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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I’ve got to play the same game with our HOA too...

I'm allotted 48 hours for prep I swear they are standing next to my mailbox on the 47th hour with the letter in hand to drop it on the 48th .
Mine is in my driveway....much to the chagrin of my HOA! But no love lost there! I'll wait for my letter, then move it 29 days after that (I have 30 days).
You have 30 days? I am given only 3 days to move or pay $150 in penalty each time it happens. I already got called twice.
You guys and your hoa, ha ha ha ha!
Never understood it! Probably keep you from building garages and growing gardens and shooting in your own backyard too? Lol just messin! Wish someone would mow my lawn! Oh wait, i can probably hire that for a lot less than an hoa fee.. BURN
You have 30 days? I am given only 3 days to move or pay $150 in penalty each time it happens. I already got called twice.
Yeah, our HOA rules and enforcement are useless. Not to mention that when I bought the house I asked if I could store a boat on property and was told "yeah no problem", then once we moved in that became "No, we don't want boats" - yet they allow you to have one if you screen it properly. So it comes down to what is "properly"....so I've just given up on the idiots and ignore the rules completely. They send me a notice when I'm violating the rules and I move it within the required time (30 days) LOL

My favorite story was the guy who's HOA drove him nuts about storing his boat on his property, then he discovered the county rules allowed him to park it on the street (HOA didn't own the roads) so he :finger: flipped the bird to the HOA and parked it in the street - as in the way as he could! Hilarious!!!! Total backfire.

Back on topic....can't wait for BIMINI!!!!!
You guys and your hoa, ha ha ha ha!
Never understood it! Probably keep you from building garages and growing gardens and shooting in your own backyard too? Lol just messin! Wish someone would mow my lawn! Oh wait, i can probably hire that for a lot less than an hoa fee.. BURN

Awe yes the good old hoa does prevent that but that's the price I pay to live one mile from the ocean. I do remember the good old days living in your area where an acre was the minimum and watching corn grow was the highlight of my summer but I think I can live with the trade off.
They arrived today
You didn't make ones that said "June Rules" LOL

You have failed to recognize that June is the recon crew. Those of us going in July will be learning from all of your reports of what is happening in Bimini this year.
You have failed to recognize that June is the recon crew. Those of us going in July will be learning from all of your reports of what is happening in Bimini this year.
We’ll drink them out of rum and Kalik as well as fuel. It will be a desolate wasteland once you arrive :D
Cross post from the July thread for visibility.

I have posted up the details for the VHF Antenna and mount as promised. See the thread below for details.


We’ll drink them out of rum and Kalik as well as fuel. It will be a desolate wasteland once you arrive :D

I was planning to arrange for customs to be at Bimini Sands, the fuel dock to be well stocked and maybe even the summer bug boats to show up............
I was planning to arrange for customs to be at Bimini Sands, the fuel dock to be well stocked and maybe even the summer bug boats to show up............
Been a busy weekend so far getting the boat ready. I really dreaded this part but finally got the trim tabs on.

IMG_3407[1].JPG IMG_3408[1].JPG
@robert843, why dread? As long as you put them on straight your boat will still go straight ;)
So in honor of the debacle that was my Bimini trip last year I updated the name on the boat.
@robert843, why dread? As long as you put them on straight your boat will still go straight ;)

Something about drilling 20 or so hole below the water line the makes my sphincter pucker. They are straight so no worry's there but I'm sure I will be checking the bilge a lot more this year.