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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

***Sneak Peak***

I'm in the process of moving so I had the shirts sent to my mother-in-law's house in order to try and prevent shipping issues. With that said, I haven't gotten my hands on them to confirm quality but here's a sample of a few colors I had printed. It's not the best quality pic but here's what my father-in-law's phone captured. The lime green is a men's shirt, the gray is a women's shirt, & the pink is a youth. I'll get them Sunday and shortly after provide much more detail and an opportunity to order. I'm optimistic based on the sneak peak. Hope y'all like them and again I'll get more detail (colors, price, etc.) out and answer any questions in a few days. I just want to make sure they are right first.
Without sounding too much like a girl...
I want a PINK one!!! Lol
The lime green is a men's shirt, the gray isa women's shirt, & the pink is a youth.

Bravo they look Awesome!!! Thank you for spearheading and love the logo choice, but the color gender selections above are just for samples right? Not sure how I feel about all our youth boys running around in pink! Lol
Well @Andy S and I will think about you guys today while we do our 340 mile round trip Bimini prep run. The crew Start up at Lake Moultrie SC and travel all the way to Hilton Head weather is shapping up to be nice. Below is Andy's link to follow along he should be live around 8:30am

The lime green is a men's shirt, the gray isa women's shirt, & the pink is a youth.

Bravo they look Awesome!!! Thank you for spearheading and love the logo choice, but the color gender selections above are just for samples right? Not sure how I feel about all our youth boys running around in pink! Lol

Correct they are samples colors. Every size will have the same color options. Also pic quality is not good so I’ll get some better pics this weekend.
Well @Andy S and I will think about you guys today while we do our 340 mile round trip Bimini prep run. The crew Start up at Lake Moultrie SC and travel all the way to Hilton Head weather is shapping up to be nice. Below is Andy's link to follow along he should be live around 8:30am


They turned around halfway across the lake. What happened?
I am getting a little Bimini practice in as well. We have a large family reunion this weekend. This is practice for the July Bimini Fling.....

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I guess everyone is doing bimini prep this weekend. I just delivered 2 skis in Arizona and rushing back home to make it for my 6 years old piano recital .

@Andy S i will make sure to bring enough baklava for you and crew to keep the spirits up while drifting towards Iceland :D
On serious note: hope it is an easy fix​


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Had a Great day on the lake with @justason and his wife... Explored a new lake.. Went swimmimg. Had a wonderful time picking their brains about bimini...

@Valerie how many days? We need an official count down!
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