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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

They're past the halfway point now. Seems like a very smooth crossing!
Hmmmm.... They stopped, now the SPOT is no longer transmitting. I wonder what's happening.

UPDATE: They're moving again.
is that spot device they are using a month to month plan and not a year long contract?
I think you can go either way, however there is an activation fee to incentivize annual subscription
just saw where cabelas has an inreach for $199.00.. Still have to get a subscription but you can do one month at a time for like 34 bucks.. I did some research on the spot device that is cheaper to purchase but the plan in crazy... and they had A LOT of bad reviews for sneaky plan renewal practices. A lot of people were angry about the way they are treated by spot. So for 50 Bucks more i got the inreach
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I think you can go either way, however there is an activation fee to incentivize annual subscription

My experience is that inReach allows for monthly plans but Spot requires annual service. That was the main reason I went with inReach.
Julio123 has registered to captain Azul with a crew of 2 adults and 2 children. They hail from the home port of Key West ;Fl.

The crew is described as:

You can register for the event using the form at
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-june-25th-to-30th.8/respond for June 25th to 30th
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-july-9th-to-14th.6/respond for July 9th to 14th

Julio, what kind of boat do you have...I'll add it to the "Makes" list so you can list it in your profile.
Any news from these guys how the crossing was? Looking at the forecast and time they made it must have been pretty good.

Yeah they made it. They had a delayed start as one of the skis was throwing an error code but decided to go for it any ways somewhere during the crossing the code stopped going off. They said it was 2-3 ft chop on the crossing. They are hopping to enjoy the next two days as it looks like on Monday things start to turn rough for a few days over there. They are just hopping that all passes before their return.
Yeah they made it. They had a delayed start as one of the skis was throwing an error code but decided to go for it any ways somewhere during the crossing the code stopped going off. They said it was 2-3 ft chop on the crossing. They are hopping to enjoy the next two days as it looks like on Monday things start to turn rough for a few days over there. They are just hopping that all passes before their return.
Aww 2-3 ft chop...thats cute. Says everyone who made the the 2017 crossing.
Aww 2-3 ft chop...thats cute. Says everyone who made the the 2017 crossing.

Don't you mean awe man I wish we had that weather lol.
An pic of the people being lead on into the water for 2017 Bimini run.
Well I saw some video of their crossing tonight and it looked like they for sure had some great conditions. It didn't appear to even be 2-3 ft but I do know video is never really the best way to judge conditions but I def didn't see any kind of white caps or anything crazy. Another group is leaving in the morning I will see if I can get their tracking link as well.

Just checked the weather and their forecasted crossing for the morning looks great but man does it take a turn for the worse Monday after noon with a forecast of 20+ mph winds the rest of the week. That return crossing doesn't look fun if the forecast holds.