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Ok, when I say we, I mean @Bruce LOL Thank you for waiting while we upgraded the forum. This wasn't a planned upgrade, but occured when @Bruce was trying to fix our Member Map that was expiring at the end of July 2024, and it crashed the forum. So he quickly decided it was a great time to upgrade our underlying "system" software (Xenforo) to the latest version - and many of the add-ins it takes to run our site. THANKS BRUCE!!!! Below are some notable improvements in this version: The...
Thread 'How to replace Reverse Gate cable'
OK, I completed this job today, and it took WAY longer than it should have due to some unforseen challenges and that I'm anal and like to go slow. I began at 10:15 (boat covered) and finished at 3:30 (boat covered). The cables I ordered were TELEFLEX CCX 63317 or TELEFLEX CC63317 for my 2005 (same part#--the one with the X is the latest version of the cable). I bought them from iboats.com for $44 each. Search for "3300 xtreme control cable", then chose the 17' version and you'll see this...
First of all the reverse maneuver will not remove something wedged in the impeller - it is primarily a weed removal trick. Sticks, bottle caps, frisbees, golf balls, etc....will require manual intervention. But it is always the first step I use in clearing something from the pump. If it fails, then pull the clean out ports (if you have them). Lastly, pull the pump. You really should never mess with the intake grates as this opens up another can of worms (namely intake cavitation). HOW...
@Charles attached is a document I've put together with a bunch of useful information. @Bruce @Charles has a good idea, could there be a thread stuck to the top of the Gathering section that will hold just the Bimini information. I would be more than happy to help fill the thread with information.
Several member have suggested and I have finally gotten around to figuring out how to implement a method of allowing interested members to be notified when a user has an immediate need for help. I have created a joinable user group named HELP. If you wish to join the user group and receive notices when other members need help please click this link Account Preferences then click the Join box to the right of the HELP user group. If you want to leave the group you can use the same link then...
This is required reading for everyone, but especially captains. And now that some are getting some warmer weather already... http://mariovittone.com/2010/05/154/ And good to revisit periodically. I know it is already among the long tips and tricks list, but IMHO it deserves its own post. Perhaps a nice admin can sticky?
Thanks to @JetBoatPilot for recording the video below! So the sales guy sold you your jet boat saying you can run it in 18 inches of water. So you sat at the sand bar and did just that and now have an overheat warning? Yes, jet boats can run in skinny water, but you must remember that they are like giant vaccuums. If you sit in one spot, they will suck sand off the bottom. And because you have low flow, that sand is much more likely to get stuck in a cooling passage. Running fast...
This is intended to be an ultimate leak finding thread! If you have a leak that isn't covered in this thread, reply and @Julian so I get notified to update it. First Question: Is the water in the bilge hot? If cold, move to section A, if hot move to Section B. SECTION A: Your leak is not from exhaust water, so could be from one of the following sources (we've ordered them in a general order of likeliness) Loose or poorly sealed through hull fitting. This could be the main drain plug...
Thread '⛵⚓⛴✔   New Jet Boat Owner?  Read this before you go out!!!    ⛵⚓⛴✔'
This post is intended to give new boat owners, or ones who've not boated in a while, a summary of things they should know BEFORE they go out on the water with their boat. I'm happy to add/modify this first post, so PLEASE tell me things that I have missed and I'll add them and build this up to a comprehensive list. I'm thinking I'll create 2 sections, things you MUST know, and things you should know. Many will include links for further details, and many link to our FAQ. THINGS YOU MUST...

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