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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

They have another nice forecast for the return.

The northernly waves and the easterly wind will be confused but the wind to their backs should help to push them home.


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They have another nice forecast for the return.

The northernly waves and the easterly wind will be confused but the wind to their backs should help to push them home.

This is another group crossing. These groups return on May 4th and May 5th
This is another group crossing. These groups return on May 4th and May 5th

Monday and Friday the 4th have terribly dangerous forecasts. The 5th is the first reasonable return date after tomorrow.

Even the forecast in Bimini is unpleasant between the 30th and 5th.

Concerningly the Bimini Weather Station is down which typically reduces forecast accuracy.


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Monday and Friday the 4th have terribly dangerous forecasts. The 5th is the first reasonable return date after tomorrow.

Even the forecast in Bimini is unpleasant between the 30th and 5th.

Concerningly the Bimini Weather Station is down which typically reduces forecast accuracy.

I agree the Monday through Thursday forecasts are all ones I would seriously consider skipping. It may have even been a tough call for me to leave tomorrow morning knowing that was the forecast for this coming week as it probably will not be a great week there to get around and see things and the water will likely be very churned up making snorkeling and diving not so hot as well.
Looks like they got a late start but almost there now they had a little slower pace with a better forecast then the other crew hopefully no issues.
Looks like they got a late start but almost there now they had a little slower pace with a better forecast then the other crew hopefully no issues.
The forecast the morning of the 27th had lower winds that were more inline with the direction of the waves than this morning. The slower pace is understandable.


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The forecast the morning of the 27th had lower winds that were more inline with the direction of the waves than this morning. The slower pace is understandable.

I never looked at the forecast today just last night so it looks like it changed from then yes you are correct the shorter period would have made for a much bumpier ride which is the major factor on ski speed for sure even in small conditions. Last year on the Abaco trip we hit a 50 mile section that was probably only 1.5 ft wave but the period had to be 3 seconds or less and I swear it was the worst 50 miles I have had crossing and that includes 2015. On a ski it was brutal at about a 20mph pace the boats could have easily plowed through it at 35 mph.
I guess you are keeping the boat for one more trip ;)
We are looking for 1 or (preferably) 2 people to take the master in our condo for the June trip
Right now there are 3 of us booked in 14J if anyone is interested
I guess you are keeping the boat for one more trip ;)
We just moved to AZ for my job, and we're not using the boat much as you can imagine. We mentioned Bimini, and much to my surprise I can take 2wks off during the June crossing, so we're gonna try to make it again
We just moved to AZ for my job, and we're not using the boat much as you can imagine. We mentioned Bimini, and much to my surprise I can take 2wks off during the June crossing, so we're gonna try to make it again
You might get the award for the longest tow on the June trip.