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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Are we going to arrange a potluck lunch for the June Trip? It was really nice to all hang out on the beach last year.
Are we going to arrange a potluck lunch for the June Trip? It was really nice to all hang out on the beach last year.
Yes we are, probably on Tuesday. I was going to wait until later in May to start the conversation.
have a feeling some of this trip will have to be recalled by photos and video........:devilhorns::devilhorns::devilhorns:
I suggest that everyone bring a small pack of frozen squid, double or triple bagged in zip locks, for feeding to the rays. It doubles as bait and entertainment for the whole crew.

This is my all time favorite thing to do
I could go every day
It’s very entertaining to watch people’s reactions to them
I especially like when the nurse sharks come over for food6C2B0B8B-DA6D-48DE-BA1A-BFE9DDA1933F.jpeg
@Valerie, very cool pic!

I have discouraged feeding the nurse sharks since a couple of guys lost skin in 2016.
When I hug them they get really annoyed and swim away
“I will name him George, and I will hug him and squeeze him.....”
Nurse sharks really can’t hurt you unless you stick your finger in their mouth.

But when the tigers and bulls come to play .........
This is my all time favorite thing to do
I could go every day
It’s very entertaining to watch people’s reactions to them
I especially like when the nurse sharks come over for foodView attachment 73357
Where is this Valerie ? I want to take the kids here.
Honeymoon harbor
The first time I was there we were in a group chatting and there was a shark coming straight at us
It took everything not to take the skinny girl that was next to me and place her in the path of the shark
After I realized it was a nurse shark I chased after it
I really do love and respect animals and am grateful for moments like this
Says the girl who has skunks and flying squirrels as pets :p