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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

Does anyone have a list of key places with GPS coordinates so I can enter them into my chartplotter.

Maps will be handed out at the captains meeting. I do not publish coordinates online beyond what is in the Preparing for Bimini thread out of respect for the locals who make a living from those coordinates.
I like the concept of small groups within our big group for crossing. Smaller groups are easier for folks in that group to keep track of each other and slower boats don't slow down the big group, only their small group.

Assuming Sunday and Monday's conditions are both favorable for crossing, here is what @robert843 and I have come up with groups for the crossing. The folks that have mentioned they are going to leave on Sunday, I'm leaving it up to you to cross in whatever groups you see fit.

For the folks leaving on Monday, the first person in the group has prior Bimini experience and the groups will leave from the Bahia Mar in the order their group number, about 5 to 10 minutes apart.

The groups are not hard and fast so if I missed something, please let me know and I will make the change.

@tim h
@Amar Nanduri

Group 1

@Andy S

Group 2
@Christie Moore
Sara Hill

Group 3
@Bryan Martini

Group 4
@STEVE garman
@Douglas Lackey

Group 5
Sunday crossers; @tim h, @jayasaki138, @Julian, @justason, @Amar Nanduri, @Valerie, @Girlfriend there is a minimum 15 vessel requirement to get customs and immigration to Bimini Sands so I suggest that you clear at Big Game Club on arrival.

@Andy S, I will request that customs and immigration be at Bimini Sands on June 25th. I assume you are targeting a 06:00 departure from Bahia Mar with perhaps an 09:00 arrival at Bimini Sands?
Sunday crossers; @tim h, @jayasaki138, @Julian, @justason, @Amar Nanduri, @Valerie, @Girlfriend there is a minimum 15 vessel requirement to get customs and immigration to Bimini Sands so I suggest that you clear at Big Game Club on arrival.

@Andy S, I will request that customs and immigration be at Bimini Sands on June 25th. I assume you are targeting a 06:00 departure from Bahia Mar with perhaps an 09:00 arrival at Bimini Sands?
Yes that is correct on the departure/arrival times. Thanks!
Sunday crossers; @tim h, @jayasaki138, @Julian, @justason, @Amar Nanduri, @Valerie, @Girlfriend there is a minimum 15 vessel requirement to get customs and immigration to Bimini Sands so I suggest that you clear at Big Game Club on arrival.

@Andy S, I will request that customs and immigration be at Bimini Sands on June 25th. I assume you are targeting a 06:00 departure from Bahia Mar with perhaps an 09:00 arrival at Bimini Sands?
Do you think that is easier than jumping in a cab to the airport (which is what I did last year)
Do you think that is easier than jumping in a cab to the airport (which is what I did last year)

That depends on timing. If an airplane has taken off anywhere and is inbound to the airport you will have to wait until that plane's passengers clear before you can. This has often resulted in an hour or more wait to begin clearing when groups have gone to the airport.

I have cleared at the airport twice, Bimini Sands once and Big Game Club once. It was easiest at Bimini Sands. Clearing at Big Game Club was much faster than the airport despite the walk to the pink building to clear immigration after clearing customs on site.

The lack of need of ground transport is also a benefit at Big Game Club. Your crew can use the bathrooms there while you clear and I suggest taking them drinks from the ship store.
I have State Farm and it specifically says in the policy it includes the Bahamas.

@AndyD, When you buy your State Farm policy do you have to tell your agent that you want to cover Bahama? I talked to a State Farm agent this morning, and she is not sure the boat coverage will cover Bahama. Is your agent able to sell the State Farm policy cross state? Can you PM his number? thanks.
@AndyD, When you buy your State Farm policy do you have to tell your agent that you want to cover Bahama? I talked to a State Farm agent this morning, and she is not sure the boat coverage will cover Bahama. Is your agent able to sell the State Farm policy cross state? Can you PM his number? thanks.
I use the same agent and I told her specifically that I want coverage in the bahamas. She wasn't sure until she went and looked up the policys. She sent me mine as stated in the insurance section.
@AndyD, When you buy your State Farm policy do you have to tell your agent that you want to cover Bahama? I talked to a State Farm agent this morning, and she is not sure the boat coverage will cover Bahama. Is your agent able to sell the State Farm policy cross state? Can you PM his number? thanks.

I'll look for my policy later...but right on the start of the policy is a "rider" that is termed (something like) FHS-1234 : foreign waters coverage....lemme email my agent and ask for my policy....
@AndyD, When you buy your State Farm policy do you have to tell your agent that you want to cover Bahama? I talked to a State Farm agent this morning, and she is not sure the boat coverage will cover Bahama. Is your agent able to sell the State Farm policy cross state? Can you PM his number? thanks.
I don’t recall specifically inquiring about Bahamas or any coastal coverage but when I started researching last year I realized my paperwork included a specific addendum clarifying Bahamas coverage. I’m sure you can use that form number and see if your local State Farm agent would include it for you. I’ll also PM you my agents info. Photo attached.
I'll look for my policy later...but right on the start of the policy is a "rider" that is termed (something like) FHS-1234 : foreign waters coverage....lemme email my agent and ask for my policy....

EDIT: navigation rider FE-7854.2 I'm getting a copy emailed to me shortly

snip from state farm policy

I like the concept of small groups within our big group for crossing. Smaller groups are easier for folks in that group to keep track of each other and slower boats don't slow down the big group, only their small group.

Assuming Sunday and Monday's conditions are both favorable for crossing, here is what @robert843 and I have come up with groups for the crossing. The folks that have mentioned they are going to leave on Sunday, I'm leaving it up to you to cross in whatever groups you see fit.

For the folks leaving on Monday, the first person in the group has prior Bimini experience and the groups will leave from the Bahia Mar in the order their group number, about 5 to 10 minutes apart.

The groups are not hard and fast so if I missed something, please let me know and I will make the change.

@tim h
@Amar Nanduri

Group 1

@Andy S

Group 2
@Christie Moore
Sara Hill

Group 3
@Bryan Martini

Group 4
@STEVE garman
@Douglas Lackey

Group 5

typically the captains meeting has been held on a Sunday night. I propose a captains meeting for the Sunday group Saturday evening ...in the Bahia mar main level bar.....7pm ?
I like the concept of small groups within our big group for crossing. Smaller groups are easier for folks in that group to keep track of each other and slower boats don't slow down the big group, only their small group.

Assuming Sunday and Monday's conditions are both favorable for crossing, here is what @robert843 and I have come up with groups for the crossing. The folks that have mentioned they are going to leave on Sunday, I'm leaving it up to you to cross in whatever groups you see fit.

For the folks leaving on Monday, the first person in the group has prior Bimini experience and the groups will leave from the Bahia Mar in the order their group number, about 5 to 10 minutes apart.

The groups are not hard and fast so if I missed something, please let me know and I will make the change.

@tim h
@Amar Nanduri

Group 1

@Andy S

Group 2
@Christie Moore
Sara Hill

Group 3
@Bryan Martini

Group 4
@STEVE garman
@Douglas Lackey

Group 5

Man those are some good looking groupings. Well Except that Sunday group what a mess that's going to be I'm kind of little sad I won't be there to see that disaster go down! Also a little concerned with group 3 you sure you want to put all those NC guys together I see nothing but trouble coming out of that group I would bet @Bryan Martini leaves them behind in the first 5 miles and and they wind up in Cuba somewhere with @bronze_10 taking the lead. Lastly how did @Sbrown wind up with the A team I mean I guess if he can't keep up there are four groups behind us he can join once he loses sight of us. It should be fun guys I'm stoked :winkingthumbsup"
When we get to bimini sands it is normal for the customs guys to come running up with ak47s and speak angry Spanish right? I am pretty sure I just hand them my passport!
Lastly how did @Sbrown wind up with the A team
I'm really not sure how to respond to this, there's soooo many options. I guess I'll be nice and go with:
@Andy S probably figures its going to take both of you to keep an eye on me
Sigh... Another three Amazon packages on the porch and another 100 bucks of stuff ordered tonight... Geeess. I'm gonna have to draft @vanmurray during the crossing to save fuel!

I learned the hard way this weekend that it really doesn't help at all but actually hurts to draft in another boats wake. If the customs guys do come running down with AK47's don't forget to start screaming Viva Fidel as they approach.