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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I can make this even sillier..... my dad will be waiting for me at the airport so we can drive straight back to Texas. I need to be back at work on Wednesday.

@Betik, if you really want to have some fun and a story to tell I'll let you ride on the back of my ski. It should make for an entire new essay :D
@Berrie I thought about it, but the ticket to fly back and forth from Dallas is like $450. I can make the trip for $175 on fuel.
We are looking for 1 or (preferably) 2 people to take the master in our condo for the June trip
Right now there are 3 of us booked in 14J if anyone is interested

@Ramblin Wreck did you ever figure out your accommodations or were you staying with Tim?
@Ramblin Wreck did you ever figure out your accommodations or were you staying with Tim?

That's funny you ask because my plans are changing as I found out today that Brittany and Josie will be able to make it. They had a beach trip with her mom planned for this week, but it's getting pushed back to later in the summer so they'll get to come. Figuring that piece out now.
That's funny you ask because my plans are changing as I found out today that Brittany and Josie will be able to make it. They had a beach trip with her mom planned for this week, but it's getting pushed back to later in the summer so they'll get to come. Figuring that piece out now.
All three going on the ski? Lol
I can make this even sillier..... my dad will be waiting for me at the airport so we can drive straight back to Texas. I need to be back at work on Wednesday.

Are you hauling loads along the way?

You sure are living up to being the “Crazy Greek”!!!!
My bank account is screaming for this trip to get here...

Don't worry it will continue to scream while you're there when you fill up with their $5 per gallon gas. The only difference is you'll be so happy you want care.
Don't worry it will continue to scream while you're there when you fill up with their $5 per gallon gas. The only difference is you'll be so happy you want care.
I'm buying oars; we plan on paddling everywhere.
I’ve been consumed with actions outside of the forum latley..being to lazy to scour over the theeads....have i missed anything on the shirt orders?

45 days! I need to get my boat back together !!! Uggggggg
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I’ve been consumed with actions outside of the forum latley..being to lazy to scour over the theeads....have i missed anything on the shirt orders?

45 days! I need to out my boat back together !!! Uggggggg

No you haven't missed anything regarding shirts. I confirmed yesterday the shirts I ordered to ensure quality was on par were completed and should ship to me today. Once I look over the shirts, I'll start a new thread along with order and payment info. More to come very soon...