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Need to update other trip thread and give a brief explanation.Sounds like CBP ROAM will greatly improve our return experience!
Well as promised the guys I know plan to depart at 9am in the morning from Miami for Bimini this crew is on skis. the tracking link is below it should go live around 9am.
@Valerie Well, if you guys do not get a golf cart, try walking back to the ferry - the beach on that side of the north island is simply breathtakingly beautiful, maybe minus some hurricane damaged properties along the 2(?)mile stretch.We may as well.
@Girlfriend I think this is Kristians groupWell as promised the guys I know plan to depart at 9am in the morning from Miami for Bimini this crew is on skis. the tracking link is below it should go live around 9am.
Nothing on the tracker yet.....Well as promised the guys I know plan to depart at 9am in the morning from Miami for Bimini this crew is on skis. the tracking link is below it should go live around 9am.
@swatski walking there would be ok, it’s the walk back that I’m pretty sure people would be dropping like flies Lol
@Bruce I would like officially request these same perimeters for the june crossing. I searched the forum but I can't find the appropriate " dead calm seas" request form.The crossing forecast is excellent. Less than one foot waves, very long periods between them and low wind. It should be an easy crossing. The forecast improved greatly overnight.
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