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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Makng it easier for rte95 to mess up the boat!!!
Bimini-41 !!
I may have missed this but are we planning a group meal pool side during this week?

Typically those are held on a beach somewhere.

Flies like to involve themselves with food around the pool.
So @Andy S and I were talking this weekend and we are getting close enough we figured we should start working on putting crossing groups together. Wanted to try and get a little info first to make sure we get this all correct. First I don't see @Cjtita @STEVE garman @Gofish206 @Douglas Lackey and @DiverB (I know you are still working out details Diver B) having a unit updated and booked on the first page I'm sure some of you do and it just never got updated but just wanted to verify you were going before assigning you guys to groups. Right now I have @justason @tim h @jayasaki138 @Julian and @Amar Nanduri all planing for a Sunday crossing as a group and I have everyone else listed as a Monday crossing pending weather if this isn't correct just let me know thanks! Also who planing on the Monday crossing has a fixed mounted VHF and antenna as we are hoping to try and put at least one boat with this in each crossing group? Also any requests to be partnered up with another boat let @Andy S or I know @ThatJeepGuy I think we got yours.
Yesterday I made a trail run in my minivan (150+ miles overall at one go) and pretty confident that it will take me and my crew to Bimini and back in one piece. It’s too bad that it is a backup boat as my friend wants to use his boat first (monster van) for the Bimini trip if he can get it transported to Florida before 2nd week of June.
We have a fixed vhf and antenna
I have fixed vhf and antenna
I called BoatUS insurance today to add Bahama Extension to my Polar 23ft boat they said they are not able to add it to my policy due to the boat is less than 26 ft. what are the other options? Allstate? what is the Allstate coverage?

I was able to add Bahama Extension to my 21ft boat last year.
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Allstate is funky it says up to 100 miles off the coast of the US but there are mixed responses on here some saying their agents saying they are not covered in Bahamas waters and some saying they are. I have Allstate and still don't know the true answer but I have to imagine if they are going to cover me in international water 100 miles offshore I can't see why Bahamian water is any different.
Check out Foremost insurance.
I have State Farm and it specifically says in the policy it includes the Bahamas.
I called BoatUS insurance today to add Bahama Extension to my Polar 23ft boat they said they are not able to add it to my policy due to the boat is less than 26 ft. what are the other options? Allstate? what is the Allstate coverage?

I was able to add Bahama Extension to my 21ft boat last year.
I have AllState..coverage extends 100 miles offshore and the agent specifically said it makes no difference if the boat is in bahama waters as long as I am below 100 miles offshore.
I have AllState..coverage extends 100 miles offshore and the agent specifically said it makes no difference if the boat is in bahama waters as long as I am below 100 miles offshore.
Ahh .The old insurance debate... When I called alstate they said no to foreign waters period.. Maybe becuaee I wasn't already a customer.

I ended up going with state farm after @AndyD hooked me up with his agent. The wording in the statement specifically cover bahamas and surrounding waters..
Anything north of the 23rd, south of the 27th and west of the 75th!

There may be cheaper ones but it was very reasonable. And there was no question as to if I was going to be covered. Some say anything within 100 miles but when I called they said no the bahamas period and were not interested in talking any further about it even when I said they already cover people I know. Maybe no new customers, I don't know. State farm hooked me up though!
So @Andy S and I were talking this weekend and we are getting close enough we figured we should start working on putting crossing groups together. Wanted to try and get a little info first to make sure we get this all correct. First I don't see @Cjtita @STEVE garman @Gofish206 @Douglas Lackey and @DiverB (I know you are still working out details Diver B) having a unit updated and booked on the first page I'm sure some of you do and it just never got updated but just wanted to verify you were going before assigning you guys to groups. Right now I have @justason @tim h @jayasaki138 @Julian and @Amar Nanduri all planing for a Sunday crossing as a group and I have everyone else listed as a Monday crossing pending weather if this isn't correct just let me know thanks! Also who planing on the Monday crossing has a fixed mounted VHF and antenna as we are hoping to try and put at least one boat with this in each crossing group? Also any requests to be partnered up with another boat let @Andy S or I know @ThatJeepGuy I think we got yours.

I have a fixed mount
So @Andy S and I were talking this weekend and we are getting close enough we figured we should start working on putting crossing groups together. Wanted to try and get a little info first to make sure we get this all correct. First I don't see @Cjtita @STEVE garman @Gofish206 @Douglas Lackey and @DiverB (I know you are still working out details Diver B) having a unit updated and booked on the first page I'm sure some of you do and it just never got updated but just wanted to verify you were going before assigning you guys to groups. Right now I have @justason @tim h @jayasaki138 @Julian and @Amar Nanduri all planing for a Sunday crossing as a group and I have everyone else listed as a Monday crossing pending weather if this isn't correct just let me know thanks! Also who planing on the Monday crossing has a fixed mounted VHF and antenna as we are hoping to try and put at least one boat with this in each crossing group? Also any requests to be partnered up with another boat let @Andy S or I know @ThatJeepGuy I think we got yours.

I have a fixed VHF and antenna. Planning to cross Monday unless weather forecast is better Sunday (arriving Ft Lauderdale Saturday).