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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

@Amar Nanduri, be careful with yout minivan in the shallows at Honeymoon Harbor.
@Amar Nanduri, be careful with yout minivan in the shallows at Honeymoon Harbor.
It will most probably be a monster van @Bruce
My friend is setting his eyes on a 35 footer and we will all end up coming in that monster.
I should seriously get myself a jetboat as a second boat. I will be missing out on quite some fun this year :(
@Amar Nanduri, be careful with yout minivan in the shallows at Honeymoon Harbor.

What is the depth there? And is Navionics a reliable source there?
As long as there's not much wind I am good feeling my way through with my depthfinder, but of course it would be better to follow a smaller boat relying on their depthfinder.
At idle speed and the drives down, I need about 36". Moving the drives up a little I can shave about 8" off, but that's about it.
@Berrie, @tim h gets his boat in and out without problem. The big issue is to watch out for the rocks that are all over the entrances and the change of the tide. Unless you have crew to walk the boat in and out you may want to anchor in deeper water and swim in.

This is the area on Navionics

This is my boat and a friends seventy footer in a deeper area of Honeymoon Harbor.

What is the depth there? And is Navionics a reliable source there?
As long as there's not much wind I am good feeling my way through with my depthfinder, but of course it would be better to follow a smaller boat relying on their depthfinder.
At idle speed and the drives down, I need about 36". Moving the drives up a little I can shave about 8" off, but that's about it.

It's not to bad you should be able to get fairly close to shore but as @Bruce mentioned you have to watch the rocks and look out for wind shifts. In 2015 I had to grab a line from @tim h boat and pull him off some rocks just before he hit them I can't remember if his anchor came loose or the wind shifted.
@robert843, do you know what is happening with the return of those ski groups? The forecast is pretty terrible, likely life threatening, until Sunday afternoon.


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@robert843, do you know what is happening with the return of those ski groups? The forecast is pretty terrible, likely life threatening, until Sunday afternoon.

I do not. The pics I saw today all looked land based so I'm guessing its starting to get rough over there. I'm sure they are playing it day by day right now. Several of them rode across two up if they attempt to cross back on the scheduled days hopefully the fly those riders home.
I hope one the boxes has adult diapers. He is going to need when his bow is pointing towards the heavens.

Nah @bronze_10 is a trooper I watched him take a 4 foot wake over the bow soaking everyone in the boat like a champ last year on the run form Myrtle Beach to Charleston .
Nah @bronze_10 is a trooper I watched him take a 4 foot wake over the bow soaking everyone in the boat like a champ last year on the run form Myrtle Beach to Charleston .

Well that happened twice then, because @bronze_10 and I were running about forty down the ICW fairly close together and for some reason I had to turned sharply and threw a boat covering wave over. I felt terrible because there was a lot of wet clothes on his boat but @bronze_10 himself was dripping :jimlad: