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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Either way it will be fun learning how to drive these big vans.

@Amar Nanduri Towing it is more challenging than driving it. Unless you're trying to dock in strong wind and/or currents... LOL
Your main piece of equipment for that will be duct tape.
You put it over your mouth, so you can't curse at your wife for not doing what you told her to....:D:D:D
@Amar Nanduri Towing it is more challenging than driving it. Unless you're trying to dock in strong wind and/or currents... LOL
Your main piece of equipment for that will be duct tape.
You put it over your mouth, so you can't curse at your wife for not doing what you told her to....:D:D:D

I agree with @Berrie we had a boat that size many years ago and we just gave up on towing an it lived in a wet slip it was too much work to do by myself towing to launch and retrieve. The best advice I can give on driving is everything just takes a little longer to happen so when docking or turning in tight quarters start you move a little earlier then you would of before and more boat the more its effected by currents and winds in slow speed maneuvers so you quickly learn how to use those to your advantage versus trying to fight them.
I agree with @Berrie we had a boat that size many years ago and we just gave up on towing an it lived in a wet slip it was too much work to do by myself towing to launch and retrieve. The best advice I can give on driving is everything just takes a little longer to happen so when docking or turning in tight quarters start you move a little earlier then you would of before and more boat the more its effected by currents and winds in slow speed maneuvers so you quickly learn how to use those to your advantage versus trying to fight them.

Lol. The first time me and @jayasaki138 towed it from north carolina using his truck I decided right then and there that I am going to put this boat in a wet slip for an year till I get myself a powerful diesel. Got the slip now. Will wait till April to put it in the slip and then undergo my training. Good news is that since it is in a slip, I can go there every alternate day and work from my boat ( with a couple of boating breaks thrown in for good measure ) to make up for the lost time in preparation for Bimini crossing.
@Andy S , please update my boat to Polar 2300 WA and Condo to 21J. Thanks
It looks like we may be coming to Bimini in a 35 footer. My friend almost finalized in his purchase here in northern Virginia. In that case we will boat all the way to ft Lauderdale from Virginia and come to Bimini. After Bimini we boat it all the way up to Canada. The next few months is going to be interesting. Fingers crossed he buys the boat :)
It looks like we may be coming to Bimini in a 35 footer. My friend almost finalized in his purchase here in northern Virginia. In that case we will boat all the way to ft Lauderdale from Virginia and come to Bimini. After Bimini we boat it all the way up to Canada. The next few months is going to be interesting. Fingers crossed he buys the boat :)

Now I know who's boat I'll trail on the way! Nice!!!
Christie Moore has registered to captain Moore 2 Sea with a crew of 3 adults and 1 children. They hail from the home port of Key West, FL.

The crew is described as: Our boats name is Moore 2 Sea we have a 2016 Sportsman Center Council, we have lived in Key West 6 year and Puerto Rico for 2, we love to fish. We are avid boaters, Our boat Captain is a boat Mechanic for the USCG. We will be traveling with our 6 yr old daughter and very excited about this trip.

You can register for the event using the form at
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-june-25th-to-30th.8/respond for June 25th to 30th
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-july-9th-to-14th.6/respond for July 9th to 14th
@tim h
Haha Apparently I need to fix how I spell Console!!! My hubs seems to be the pro in our family... Wish there was lobstering season when we are going over, but down here we use a snare to catch them. Fishing now I was reading rules and only 6 rod/ reels per boat my hubs is not going to have a fun time with that!!! We are trying to get fishing spots for over there, since we have never been.


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So spparently the cpb just came out with a new app to schedule your float plan and check back in on arrival back into the country I just downloaded it but have not had a chance to play with it yet to see if it’s active and functioning yet. Could save hours of on hold time on return.