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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Fortunately it looks like they are still in Bimini.

It sounds like they flew some of the ladies back today and they intend at this time to do the return crossing tomorrow. The forecast is still pretty rough I'm guessing they are going to try and wait till the afternoon.

SATURDAY Along the coast, east northeast winds 10 to 15 knots becoming southeast in the afternoon. In the Gulf Stream, east southeast winds 15 to 20 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet with occasional seas to 8 feet subsiding to 2 to 4 feet with occasional seas to 5 feet in the afternoon. Period 7 seconds. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. Showers likely and a slight chance of thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon.
Got another package today..
20180504_151945.jpg it had a unique address name
20180504_152134.jpg any guesses who sent it? I'm not gonna say but it starts with a v and ends with a eedubtech
Eleven to two tomorrow appears to be the best weather window before Monday. I still would not recommend crossing in it.


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It sounds like they flew some of the ladies back today and they intend at this time to do the return crossing tomorrow. The forecast is still pretty rough I'm guessing they are going to try and wait till the afternoon.

SATURDAY Along the coast, east northeast winds 10 to 15 knots becoming southeast in the afternoon. In the Gulf Stream, east southeast winds 15 to 20 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet with occasional seas to 8 feet subsiding to 2 to 4 feet with occasional seas to 5 feet in the afternoon. Period 7 seconds. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. Showers likely and a slight chance of thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon.

It will still be very rough tomorrow, even in the afternoon.
@Berrie, that is the beach forecast something more offshore seems to be more accurate for the crossing.
During my trip to Abaco last year I compared Windfinder and Windy, and found Windfinder to be far more accurate than Windy. And I mean like Windfinder predicting 2', Windy predicting 4', actual being 2 - 2.5'.
I know they all supposedly pull from NOAA, but have just had more luck with Windfinder, even though it doesn't give Gulf stream predictions.

@DieselCamel I do like the graphic map app you posted, which one is that? Any experience with accuracy?
25C1C9A5-A8C8-4C2F-9548-F2E8A0129C7D.png I have only been using it for a few months but it’s has a bunch of different models you can look at. It’s called Ventusky
It has been confirmed the planned departure is tomorrow at aprox 10 am here is the second tracking link should be an interesting ride.
Bigger balls then me. I wish the luck and a safe crossing
@robert843, do you know if they have filed float plans? It would be nice for the Coast Guard to know how many vessels and lives they are fishing for.

@Berrie, @DieselCamel, I wish there was a buoy in the area so that we could use it to compare accuracy of predictions to reality.

I predict that the skis will report 10 foot plus seas regardless of whether they are 3’ or 6’.
@robert843, do you know if they have filed float plans? It would be nice for the Coast Guard to know how many vessels and lives they are fishing for.

@Berrie, @DieselCamel, I wish there was a buoy in the area so that we could use it to compare accuracy of predictions to reality.

I predict that the skis will report 10 foot plus seas regardless of whether they are 3’ or 6’.

I agree I expect to hear 8-10 foot seas it almost always feels worse to most then it is out there. I have heard that 6-8ft number even thrown around on here from last year and 2015 and I know for sure 2015 was only 2-3ft with maybe the occasional 4ft wave but I probably only saw 2 or 3 of those thrown in. The videos of last years trip I have seen look about the same but looks like a tighter period but haven't seen any video yet showing anything that even close to 8ft yet.
It would be nice. In my limited experience living on the coast now for a year these forecast are all ish. As it has called for lake like calm conditions and you get out there and you see white caps. I have about every app available. So the more trips I make the more I learn about the forecasts. In my experience it’s hardly ever dead on.
I agree I expect to hear 8-10 foot seas it almost always feels worse to most then it is out there. I have heard that 6-8ft number even thrown around on here from last year and 2015 and I know for sure 2015 was only 2-3ft with maybe the occasional 4ft wave but I probably only saw 2 or 3 of those thrown in. The videos of last years trip I have seen look about the same but looks like a tighter period but haven't seen any video yet showing anything that even close to 8ft yet.

If some of theses forecasts hold true the might see some 6 footers
Fuel would be my biggest concern. Refueling will suck if they have a need. As slow as we ran in 2015 I was still able to make it on a single tank with a supercharged Seadoo which has smaller tank. Not going to be fun but it’s manageable. An absolute no go 2up. They should know in first 30 if it’s possible or not.
Ok so apparently the group is all split up on this. 5 skis will be attempting the crossing tomorrow this will be their link 7 skis have decided to hold out till Sunday this is their link and another 5 skis are holding out till Monday I do not have any links to this crew at this time.
The videos of last years trip I have seen look about the same but looks like a tighter period but haven't seen any video yet showing anything that even close to 8ft yet.

no idea what the actual height from last was but the were a couple of times where from about 100feet all I could see was @Bruce's bimini top and myabe a feet or two of the poles. No actual boat, no human heads that were sitting on the cockpit.
no idea what the actual height from last was but the were a couple of times where from about 100feet all I could see was @Bruce's bimini top and myabe a feet or two of the poles. No actual boat, no human heads that were sitting on the cockpit.

Well @Betik it is more difficult to see for vertically challenged people... LOL :D:D:D
no idea what the actual height from last was but the were a couple of times where from about 100feet all I could see was @Bruce's bimini top and myabe a feet or two of the poles. No actual boat, no human heads that were sitting on the cockpit.

I went out in 6' rollers once. Made me sick when we stopped but threw anchor and went to shore. Boat and bimini were disappearing behind the waves. So 6' makes visibility impossible.