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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Something about drilling 20 or so hole below the water line the makes my sphincter pucker. They are straight so no worry's there but I'm sure I will be checking the bilge a lot more this year.

Nothing a few packs of Wrigley's gum can't fix... :)
@robert843, did you put sealant in the holes?

I filled the holes with 5200 before installing the screws on my trim tabs. I feel terrible for anyone that ever tries to remove them.

On the plus side, four years later, they have never leaked.
@robert843, did you put sealant in the holes?

I filled the holes with 5200 before installing the screws on my trim tabs. I feel terrible for anyone that ever tries to remove them.

On the plus side, four years later, they have never leaked.

I used 4200 just in case I ever bent a tab I could replace them. I put it in the holes and behind the head of the screw to create a seal.
@robert843 did u use self taping screws? This may be in my near future!

I had to pre drill holes the Lenco Kit came with all install hardware. Finally got the new gps installed today as well.

IMG_3410[1].JPG IMG_3414[1].JPG
For any first timers, go to the 2:45 mark and you'll get to see what waters you and your kids will be snorkeling in. Fun times...

And don't forget to bring your drone

@Andy S I have updated my profile to be a Chaparral 270 Signature. Please change it in the first page of list of registered boaters. It has my old boat AR240. Thanks.
@Andy S I have updated my profile to be a Chaparral 270 Signature. Please change it in the first page of list of registered boaters. It has my old boat AR240. Thanks.
I have updated the first post with your new boat info.
@Andy S I have updated my profile to be a Chaparral 270 Signature. Please change it in the first page of list of registered boaters. It has my old boat AR240. Thanks.

Either way it will be fun learning how to drive these big vans.
I want one! But still in the kids wanting to tube mode! :(
I am having Yamaha withdrawals for the past few months ever since I sold it :(
I am having Yamaha withdrawals for the past few months ever since I sold it :(
That would drive me nuts. But at least you are on the coast, so your water access is not limiting you.
Beautiful boat!

That would drive me nuts. But at least you are on the coast, so your water access is not limiting you.
Beautiful boat!

Thank you @swatski
Waiting on April to get the boat out and learn the ropes.