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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

You'll have another one there by Saturday @bronze_10 I couldn't remember your last name, hope you like what I came up with ;)
Well one of the jet ski crews is supposed to leave tomorrow I have not heard yet if the have changed their return day the link to check and possibly follow them home tomorrow is below so is the last forecast I saw.


FRIDAY East northeast winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 30 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet with occasional seas to 8 feet. Period 5 seconds. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. A chance of showers in the afternoon.
Well one of the jet ski crews is supposed to leave tomorrow I have not heard yet if the have changed their return day the link to check and possibly follow them home tomorrow is below so is the last forecast I saw.


FRIDAY East northeast winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 30 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet with occasional seas to 8 feet. Period 5 seconds. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. A chance of showers in the afternoon.
Wow, they are nuts crossing back tomorrow. Following wind and seas, yes, but 5' @ 5 seconds will be brutal. They'll be at great risk of running out of fuel as well.
I seriously doubt anyone in their right mind would try to cross in this. CADB12EF-5292-430C-B35D-C78DA8FBF208.png
Well one of the jet ski crews is supposed to leave tomorrow I have not heard yet if the have changed their return day the link to check and possibly follow them home tomorrow is below so is the last forecast I saw.


FRIDAY East northeast winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 30 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet with occasional seas to 8 feet. Period 5 seconds. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. A chance of showers in the afternoon.

Fortunately it looks like they are still in Bimini.