to call home. Especially for an inboard boat of any type. I can see why they wakeboard, as a surf wave would never form properly with the best boats.
A lake with an average depth of 7ft would not be something I would want to call home. Especially for an inboard boat of any type. I can see why they wakeboard, as a surf wave would never form properly with the best boats.

Makes you wonder how or why this is even a story, and why it was shared with us 🙄

They're trying to pass a similar ordinance on our storm water retention pond which is about as big as this lake - I'm fighting it all the way!!!!