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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

I think I saw @Drift Away 's boat in one of those scenes....
Come on, you know i can see these comments. Hurts my feelings lol. And this is my theme song. " Wave after wave slowly drifting" " I can see the sands on the horizon".
Come on, you know i can see these comments. Hurts my feelings lol. And this is my theme song. " Wave after wave slowly drifting" " I can see the sands on the horizon".
well at least this year you know fuel will not be an issue :cool:
I cant believe how quiet the board is and we are only 44 days out......whats goin on here?????
Getting excited for this trip. Valerie tells me this is an awesome group! Can’t wait to meet and ride with everyone!
we are going to have smooth seas, sunny skies and bug free evenings by the pool!!!:cool: And tons of pictures to show for it!:snaphappy:
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Come on, you know i can see these comments. ".

No, I though @username was souposed to allow some to speak behind usename's back. Oh well

Truth to be told if there was a jetboat on the scene there was Lakeboys. Too bad I have not seen him a while. I was really hoping he would do a write up, regardless how painful and embarrassing.
No, I though @username was souposed to allow some to speak behind usename's back. Oh well

Truth to be told if there was a jetboat on the scene there was Lakeboys. Too bad I have not seen him a while. I was really hoping he would do a write up, regardless how painful and embarrassing.
Big guy i dont understand what the hell your trying to say
required training prior to the crossing

So this releases in June I say we go ahead and make a plan to see it while in Ft Lauderdale the day before departure I think it could be a good time.
Do I guys know how often I check this page? And no one says anything for long periods! How am I gonna make it to the end of june like that?
Do I guys know how often I check this page? And no one says anything for long periods! How am I gonna make it to the end of june like that?

By carrying yourself on the Hilton Head Run!
Do I guys know how often I check this page? And no one says anything for long periods! How am I gonna make it to the end of june like that?
I check the page at least 2 times per day
Anyone bringing a Drone? What are the rules about them there?
Big guy i dont understand what the hell your trying to say

I guess if you have to explain, it is not funny :(

the username reference is on your comment about being to see what is being said. Especially when you get tagged

you are run out of fuel when you could see Bimini, @Julian found @Lakeboy 20 miles east of bimini. On the movie, the sailtboat is drifting in the middle of the pacific not in sight of HI.
I guess if you have to explain, it is not funny :(

the username reference is on your comment about being to see what is being said. Especially when you get tagged

you are run out of fuel when you could see Bimini, @Julian found @Lakeboy 20 miles east of bimini. On the movie, the sailtboat is drifting in the middle of the pacific not in sight of HI.
To be accurate, the coastguard helicopter found Lakeboy.... Then flew to us, then back to them and waited above them until we arrived with gas.
Anyone bringing a Drone? What are the rules about them there?

Yes I plan to bring one. There is a process to go through to get permission to bring it and fly it from the Bahamas Flight ministry. I have the direct email posted somewhere on here as to who to email to get it.
@bronze_10, @Gadiel, can you find yourselves in the top visitors list?

I seem to have slipped to 15th place.

Number 1 seems to be from St. Louis.


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At least yall get to go this year... June next year cant come fast enough. Bimini wont fit into our busy schedule this summer :/
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